Virtual Dhamma-Vinaya Vihara

Open monastery, laity practice area- [Öffentliches Kloster, Laienpraxisbereich] (vata assama) => Admirable friend - [Großartiger Freund] kalyanamittata => Topic started by: Dhammañāṇa on December 21, 2017, 10:57:10 PM

Title: Viel getan - Much done - មានឧបការៈច្រើន
Post by: Dhammañāṇa on December 21, 2017, 10:57:10 PM
[⇪Language/Sprache/ភាសា ]


Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammā-sambuddhassa

4. Bahukārasuttaṃ

Has done much

24. "Bhikkhus, these three persons have done much to a person. Which three? Bhikkhus, the person gone to whom this person takes refuge in the Enlightenment, in the Teaching and the Community of bhikkhus.

"Bhikkhus, the person gone to whom this person knows as it really is, this is unpleasant, this is the arising of unpleasantness, this is the cessation of unpleasantness and this is the path leading to the cessation of unpleasantness.

"Again, bhikkhus, the person gone to whom, this person destroys desires, releases the mind and released through wisdom, here and now abides having realized. Bhikkhus, these three persons have done much to this person.

"Bhikkhus, it is not possible that these three persons could be thoroughly repaid with gratitude, by this person revering him, attending on him, clasping hands towards him and honouring him with robes, morsel food, dwellings and medicinal requisites."
Quote from:,s0402m2.mul2_en_uppa.html#an03.24

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammā-sambuddhassa

4. Bahukārasuttaṃ

Viel getan habend

24. "Bhikkhus, diese drei Personen haben viel für eine Person getan. Welche drei? Bhikkhus, die Person, mit (Anregung) welcher eine Person Zuflucht in den Erwachten (Erwachen), in das Dhamma (die Lehre) und die Gemeinschaft der Bhikkhus genommen hat.

"Bhikkhus, die Person, mit (Anregung) welcher eine Person die Wahrheit erkennt, so wie sie tatsächlich ist: "Dies ist Streß. Dieses ist die Ursache von Streß. Dieses ist die Beendigung von Streß. Dieses ist der Pfad der Ausübung, der zur Beendigung von Streß führt."

"Weiters, Bhikkhus, die Person, mit (Anregung) welcher eine Person Verlangen zerstört, Wesensbefreiung und Wissensbefreiung erlangt, im Hier und Jetzt für sich selbst verwirklicht.

"Bhikkhus, diese drei Personen, haben viel für eine Person getan.

"Bhikkhus, es ist schwer möglich, diese drei Personen wahrlich zu vergüten, sei es mit Dankbarkeit, damit sie zu ehren, ihr zu dienen, die Hände gegenüber ihr zu falten, oder sie mit Roben, Almosenspeise, Unterkunft und Medizin zu würdigen."
Quote from:,s0402m2.mul2_en_uppa.html#an03.24

