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Title: Mudita on Vesakh Puja
Post by: Sophorn on May 18, 2019, 02:37:32 PM
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Having prepared for more than three days it is of great mudita to join the Vesakh Puja ceremony in Austria today.
Finding and evening out the right place for the buddha figure and preparing the Sutras with the father in Khmer and Latin transcription for the local laypeople for the ceremony.

May everyone who joins the festivities today receive and share the joy and merits.
May everyone being out on the roads arrive safely and sound back home again.
Greetings from afar  _/\_

 _/\_ _/\_ _/\_

Nun mehr als drei Tage lang vorbereitet habend, ist es eine große Mitfreude am Visakha Puja in Österreich heute teilzunehmen. Endlich einen guten Platz für die Buddha Figur gefunden zu haben und dessen Boden gut ausgeglichen und hergerichtet, für die Zeremonien vorbereitet indem die Suttas mit dem Vater in Khmer und Latein für die lokalen Laien transkribiert.

Mögen alle, die heute an dem Fest teilnehmen die Verdienste erhalten und teilen.
Mag jeder, der sich auf die Straßen begibt, sicher und wohl hin zurück nach Hause kommen.
Grüße aus der Ferne.


/me Deutsche Übersetzung ergänzt, Attachments reorganiced.
Title: Re: Mudita on Vesakh Puja
Post by: Dhammañāṇa on May 18, 2019, 02:39:06 PM
Sadhu, Sadhu

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammā-sambuddhassa

"Mahanama, inasmuch as a lay follower is possessed of faith himself, and rouses others to possess faith; is possessed of virtue himself, and rouses others to possess virtue; is possessed of liberality himself, and rouses others to possess liberality; is himself desirous of meeting with monks, and rouses others to meet with monks; is himself desirous of hearing the true Dhamma, and rouses others to hear the true Dhamma; is himself habitually mindful of the Dhamma that is heard, and rouses others to be mindful of the Dhamma; is himself ascertained of the meaning/benefit of the Dhamma that is heard, and rouses others to ascertain the meaning/benefit; having known the meaning/benefit, having known the Dhamma, is himself committed to the practice according to the Dhamma, and rouses others to be committed to the practice according to the Dhamma; in that way, Mahanama, a lay follower is engaged in his own welfare and in others' welfare."
Quote from:
Title: Re: Mudita on Vesakh Puja
Post by: អរិយវង្ស on May 19, 2019, 09:06:43 AM
សាធុ​ សាធុ  _/\_ _/\_ _/\_

មុទិតា​នៅថ្ងៃបុណ្យពិសាខបូជា  _/\_

ខ្ញុំកូណា​ ខ្ញុំ​ក្នុងថ្ងៃពិសាខបូជា នៅពេលព្រឹក បានដាក់បាត្រព្រះសង្ឃនៅវត្តទួលសុភា​ឃួន
 និងសួរសុខទុក្ខ ព្រះអង្គ​  Kemakumara​។ និងពេលល្ងាចចូលស្តាប់ធម្មទេសនា​ ។

 _/\_  _/\_ _/\_

Sadhu, Sadhu...

Mudita with the merits done on Visaka Puja

I, Brah Karuna, on the day of Visakha Puja, approached the Sublime Sangha at Vatt Doul Sobhea Khoun, and asked Brah Ang Khemakumara about his welbeing. And in the evening (I) took part in listening Dhamma Desana (teaching)







/me : tansl. draft added, attachments reorganiced.
Title: Re: Mudita on Vesakh Puja
Post by: Dhammañāṇa on May 19, 2019, 10:48:10 AM
Sadhu, Sadhu

The Venerables are fine, Nyom Cheav Villa ?

