Virtual Dhamma-Vinaya Vihara

Studies, projects & library - [Studium, Projekte & Bibliothek] (brahma & nimmanarati deva) => Dhamma Teamwork - [Dhamma Gemeinschaftsarbeit] => Topic started by: Dhammañāṇa on September 25, 2015, 09:39:14 PM

Title: [DD] Audio-Dhamma, Tipitaka in Khmer Sprache für Mönche
Post by: Dhammañāṇa on September 25, 2015, 09:39:14 PM
Hier in diesem Kloster, in dem sich Atma zur Zeit aufhält, gibt es eine etwas betagten Ehrw. Thera, der sich stets um all wie ein Großvater annimmt. Als er gestern wieder einmal meine Person besuchen kam, um etwas Fruchtsaft als Nachmittagseinnahme zu bringen, fragte Atma ihn im Zuge des üblichen kurzen zuvorkommenden Gespräches, ob er viel des Tipitakas gelesen hat. Da wurde er verlegen und meinte: "Früher konnte ich viele Suttas rezitieren, hab mir viel gemerkt, aber heute hab ich viel vergessen." Wissen, daß er darüber spricht, die Suttas in Pali rezitieren, hackte Atma nach. "Nein, meinereiner meinte nicht rezitieren, sondern ob sie die Suttas in Khmer gelesen haben." Da wurde er noch verlegener. "Früher konnte ich noch lesen, aber seit meine Augen schlecht sind kann ich nicht mehr." Wie auch immer kam dann heraus, daß er trotz seiner vielen Jahre im Kloster, noch nie die Gelegenheit hatte das Dhamma aus "erster" Hand zu lesen oder zu hören. Atma versucht seither, nach und nach, dieses gelesene Dhamma herunter zu ziehen und sieht sich um, wie er dies dann für den Ehrenwerten abspielbar machen kann.

Für Mönche, die seit jungen Jahren eingeweiht waren, war es oft auch so, und das ist heute noch verbreitet, daß deren Lehrer oder Einweiser ihnen keinen Zugang zum Lesen des Dhammas gab und manchmal war und ist es sogar verboten worden. Da gibt es die verschiedensten Gründe und Situationen, doch Atma, viele Klöster kennen gelernt, viele ältere Mönche getroffen, vor allem in angelegenen Gebieten, weiß, das dies keine Einzelfälle sind.

Das ist kein Einzelfall. Desto weiter weg von den "Lehrzentren" der Hauptstadt, desto weniger kennen selbst alte Theras das Tipitaka, und so es oft so ist, daß viele erst im Alter oder wieder im Alter, ins klosterliche Leben ziehen, solche Dinge wie Brillen oder Sehhilfen nach wie vor, Luxus sind, wenn man nicht den üblichen Weg geht und statt einer Anprobierbrille auf dem Markt, neben dem Fischhändler behelfen man, daß sie Ihren Dhammaabend nur sehr kar im Bezug auf Dhamma beschreiten können. Ihnen bleibt Radio und Lehrreden von dieseren Mönchen, die ihre Sendungen oder Sender haben und bis zum Tipitaka dringen sie meist nicht vor.

Dabei ist es so, daß es lobenswerter Weise sogar den gesamten Vinaya und Sutta Korb als Dhamma-Dana geteilt gibt. Es fehlen "nur" zwischen ein und vier Dingen. Manchmal fehlt es an einem Abspielgerät, manchmal an einem Speichermedium, manchmal an der Verfügbarkeit dessen (Internet download ( - mit den großzügigen Teilern hatte Atma sich schon einmal persönlich unterhalten, im Bezug auf die Annehmbar- und Teilbarkeit, bzw. kopieren wenn verfügbar) und vor allem an der Anstrengung, es zur Verfügung zu stellen.

Atma möchte da keines Wegs eine große Sache daraus machen und dachte einfach, daß es wichtig ist, etwas zu wissen, um vielleicht etwas zu sehen, was man gerne tun würde und so läßt er diese Zeilen einfach so stehen. Vielleicht fühlt sich jemand inspiert oder sieht eine Gelegenheit sich um Dinge bemühen zu können. Auch in Europäischen Breiten, wird es viele Leute geben, die nicht so leich einen Zugang zum Dhamma haben. Sicher ist es da nochmal schwerer, zum einen, Zeit zu opfern, um es vielleicht persönlich vorzulesen, Übersetzungen zu haben, oder um vielleicht Lesungen aufzunehmen und weiter zu teilen. Was Atma wieder zu Dhammaoke denken läßt: "Dhammaoke - Anderen das Hören von Dhamma ermöglichen (,1917.msg8418.html#msg8418)"

Also viel Tore zur Möglichkeiten und Kreativität im Bezug auf Dhammadana.
Title: Antw:[DD] Audio-Dhamma, Tipitaka in Khmer Sprache für Mönche
Post by: Dhammañāṇa on March 08, 2017, 05:14:31 AM
Ist vielleicht etwas für Nyom Norum , weil Atma gerade alte Post hier etwas durch sieht.

