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Posted by: Vila
« on: April 13, 2019, 09:17:38 AM »

Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu  _/\_ _/\_ _/\_
Posted by: Dhammañāṇa
« on: April 13, 2019, 09:12:37 AM »

Upasaka Chanroths family's dedication toward their ancestors, near and far, this morning of the first New Year day, by nourishing the Tripple Gems.





May all gain a share and may the Devas inform all not touched yet.

Posted by: Moritz
« on: April 12, 2019, 07:26:36 PM »

Sadhu sadhu sadhu _/\_ _/\_ _/\_
Posted by: Vila
« on: April 12, 2019, 07:07:28 PM »

 សាធុ​ សាធុ​ សាធុ​  _/\_ _/\_ _/\_

ខ្ញុំ​កូណា​ជ្រះថ្លាណាស់​  :)
ត្រេកអរក្នុងបុណ្យរបស់ពូ Chanroth  និងសូមអនុមោទនាចំណែកបុណ្យកុសលនេះ
ថាទុកដូចជារបស់ខ្លួនដែរ។ ថាបានចូលរួម ខ្នះខ្នែងជួយ ក្នុងកិច្ចការជាមហាកុសលនេះផង   _/\_  :) :D

 _/\_ _/\_ _/\_

Sadhu, Sadhu, Sadhu

I, Kana, am really satisfied (in joy),
rejoicing in regard of Oncle Chanroths merits and wish for Anumodana, sharing the skilful merits her.
That resists as if it would be the own.
There has been a lot of mutual helping each other involved so that it becomes a maha-kusala (high meritorious) undertaking, truly.

* Johann trans. draft added.
Posted by: Dhammañāṇa
« on: April 12, 2019, 06:48:29 PM »

At Upasaka Chanroth s parents house. Today evening they thought to ask the village monks for chanting blessings, but to many celebrations. Tomorrow morning they have invited the monks to receive meal at their house.
(Nyom Chanroth asked to lend the tablet to make some pictures and to share the merits)





Posted by: Moritz
« on: April 09, 2019, 01:13:08 PM »

Sadhu, sadhu, sadhu! _/\_

May all have peaceful new year celebrations. _/\_
Posted by: Dhammarāgato
« on: April 08, 2019, 08:19:07 PM »

Sadhu, Sadhu,  Sadhu
Posted by: Vila
« on: April 08, 2019, 07:06:20 PM »

 _/\_ _/\_ _/\_
Posted by: Dhammañāṇa
« on: April 08, 2019, 06:56:14 PM »

Sadhu, Sadhu, Sadhu

* Johann : will try to translate it so that others may be also able to rejoice with the merits.
Posted by: Vila
« on: April 08, 2019, 03:46:37 PM »

ពិធីសូត្រមន្តចូលឆ្មាំថ្មី​ ដើម្បីឧទ្ទិសកុសលជូនបុព្វការីជនដែលបានចែកឋានទៅហើយ

ថ្វាយបង្គំ​ព្រះអង្គ  _/\_ _/\_ _/\_

កាលពីថ្ងៃសៅរ៍​ ទី​6 ខែមេសា​ ខ្ញុំ​កូណាបានបងពុទ្ធីហៅអោយចូលរួម ក្នុងកម្មវិធីសូត្រមន្តចូលឆ្នាំថ្មីប្រពៃណីខ្មែរនៅផ្ទះមីង
ជិតវត្តកំបូល​ និងមានសម្តែងធម្មទេសនា ដោយព្រះអង្គអេង​ នៅពេលព្រឹក​,​ និងមានការនិមន្តចូលរួមពីព្រះសង្ឃវត្តទួលសុភាឃួន,
ព្រះអង្គ​ស្រេង,  សាច់ញាតិជិតឆ្ងាយ និងលោកតា លោកយាយ​ ចំណុះជើង វត្ត។

នាពេលល្ងាច មានសាកច្ឆាធម៌រវាង ព្រះអង្គ​ស្រេង​  និង បរិស័ទ​ តែកូណាមិនបានចូលរួមទេ។

ដោយ​បានប្រាប់ម្ចាស់ដើមបុណ្យរួចហើយ​ កូណាសូមចែកផ្សាយ នូវរូបភាព បុណ្យ​កុសល​
ដូចខាងក្រោម​  _/\_

Undertaking New Year "Sot Munt" (citing blessings) to dedicate the skilful merits toward those having left this realm already.

Bowing down to Brah Ang,

since the Saturday, the 6. of the month Mesa, did I, Kana, together with older sister Ieng Puthy (Buddhi) encourage to take part on the undertaking of "Sot Munt", as a Khmer tradition, at the house of aunt, near Vatt(a) Kompul, and there has been Dhamma Desana (teaching) in the morning by the near Brah Angs, and there is also the approaching of the Sublime Sangha of Vatt Dul Sobhea Khun, Brah Ang Sreng (Bhante Indaññāno ), Satt(a) Nat(i) (near relatives) for near and far, honored grandfathers and grandmothers which are helpers of the Vatt.

In the evening will there be Dhamma discussion with Brah Ang Sreng and the
Parisada, where I, Brah Karuna, will not be able to take part.

As I have told the "lord" of the Punna, and following it, my person ask to share pictures of the skillful merits (punna kusala), as follow below:[/len]