Vielleicht kann Nyom Sophorn auch ein paar Bilder der Zeremonie teilen
Title: Re: Mudita on Vesakh Puja
Post by: អរិយវង្ស on May 19, 2019, 12:03:22 PM
 _/\_ _/\_ _/\_
កូណា ព្រះអង្គ

ព្រះអង្គ​ចៅអធិការ​ ជាធម្មតារំលឹកពីចាស់ជរា,​ អាពាធ និងកង្វល់​ ដាស់តឿន​អំពីវិន័យដល់ភិក្ខុសង្ឃ,​ អាចារ្យ..
ព្រះអង្គ​ Kemakumara សុខ​ទុក្ខធម្មតា បានកំពុងព្យាយាមរៀនភាសាខ្មែរ ដោយខ្លួនឯង.​ សរសេរ. ​ ស្តាប់. សួរ​ ។

 _/\_ _/\_ _/\_
Title: Re: Mudita on Vesakh Puja
Post by: Sophorn on May 22, 2019, 12:51:35 AM
 _/\_ _/\_ _/\_

Mudita on all the sharing, dear Cheav Villa! Sadhu!

Unfortunately a bit late finally also a small contribution from Austria. A very joyful circumstance was the fact that in between all days of rain and wind, on the Sila - day a relatively calm, rainless and sunny weather occured. (picture 1)
Place of the gathering was the former butchery in Wels where normally only adolescents gather and small concerts take place. (picture 2 and 3)

Invited was a Bhante from France (picture 4) who specifically came travelling for this event, Vesakh Puja. Kana has to give Bhante praise for many reasons. Obviously living in France for quite a few years Bhante gradually took care of the needs of the laity - unasked and silently giving support and pointing hints… also because the link between Sangha and laity, the Ta Ajar, a kind of priest, best known in laity and vinaya of the monks, who supports the ceremonies and conducts the laity most of the times, failed to do so because of lack of knowledge.

On the festive Day there was aside kanas parents nearly this Ta Ajar, who could recite. So instead of a crowded recitation, only few voices were heard. So out of consideration and act of encouragement the monk recited very calmly and explicitely the part of the laity as well. It was the very first time that kana has ever witnessed such circumstance. Also, as can be seen in the pictures probably, the few who can actually recite are older ones with a low voice who were even with the support of microphones not well heard.

Bhante recited and explained in depth in the Tesna more on why this Festive Day was of so much importance and asked the laity again and again to pose questions as much as possible and also patiently fulfilled the wishes of several ceremonies that the laity was wishing for (which rather based on rites), however not without the explanation why these rites came up and in how far those really were connected to buddhism or one’s personal practise of it.
Picture 6 for instance shows the ending ceremony where lay people asked for the ceremony of the rotation of candles and Bhante smiled and said, well let’s dedicate this to buddhism and their followers, so that they don’t become extinct instead always thinking of personal well-being.

Even the friendly reprimands towards the Ta Ajar kana found highly remarkable in so far that they were so on point but no harsh undertone whatsoever.

Many Cambodians abroad only turn to buddhism at high age or around retirement age ( around 65 years) and hardly have little or no knowledge on lithurgy or on recitations or meaning of the sutras. Many just follow that what they have seen over the years, what they believe to need to do or blindly follow what another person leads on.

That is why kana’s father and kana have been working on transkriptions of many sutras from Khmerpali to Khmer and recently also into a Latin one, a Latin transliteration so that the younger generation in Austria and also Europe can lean onto something when interested in buddhism of the parents‘ or grandparents‘, even when they are not literate in Khmer anymore.
This effort which we have been pursuing for years finally comes into slow fruition, even if it is incredibly slow.

Sadhu that this day was carried through by all those who attended and that this celebration came into existence against so many odds.  _/\_


Mudita über all das Teilen, liebe Cheav Villa! Sadhu!