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammā-sambuddhassa

ពហុការសុត្តំ *
ពហុការសូត្រ *
(អ្នកមានឧបការៈច្រើន) *

[២៤] ម្នាលភិក្ខុទាំងឡាយ បុគ្គល (ជាអាចារ្យ) មាន៣ពួកនេះ មានឧបការៈច្រើន ដល់បុគ្គល (ជាសិស្ស)។  បុគ្គល៣ ពួក តើ​ដូចម្ដេច។ ម្នាលភិក្ខុទាំងឡាយ បុគ្គលដល់នូវព្រះពុទ្ធ ជាទីពឹង ដល់នូវព្រះធម៌ ជាទីពឹង ដល់នូវព្រះសង្ឃ ជាទីពឹង ព្រោះ​អាស្រ័យ​បុគ្គល​ណា ម្នាលភិក្ខុទាំងឡាយ បុគ្គលនេះឈ្មោះថា មានឧបការៈច្រើន ដល់បុគ្គលនេះ។ ម្នាលភិក្ខុទាំងឡាយ មួយទៀត បុគ្គល​ដឹងច្បាស់ តាមពិតថា នេះជាទុក្ខ ដឹងច្បាស់តាមពិតថា នេះជាទីកើតឡើងនៃទុក្ខ ដឹងច្បាស់តាមពិតថា នេះជា​សេចក្ដី​រលត់ទៅ​នៃ​ទុក្ខ ដឹងច្បាស់តាមពិតថា នេះបដិបទា ជាដំណើរទៅកាន់ទីរំលត់ទុក្ខ ព្រោះអាស្រ័យបុគ្គលណា ម្នាលភិក្ខុទាំងឡាយ បុគ្គល​នេះ​ហៅ​ថា មានឧបការៈច្រើន ដល់បុគ្គលនេះ។  ម្នាលភិក្ខុទាំងឡាយ មួយទៀត បុគ្គលបាន​ធ្វើឲ្យជាក់​ច្បាស់ សម្រេចនូវចេតោវិមុត្តិ និង​បញ្ញាវិមុត្តិ ដែលមិនមានអាសវៈ ព្រោះអស់ទៅ នៃអាសវៈ​ទាំងឡាយ​ដោយ​ប្រាជ្ញា ដ៏ឧត្ដមដោយខ្លួនឯង ក្នុងបច្ចុប្បន្ននេះ សម្រេច​សម្រាន្ត​នៅ ព្រោះអាស្រ័យបុគ្គលណា ម្នាលភិក្ខុទាំងឡាយ បុគ្គលនេះ ឈ្មោះ​ថា មានឧបការៈច្រើន ដល់បុគ្គលនេះ។  ម្នាល​ភិក្ខុ​ទាំង​ឡាយ បុគ្គល៣ពួកនេះ ឈ្មោះថា មានឧបការៈច្រើន ដល់បុគ្គល។  ម្នាលភិក្ខុទាំងឡាយ មួយទៀត តថាគតពោលថា បុគ្គលឯទៀត មាន​ឧបការៈច្រើន ដល់បុគ្គលនេះ លើសជាងបុគ្គលទាំង៣ ពួកនេះទៅទៀត មិនមានឡើយ។  ម្នាលភិក្ខុទាំងឡាយ មួយវិញទៀត តថាគត​ពោលថា បុគ្គលនេះ មិនងាយនឹងតបគុណ ដល់បុគ្គល ទាំង៣ ពួកនេះ ដោយការថ្វាយបង្គំ ការក្រោកទទួល ការ​ធ្វើ​អញ្ជលិកម្ម សមីចិកម្ម និងការប្រគេនចីវរ បិណ្ឌបាត សេនាសនៈ និងគ្រឿងបរិក្ខារ ជាបច្ច័យដល់អ្នកជម្ងឺបានទេ។
Quote from:,2471.msg10890.html#msg10890
Title: Re: Viel getan - Much done - មានឧបការៈច្រើន
Post by: Dhammañāṇa on November 21, 2020, 06:46:06 PM
Newly translated by Bhante Thanissaro:

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammā-sambuddhassa

Great Benefactors
Bahukāra Sutta
  (AN 3:24)

“Monks, these three persons are one’s great benefactors. Which three?

“The person through whom one has gone to the Buddha for refuge, has gone to the Dhamma for refuge, has gone to the Saṅgha for refuge: This is one’s great benefactor.

“Further, the person through whom one discerns, as it has come to be, that ‘This is stress’… ‘This is the origination of stress’… ‘This is the cessation of stress’… ‘This is the path of practice leading to the cessation of stress’: This is one’s great benefactor.

“Further, the person through whom one—with the ending of effluents—enters & remains in the effluent-free awareness-release & discernment-release, having directly known & realized it for himself right in the here & now: This is one’s great benefactor.

“These three persons, monks, are one’s great benefactors. And I tell you: One has no other benefactor greater than these three. And I tell you, too, that it’s not easy for one to repay these three benefactors by bowing down, by rising up in greeting, by raising one’s hands palm-to-palm in front of the heart, by performing services in line with seniority, or by presenting them with robes, almsfood, lodging, or medicinal requisites used for curing the sick.”
Quote from: