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Downloads: The Tree of Wisdom - by Nargarjuna

The Tree of Wisdom - by Nargarjuna

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  • Created: November 23, 2013, 05:46:52 PM
  • Last accessed: Today at 04:11:51 AM
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The Tree of Wisdom By Nargarjuna Edited and translated by W. L. Campbell [Calcutta, 1919] The She-rab Dong-bu is an ethical treatise written by the illustrious Nargarjuna. Although he is celebrated as one of the most subtle thinkers that Buddhism, and indeed the world, has ever produced, this work is fairly simple and intended for a broad audience. Particularly striking is the nearly rabid misogyny, a feature fully in keeping with the time and place of composition, but one that we might wish not to see in the writing of the grand formulator of the Madhyamika School of philosophy.

The Tree of Wisdom

By Nargarjuna

Edited and translated by W. L. Campbell
[Calcutta, 1919]

The She-rab Dong-bu is an ethical treatise written by the illustrious Nargarjuna. Although he is celebrated as one of the most subtle thinkers that Buddhism, and indeed the world, has ever produced, this work is fairly simple and intended for a broad audience. Particularly striking is the nearly rabid misogyny, a feature fully in keeping with the time and place of composition, but one that we might wish not to see in the writing of the grand formulator of the Madhyamika School of philosophy.

A topic related to the work can be found here:[English] The Tree of Wisdom - by Nargarjuna