Virtual Dhamma-Vinaya Vihara

WELCOME! & general infomations - [Einführung u. generelle Informationen] (janitta) => Individual Introduction - [Persönliche Vorstellung] Abhivādana => Topic started by: Administration on May 08, 2019, 12:24:25 AM

Title: LuisDantas arrived! Welcome! angekommen! Willkommen! ...បាន​មកដល់! សូមស្វាគមន៍!
Post by: Administration on May 08, 2019, 12:24:25 AM
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Die Laien-Betreiber und Aramikas des Klosters   *

*greatingS* *greatingSA* *greating*

Verehrung Ehrw. / Willkommen Herr /Frau LuisDantas


"Personen die des Buddha's Lehren folgen, sind sich (meist) klar darüber, daß Leben mit viel an Streß und Leiden verbunden ist."

Dieses Forum kam aus einem einzigen Grund ins Entstehen: um den Pfad, der zum Entkommen von allen Arten des Leidens leitet, zu folgen, darüber hinaus zu kommen (für jene die es zu nutzen bereit sind).

Jegliches Dhamma (Lehre) kommt deshalb auf, weil da eine Ursache ist: an all dieses Dhamma erinnert zu sein, (während wissend) daß da an Ursache und Wirkung erinnert wird. Im Bezug auf dieses Dhamma, ist der Erhabene Buddha dessen großer Lehrer, es wieder und wieder dargelegt habend.

Mag LuisDantas an den geschickten Unternehmungen der Verdienste hier teilhabeng/nehmen, so diese Grund und Fundament sind, den Pfad der Reinigung, die Reise für ein rasches Entkommen aus dem Kreislauf des Leidens, zu erkennen.

Ihr Zufallssutta:
Dieses (guter Umgang) ist ein Umstand,
Erfeuen erzeugend
für jene die wissen:
das Dhamma lebend,
der Noblen,
die das wahre Dhamma erhellen,
es beleuchten,   glänzend scheinend,
die   Erzeuger des Lichtes sind,
      Ableger von Verletzung,
die Augen haben
die sehen.
Deren Botschaft gehört
mit rechter Erkenntnis, der Weise
direkt wissend,
das Enden von Geburt,
   zu keinem weitern Werden kommen.
Iti 104 (

Hier sind ein paar Themen um guten Zugang zu erlangen:
  • Eine Art das Forum zu nützen (,7.0.html)
  • FAQ über (für Haushälter) (,8561.0.html), Nutzen des Forums für Mönche und Nonnen (,9061.0.html)
  • Mitfreuen und Teilen von Verdiensten [pattanumodāna & pattidāna] (,5.0.html)
stellvertretend für die Unterstützer und Gründer
Ihr Admin- und Moderator-Team

Metta & Mudita

(PS: Sie können Deutsch, Englisch, Khmer, was immer Sprache(n) für Ihre Beiträge benutzen, ganz nach Belieben. Und vielleicht möchte Guest ja auch gleich hier etwas beitragen.)
[Welcome 8]

The lay organizer and Aramikas of the monastery   *

*greatingS* *greatingSA* *greating*

Veneration Venerable / welcome Mr. /M(r)s. LuisDantas


"People following the Buddha's teaching are (mostly) all aware that life is connected with a lot of stress & suffering."

All Dhammas (teachings) arising because there is a cause: being reminded on all those Dhammas, (while knowing) being reminded that there is cause and effect. Of this Dhamma, the Sublime Buddha is the Sublime teacher, having declared it again and again.

May LuisDantas take part in the skilful undertakings of merits here, which are the base and fundation to possible see the path of purification leading the journey fastly out of the wheel of suffering.

Your random welcome-Sutta:
This (good association) is a condition
creating joy
for those who know:
living the Dhamma
of the noble ones,
who brighten the true Dhamma,
illumine it,   shining brilliantly,
who are   makers of light,
      abandoners of harm,
who have eyes
that see.
Having heard their message
with right gnosis, the wise
directly knowing
the ending of birth,
   come to no further becoming.
Iti 104 (

Here some places to gain good access:
  • A way to use the forum (,7.0.html)
  • FAQ about (for householders) (,8561.0.html), Use of forum for monks and nuns (,9061.0.html)
  • Rejoice with others & sharing merits [pattanumodāna & pattidāna] (,5.0.html)
Yours respectfully
Vicariously for the founder and supporter
Your Admin and Moderator team

metta & mudita

(PS: You can use English, German, Khmer what ever and how many languages for your posts, what ever you prefer. And maybe Guest likes to start to contribute something here.)
[Welcome 8]

The lay organizer and Aramikas of the monastery   *

*greatingS* *greatingSA* *greating*

សូមថ្វាយបង្គំ លោកម្ចាស់​ / សូមស្វាគមន៍ លោក,​ លោកស្រី LuisDantas


"ពុទ្ធសាសនិកជន ទាំងអស់តែងតែបានឃើញថា ជីវិតប្រកបដោយទុក្ខទោសច្រើន"។

វេទិកានៅទីនេះ​ បង្កើតឡើងក្នុងគោលបំណងតែ១ឆ្ពោះទៅ ផ្លូវចេញចាកពីទុក្ខទាំងពួង។

ធម៌ទាំងឡាយណាកើតឡើងព្រោះមានហេតុ​ សេចក្តីរលត់ទៅនៃធម៌ទាំងឡាយនោះ ព្រោះការរលត់ទៅនៃហេតុ។ ធម៌នេះព្រះពុទ្ធជាបរមគ្រូ​ តែងសំដែងជារឿយៗ។