Leider etwas verspätet, kommt auch ein kleiner Beitrag aus Österreich. Sehr erfreulich war, dass ausgerechnet zwischen Tagen voller Regen und Wind, am Silatag ein relativ windstilles, regenloser und sonniges Wetter war. (Bild 1)

Ort der Zusammenkunft war der ehemalige Schlachthof in Wels, wo normalerweise nur Jugendliche zusammenkommen bzw. eher kleine Konzerte stattfinden. (Bild 2 und 3)

Eingeladen wurde ein Bhante aus Frankreich (Bild 4), der eigens für Vesakh Puja die Reise antrat. Kana muss aus vielerlei Hinsicht Bhante loben. Offenbar schon seit Jahren in Frankreich aufhaltend, hat Bhante sich unaufgefordert mehr um die Belange der Laien angenommen, die, ohne richtige Anleitung oder Führung oft anstehen... auch weil das Bindeglied, der Ta Ajar, eine Art Priester, das Wissen um die Laien und die Regeln der Mönche am besten kennend, die Zeremonie mitunterstützt und die Laien anführt, leider durch mangelndes Wissen ausfiel.
Am Festtag gab es tatsächlich neben kanas Eltern fast nur den Ta Ajar, der rezitieren konnte. (Bild 5) Aus Rücksicht und Ansporn rezitierte der Mönch sehr ruhig und deutlich den Laien Anteil mit. Das war das allererste Mal, das kana das miterleben durfte. Denn, wie man aus den Bildern vielleicht erkennen kann, sind die wenigen, die des Rezitierens mächtig sind, älter mit eher leiser Stimme, die man auch durch Unterstützung der Mikrofone zum Teil trotzdem nicht so gut hören konnte.
Bhante rezitierte und erklärte im Tesna auch noch länger warum dieses Fest so wichtig sei und forderte die Gemeinde öfter auf, Fragen zu stellen oder kam geduldig den Bitten der Zeremonien, die die Laien machen wollten (die eher auf Riten beruhten), nach, aber nicht ohne zu erklären, warum diese Riten aufkamen und wie viel das tatsächlich mit Buddhismus oder eigener Praxis zu tun hatte. Bild 6 zeigt zum Beispiel die Abschlusszeremonie, wo Laien baten eine Zeremonie mit den Kerzen zu vollziehen, und mit einem Lächeln bat Bhante diese Zeremonie dem Buddhismus und seiner Anhängerschaft zu widmen, damit diese nicht aussterben anstatt, wie so oft, dem persönlichen Wohlbefinden.
Selbst die freundlichen Zurechtweisungen an den Ta Ajar waren für kana sehr beachtlich, weil sie sehr treffend waren, allerdings keinen Unterton enthielten.

Viele Kambodschaner im Ausland wenden sich erst im Alter bzw. ab ca. Pensionsalter (65J herum) dem Buddhismus zu und haben meist wenig oder keine Kenntnis mehr über Lithurgie oder Rezitationen. Viele praktizieren nur mehr über Nachahmung dessen, was sie glauben oder was jemand blind anführt.

Daher arbeiten kanas Vater und kana seit Jahren an der Transkription vieler Sutren aus dem Khmerpali ins Khmer und seit neuestem in eine lateinische Transkription, d.h. eine Transkription in lateinische Umschrift, damit auch die junge Generation in Österreich/aber auch in Europa sich bei Interesse auch an etwas anhalten kann, wenn man der kambodschanischen Schrift nicht mehr mächtig ist, sich aber für den Buddhismus der Eltern oder Großeltern interessiert.

Diese Anstrengung, die wir seit Jahren verfolgen, trägt langsam Früchte, wenn auch nur sehr, sehr langsam.

Sadhu, dass dieser Tag von all denen getragen wurden, die kamen und es zu dem Fest kam, obwohl sehr vieles dagegen sprach.  _/\_

 _/\_ _/\_ _/\_







/me : attachments reorganiced
Title: Re: Mudita on Vesakh Puja
Post by: Moritz on May 22, 2019, 04:02:56 AM
Sadhu, sadhu, sadhu!

_/\_ _/\_ _/\_
Title: Re: Mudita on Vesakh Puja
Post by: Dhammañāṇa on May 22, 2019, 06:01:10 AM
Sadhu, sadhu
Title: Re: Mudita on Vesakh Puja
Post by: អរិយវង្ស on May 22, 2019, 07:44:35 AM
សាធុ​ សាធុ  _/\_