Den solche Dinge (,629.msg11370.html#msg11370) sollten kein Beispiel und Vorbild machen, weil auch gerade zufällig war. Weil gerade auch von dem Tipp in Westlicher Sprache wieder gelesen.

Scheinen sich ja vorwiegend Handler Tipps zu holen und selten wohl Leute die langfristiges Glück suchen.

Geschicht hat übrigens vielleicht beigetragen, dass Nyom Harry eine Menge an den Deutschen Übersetzungen (;dl=cat275) vertont hat. Sicher auch interessant wenn man sonst nur in Khmer hört. (Rückverlinkung ins Forum der Downloadseiten fehlt noch, und Thema in der Bibliothek. Sonst sind die Lesungen hier zu finden: Sutta Studium (,25.0.html) und werden nach und nach auf ZzE verlinkt.)

Man könnte zu jedem Khmer Sutta im Forum, wer vielleicht laut Kontrollesen (,85.0.html) möchte , eine Audio Datei anhängen. Spontan. Vielleicht etwas auch zum Ansporn im Tipitaka lesen für die Jüngeren ( Roth , You Y , Chamroeun , Chamroeun B s Familie...)

Machen Sie gemeinsam mit der ganzen Familie solche "Projekte" für das eigene Wohl und teilen Sie Ihre Verdienste sodaß Sie diese wiedertreffen werden.

Solch Möglichkeit überall und jeder Zeit puñña zu tun wie heute und hier, werden viele nicht leicht finden.
Richten sie den Geist auf die Sangha, auch wenn Sie es den Ahnen widmen.

Nicht kompliziert oder über Monsterprojekte denken. Einfach probieren. Unterstützung finden Sie hier, um das Best für sich herauszuhohlen und zu lernen.

Wenn Sie mit den Machern von etwas für alter Mönche tun wollen, geben Sie darüber zuerst bescheid, und Sie können Atma erwähnen.

Da fällt Atma im Bezug auf lesen, Nyom Sophorn , Atma Nyom Lay ein, die vor 3 Tagen zum ersten Mal ein Sutta gelesen hat, und vor 2 Tagen gehört, und Ihre Tochter. Der Vater ist ja Profi was Technik betrifft, wenn auch alle das im Herunterziehen zumeist sind.

Atma muss nicht sagen, was der Unterschied am "Spass" beim Downloaden von etwa Musik oder "Glück und Freude" beim uploaden von Dhammaoke für Mitglieder der Sangha gewidmet, die sich von Gegebenen erhalten, ist.

Etwa so wie ein fleisiger stebsamer Schüler oder Arbeiter und ein Taugenichts, der sein Erbe verschwendet. Wo werden beide (Wiederanfangen) Enden, wenn das Ende für diesmal dann da ist?

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammā-sambuddhassa

Dvejana Sutta: Zwei Leute (1)

Zu einem Anlaß verweilte der Befreite nahe Savatthi, in Jetas Hain, im Kloster von Anathapindika. Dann gingen zwei Brahmanen, kraftlose alte Herren, gealtert, fortgeschrittener Jahre, in das letzte Stadium ihres Lebens gekommen, 120 Jahre alt, zum Befreiten. Angekommen, tauschten sie zuvorkommende Grüße mit ihm aus, nach dem Austausch von freundschaftlichen Grüßen und Höflichkeit, setzen sie sich an eine Seite. Als sie dort saßen, sagen sie zu ihm: "Meister Gotama, wir sind Brahmanen, kraftlose alte Herren, gealtert, fortgeschrittener Jahre, in das letzte Stadium ihres Lebens gekommen, 120 Jahre alt. Und wir haben keine vorzüglichen Taten vollbracht, keine geschickten Handlungen, keine Taten die da unsere Ängste lindern. Lehre uns, Meister Gotama. Weise uns an, Meister Gotama, für einen Langzeitnutzen und Glück."

"Wahrhaftig, Ihr Brahmanen, Ihr seid kraftlose alte Herren, gealtert, fortgeschrittener Jahre, in das letzte Stadium ihres Lebens gekommen, 120 Jahre alt. Und Ihr habt keine vorzüglichen Taten vollbracht, keine geschickten Handlungen, keine Taten die da eure Ängste lindern. So die Welt in dieser Weise von Altern, Krankheit und Tod weggefegt, wird jede Beherrschung von Körper, Sprache und Gedanken, die hier geübt, der eigene Unterschlupf, Höhle, Insel und Zuflucht, nach dem Tode, in der Welt danach sein."