សូមឲ្យការចូលរួមក្នុងសកម្មភាពជាបុណ្យកុសលនៅទីនេះ បានជាបច្ច័យនឹងឃើញនូវផ្លូវ ដ៏បរិសុទ្ធ​ នាំដំណើរឆ្លងផុតចាកសង្សារទុក្ខ។
ការដែលបានជួបប្រទះជាដើម នូវពួកអរិយៈ ជាអ្នកដឹងច្បាស់ បានចំរើន​ចិត្ត ចិញ្ចឹម​ជីវិតតាម​ធម៌នុ៎ះឯង ជាហេតុ​ធ្វើឲ្យមាន​បាមោជ្ជៈ។ ពួកអរិយៈ​នោះ តែងបំភ្លឺ សំដែងនូវ​ព្រះសទ្ធម្ម អ្នក​ធ្វើរស្មី ធ្វើពន្លឺ អ្នកមាន​ប្រាជ្ញា មានចក្ខុ លះបង់​នូវសឹក​សត្រូវ គឺ​កិលេស។ ពួកអ្នកប្រាជ្ញ បានស្តាប់​នូវពាក្យ​ប្រដៅ​របស់ពួក​អរិយៈទាំង​នោះហើយ រមែង​ដឹងច្បាស់​ដោយប្រពៃ ស្គាល់ច្បាស់​នូវធម៌ជា​គ្រឿងអស់​ទៅនៃជាតិ ហើយ​មិនត្រឡប់​មកកាន់​ភព​ថ្មីទៀតឡើយ។
Iti 104 (

  • វិធីមួយដើម្បីប្រើវេទិកា (,7.0.html)
  • សំណួរចម្លើយអំពី (សម្រាប់គ្រហស្ថ) (,8561.0.html), ប្រើប្រាស់វេទិកាសម្រាប់ព្រះសង្ឃនិងដូនជី (,9061.0.html)
  • រីករាយជាមួយអ្នកដទៃ & ការចែករំលែកបុណ្យកុសល [បត្តនុមោទាន នីង បត្តិទាន] (,5.0.html)
ដោយក្តីគោរព​ និងរីករាយ
ពីស្ថាបនិក​ និងអ្នកគាំទ្រ

មេត្តា​ និងមុទិតា

(PS: អ្នកអាចប្រើភាសាអង់គ្លេស​ ឬខ្មែរ​ ឬទាំងពីរភាសាសម្រាប់ការបង្ហោះអ្វីដែលអ្នកចូលចិត្ត។
ប្រហែលជា Guest ចូលចិត្តចូលរួមចំណែកនៅទីនេះ។)
[Welcome 8]
Title: Re: LuisDantas arrived! Welcome! angekommen! Willkommen! ...បាន​មកដល់! សូមស្វាគមន៍!
Post by: Dhammañāṇa on May 08, 2019, 01:01:39 AM
Welcome LuisDantas .

Had to think on Upasaka Danilo today, who lives in Brasil as well. Maybe you get each other known here and enjoy talks on virtues.
Title: Re: LuisDantas arrived! Welcome! angekommen! Willkommen! ...បាន​មកដល់! សូមស្វាគមន៍!
Post by: Moritz on May 08, 2019, 03:24:35 AM
Welcoma, LuisDantas _/\_
Title: Re: LuisDantas arrived! Welcome! angekommen! Willkommen! ...បាន​មកដល់! សូមស្វាគមន៍!
Post by: Dhammañāṇa on May 09, 2019, 10:46:55 AM
Nyom LuisDantas , as it just came to mind. Nyom Danilo once tranlated some Dhamma into Portuguese, which might be possible nice to read in own language.

Sabedoria acima de Justiça (

Melhor Doar do que Consumir (

(improvements surely welcome, since at this time Nyom had non speaking the language here.)

It was by the way the indicator that"wiki" ( came to development a good while ago.

The place here is lesser a social media but carries a lot of oppotunities for work, merits, concentration for those inspired to dedicate sacrifices toward the Gems.
Title: Re: LuisDantas arrived! Welcome! angekommen! Willkommen! ...បាន​មកដល់! សូមស្វាគមន៍!
Post by: Danilo on May 14, 2019, 07:02:19 AM
Hi LuisDantas,
I saw your PM, but I couldn't reply you in private, for some reason I'm getting the message "You are not allowed to send personal messages."
But anyway, I'm from São Paulo.
Title: Re: LuisDantas arrived! Welcome! angekommen! Willkommen! ...បាន​មកដល់! សូមស្វាគមន៍!
Post by: Dhammañāṇa on May 14, 2019, 10:36:15 AM
/me just for info: There is no pm-possibility general. Nyom Danilo was informed by the message function, or it's possible to send emails via the server, if one allows. Good to see Nyom Danilo seems to be well.
Oh, as Aramika (moderator functions) one could send pms to others, but if "normal member, they would not be able to replay. Thought just for "emergency" and assistence, not for socialization. The caretaker of the server should not have the burden to carry privat and what ever issues. Such things can be left privat, better outward the purpose of a community place.
Mudita that you could meet each other in possible good sphere and circumstances.

Nyom LuisDantas does some voluntary (?) help work in a religion forum (, and visiting it, he came in contact, possible rejoicing to take birth here.

"Portuguese people" seems to have certain nissaya toward the good Dhamma, having seen that good prosperity of monasteries and Sangha seems to go on. Mudita. Maybe it's something related to the circumstance that having been probably the first european in SEAsia's areas.

/me : after five post of a new comer the welcometopic would be moved into non public area. Just not sure if having access to that area before five post.