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Topic Summary

Posted by: Dhammañāṇa
« on: August 12, 2020, 07:12:23 AM »

Although "urge and force" can be easy a double edged sword, a clear sign, an strong encouragement, even against world's mainsteam, earns a clear Sadhu. Nevertheless it's sad that old common followed tradition needs more and more laws instead of that what was taught at home. Good and very hurtful in the past, that it isn't approved for men to go out into public without cover the upper body (terrible unvirtuose custom everywhere).

Short clothing ban ‘supported’
Posted by: Dhammañāṇa
« on: August 08, 2020, 10:23:24 AM »

Proper dressing is a matter of Sila, an expression of Right Resolve, non-harming, withdraw from inmodesty, conflict-lessness.

One proper dressed, meaning mainly ckean clothes, modest color, not occupying, not "screemin", covering the body, having no holes, demonstrates not only respect but also that he/she has vitures, at least sacrificing time for not-harming, either lifting him/herself nor impress with demonstrative modesty. Like in comparing the different kinds of ascetics, wearing rag clothes, only one set. The first is simply to unskilled to hold and wear proper clothes, the second does it for the sake of gain, the third follow modest modes because praised by the Buddha, the fourth because he does not need more, is content.

Where impressive clothes likes to promote oneself, display worth. Dressed without cover the body, even very shameful parts, put oneself on the marked of fools after low pleasure of sense, provokes to get eaten thinking he/she can gain in advanced, not knowing that there are those out who wouldn't pay even later.

When many different social classes come together, work together, the use of uniforms, similar way of dress in proper way is useful for avoiding not only conflicts but, since no interesting left and right, let focus on the undertakings task, such as schools or if lay people meet in monasteries, making retreats, not to speak of the monks. The impression of unity is also given, yet to equal increases the pride of "we", "equal am I".

Somebody encouraging others to waer proper clothes, keep them clean, teaches how to wear, helps in maintaining... gives clothes where needed, discourages to shamelessness in regard of dress, explains the benefits and disadvantages... a giver of beauty, esteem, honor... such a person can expect to increase his own beauty, esteem, status, vanna.

One should stick by people who encourage to good and one opposing good for what ever pride, greed, out of feeling oppressed, a person advocating not so good for foolish liberal purpose, encourages to shameless appearing and recklessly, not only that he can expect uglyness and lose of honor but hardly ever can gain even an even non-beauty human existance.

So please consider things wise and stick by approving of good, harmless and moral shame protecting and do not go after short pleasures, honor under many but not the good and wise, after politic seeking votes from fools and strong attached.
Posted by: Dhammañāṇa
« on: December 06, 2017, 12:35:06 PM »

... and while writing that being "burdened" remembering that there is again a hole in the robe, now already really at its material end soon... so best to fix that right now and sacrify some days for steaching for dyestuff, pot, wood and sew a new with the rag garment ...  ^-^
... und während das schreibend etwas "geplaht" im Erinnern, daß da wieder ein Loch ist, in der nun wirklich bald am materiellen Ende seienden Robe ist... so also am Besten das gleich zu beheben und die nächsten Tage dafür opfern, nach Färbemittel, Topf, Holz zu suchen und eine neue aus den Fetzenstoffen zu nähen...  ^-^
Posted by: Dhammañāṇa
« on: December 06, 2017, 11:34:21 AM »

[⇪ Language/ Sprache]

Just yesterday my person met 'his' son, now a handsome young man after not having seen his face for good 10 years, involved in a gender-emancipation and pseudo-liberal discussion on a social media. Now here the topic on mindfulness on body in regard of appearance and conduct has become a certain new interesting question for some, here on this place .

There is a modern view that equanimity has priority here, tending to either liberality or certain crunch apporoaches, from naked with tread locks to high decorated and styled.

How does/whould a faithful follower of the Buddha, a householder appear, even in modern world?

What's the ethical aspect behind?

As one might know, the Buddha gave much into how to dress, care... even it was with rags, and not wearing clothes proper, or using wrong, it causes his Bhikkhus falling into wrong doing. Yet it is certain provoking to be dressed in just rags as well. Then there is also the stinginess and improper use of ones wealth being often a point of explaings in the teachings, thinking on designer rags and appearing in real rags even if wealthy.

One might also remember the discussion if it would be better to use a single piece of cloth to cover ones genitals or the alms bowl, as a inspiration for reflection.

So what is actually the aspect of generosity, virture, concentration and wisdom in regard of practicing a proper appearance?

When is cloth and appearance an aspect of liberality (generousity, giving), at which point does it grow, or under which circumstances, is it a matter of virtue (holding, observing), and when and how does it become a matter of meditation an becomes wisdom (penetrating)? Penetrated, how would one be dressed, how would one appear?
Gerade gestern, traff meine Person auf 'seinen' Sohn, nun ein ansehnlicher jubger Mann, sein Gesicht für gut 10, 12 Jahe nicht gesehen, involviert in eine Gender-Emanzipation- und pseudo liberale Diskussion eingebracht. Nun, an anderer Stelle , ist das Thema Achtsamkeit auf den Körper, im Bezug auf Erscheinung und Verhalten ein gewisses neues interessantes Thema und Aspekt der täglichen Ausübung, für manche, geworden.

Da gibt es die moderne Ansicht, daß Gleichmut hier Priorität hat, entweder als liberal oder in gwissen Junk-Aufwartungen erscheinend, von nackt mit Rasterlocken bis hoch geschmückt und gestyled.

Wie würde ein vertrauensvoller Anhänger des Buddhas, ein Haushälter, erscheinen, selbst in der moderenen Welt?

Was ist der ethische Aspekt hinter?

So wie einer wahrscheinlich weis, gab der Buddha viel Bedeutung dahingehend, wie man sich kleiden sollte und herrichten... auch wenn es mit Fetzenstoffen war und nich passend gekleidet zu sein, oder falsche Kleidung zu benutzen verursacht seinen Bhikkhus in Vergehen zu Fallen Nun, zur gleichen Zeit ist es gewiß auch provozierend nur in Fetzenstoffen gekleidet zu sein. Dann ist da auch Geiz und unpassender Gebrauch von Wohlstand, das oft Thema von Lehren ist, and Designer-Fetzenkleidung oder in zerschlissener Kleidung zu erscheinen, selbst wenn wohlhabend.

Einer mag sich zur Inspiration für das Besinnen, auch and die Diskussion erinnern was da besser wäre, sein einziges Stück stoff dazu zu benutzen die Genitalien, oder die Almosenschüssel zu bedecken.

So was ist also der Aspekt von Großzügigkeit, Tugend, Konzentration und Weisheit in der Ausübung der passenden Erscheinung?

Wann ist Kleidung und Erscheinung eine Sache von Freigiebigkeit (Geben), ab welchen Punkt, unter welchen Umständen, wird es zum Askekt von Tugend (Einhalten) und wann und wie zum Gegenstand der Meditation und zu Weisheit (Durchdringen)? Durchdrungen, wie wäre einer gekleidet, würde einer erscheinen?