Es fegt fort:
   Leben, ist eine nahe-zu-nichts Zeit.
Für einen gefegt vom Alter
   keine Unterschlüpfe existieren.
Die Gefahr im Tod im Auge behaltend,
vollbringe verdienstvolle Taten
   die Segen mit sich bringen.

Wer immer hier gezügelt ist,
   in Körper, Sprache und Wesensdrang,
wer Verdienstvolles tut, solange er am Leben:
   dem wird dies zum Segen nach dem Tod.

បឋមទ្វេព្រាហ្មណសុត្តំ *
បឋមទ្វេព្រាហ្មណសូត្រ *


[៥៣] សម័យមួយ ព្រះដ៏មានព្រះភាគ ទ្រង់គង់នៅវត្តជេតពន របស់អនាថបិណ្ឌិកសេដ្ឋី ទៀបក្រុងសាវត្ថី។  គ្រានោះឯង មានព្រាហ្មណ៍២ នាក់ ជរា មានវ័យចំរើន ចាស់ មានវ័យកន្លង ចូលដល់បច្ឆិមវ័យ តាំងពីកើតមកបាន ១២០ ឆ្នាំហើយ ចូលទៅគាល់ព្រះដ៏មានព្រះភាគ លុះចូលទៅដល់ហើយ ក៏ពោលរាក់ទាក់ ជាមួយនឹងព្រះដ៏មានព្រះភាគ លុះបញ្ចប់ពាក្យ ដែលគួររាក់ទាក់ និងពាក្យគួរឭកហើយ ក៏អង្គុយក្នុងទីដ៏សមគួរ។  លុះព្រាហ្មណ៍ទាំងនោះ អង្គុយក្នុងទីដ៏សមគួរហើយ បានទូលព្រះដ៏មានព្រះភាគ យ៉ាងនេះថា បពិត្រព្រះគោតមដ៏ចំរើន យើងខ្ញុំជាព្រាហ្មណ៍ ជរា មានវ័យចំរើនហើយ ចាស់ កន្លងវ័យចូលដល់បច្ឆិមវ័យតាំងពីកើតមកបាន ១២០ ឆ្នាំហើយ តែយើងខ្ញុំទាំងនោះ មិនបានធ្វើសេចក្ដីល្អ មិនបានធ្វើកុសល មិនបានធ្វើទីពឹង ដើម្បីការពារភ័យ សូមព្រះគោតមដ៏ចំរើន ទូន្មានយើងខ្ញុំ សូមព្រះគោតមដ៏ចំរើន ប្រៀនប្រដៅពួកយើងខ្ញុំ ដើម្បីប្រយោជន៍ ដើម្បីសុខ ដល់យើងខ្ញុំ អស់កាលយូរ។ ព្រះដ៏មានព្រះភាគ ទ្រង់ត្រាស់ថា អើអ្នកទាំងឡាយ ជាព្រាហ្មណ៍ជរា មានវ័យចំរើនហើយ ចាស់កន្លងវ័យ ចូលដល់បច្ឆិមវ័យ តាំងពីកើតមកបាន ១២០ ឆ្នាំហើយ តែថា អ្នកទាំងនោះ មិនបានធ្វើសេចក្ដីល្អ មិនបានធ្វើកុសល មិនបានធ្វើទីពឹង ដើម្បីការពារភ័យ ម្នាលព្រាហ្មណ៍ទាំងឡាយ សត្វលោកនេះ ដែលជរា ព្យាធិ មរណៈ បញ្ជូន[1]តៗ គ្នា ម្នាលព្រាហ្មណ៍ទាំងឡាយ កាលបើសត្វលោក ដែលជរា ព្យាធិ មរណៈ បញ្ជូនតៗ គ្នា យ៉ាងនេះ សេចក្ដីសង្រួមដោយកាយ សេចក្ដីសង្រួមដោយវាចា សេចក្ដីសង្រួមដោយចិត្តណា ពីឥឡូវនេះទៅ បុណ្យដែលកើតអំពីសេចក្ដីសង្រួមនោះ ជាទីជ្រកកោនផង ជាទីពួនផង ជាទីពឹងផង ជាទីរឭកផង ជាទីសង្ឃឹមផង របស់បុគ្គលអ្នកទៅកាន់បរលោកនោះ។

ជីវិត គឺអាយុមានប្រមាណតិច ដែលជរា បញ្ជូនតៗគ្នា ទីពឹងទាំងឡាយ មិនមានដល់បុគ្គល ដែលជរាបញ្ជូនតៗគ្នាទៅ កាលបើបុគ្គលឃើញភ័យ ក្នុងមរណៈនុ៎ះ គួរធ្វើនូវបុណ្យទាំងឡាយ ដែលជាហេតុនាំមកនូវសេចក្ដីសុខ។ សេចក្ដីសង្រួម ដោយកាយ វាចា ចិត្តណា តាំងពីឥឡូវនេះទៅ បុណ្យដែលកើតអំពីការសង្រួមនោះ រមែងប្រព្រឹត្តទៅ ដើម្បីជាសុខ ដល់បុគ្គលដែលទៅកាន់បរលោកនោះ (ព្រោះហេតុនោះ) កាលបើបុគ្គលរស់នៅ គួរតែធ្វើបុណ្យ។
 1. សត្វលោកដែលជាតិបញ្ជូនទៅឲ្យជរា ៗបញ្ជូនទៅឲ្យព្យាធិ ៗបញ្ជូនទៅឲ្យមរណៈ ៗបញ្ជូនទៅឲ្យជាតិវិញ។
Quote from: khmer:,2471.msg11016.html#msg11016

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammā-sambuddhassa

Dvejana Sutta: Zwei Leute (2)

Zu einem Anlaß verweilte der Befreite nahe Savatthi, in Jetas Hain, im Kloster von Anathapindika. Dann gingen zwei Brahmanen, kraftlose alte Herren, gealtert, fortgeschrittener Jahre, in das letzte Stadium ihres Lebens gekommen, 120 Jahre alt, zum Befreiten. Angekommen, tauschten sie zuvorkommende Grüße mit ihm aus, nach dem Austausch von freundschaftlichen Grüßen und Höflichkeit, setzen sie sich an die Seite. Als sie dort saßen, sagen sie zu ihm: "Meister Gotama, wir sind Brahmanen, kraftlose alte Herren, gealtert, fortgeschrittener Jahre, in das letzte Stadium ihres Lebens gekommen, 120 Jahre alt. Und wir haben keine vorzüglichen Taten vollbracht, keine geschickten Handlungen, keine Taten die da unsere Ängste lindern. Lehre uns, Meister Gotama. Weise uns an, Meister Gotama, für einen Langzeitnutzen und Glück."

"Wahrhaftig, Ihr Brahmanen, Ihr seid kraftlose alte Herren, gealtert, fortgeschrittener Jahre, in das letzte Stadium ihres Lebens gekommen, 120 Jahre alt. Und Ihr habt keine vorzüglichen Taten vollbracht, keine geschickten Handlungen, keine Taten die da eure Ängste lindern. So die Welt in dieser Weise von Altern, Krankheit und Tod weggefegt, wird jede Beherrschung von Körper, Sprache und Gedanken die hier geübt, der eigene Unterschlupf, Höhle, Insel und Zuflucht, nach dem Tode, in der Welt danach sein."

Wenn ein Haus in Flammen,
ist der rettende Eimer
jener, den man nutzt,
   nicht jener der bleibt und verbrennt.
Wenn so die Welt in Flammen steht
mit Altern und Tod,
sollte man [seinen Wohlstand] mit Geben retten:
   was gegeben, ist in Sicherheit gebracht.

Wer immer hier gezügelt ist,
   in Körper, Sprache und Wesensdrang,
wer Verdienstvolles tut, solange er am Leben,
   dem wird dies zum Segen nach dem Tod.

បឋមទ្វេព្រាហ្មណសុត្តំ *
បឋមទ្វេព្រាហ្មណសូត្រ *


[៥៣] សម័យមួយ ព្រះដ៏មានព្រះភាគ ទ្រង់គង់នៅវត្តជេតពន របស់អនាថបិណ្ឌិកសេដ្ឋី ទៀបក្រុងសាវត្ថី។  គ្រានោះឯង មានព្រាហ្មណ៍២ នាក់ ជរា មានវ័យចំរើន ចាស់ មានវ័យកន្លង ចូលដល់បច្ឆិមវ័យ តាំងពីកើតមកបាន ១២០ ឆ្នាំហើយ ចូលទៅគាល់ព្រះដ៏មានព្រះភាគ លុះចូលទៅដល់ហើយ ក៏ពោលរាក់ទាក់ ជាមួយនឹងព្រះដ៏មានព្រះភាគ លុះបញ្ចប់ពាក្យ ដែលគួររាក់ទាក់ និងពាក្យគួរឭកហើយ ក៏អង្គុយក្នុងទីដ៏សមគួរ។  លុះព្រាហ្មណ៍ទាំងនោះ អង្គុយក្នុងទីដ៏សមគួរហើយ បានទូលព្រះដ៏មានព្រះភាគ យ៉ាងនេះថា បពិត្រព្រះគោតមដ៏ចំរើន យើងខ្ញុំជាព្រាហ្មណ៍ ជរា មានវ័យចំរើនហើយ ចាស់ កន្លងវ័យចូលដល់បច្ឆិមវ័យតាំងពីកើតមកបាន ១២០ ឆ្នាំហើយ តែយើងខ្ញុំទាំងនោះ មិនបានធ្វើសេចក្ដីល្អ មិនបានធ្វើកុសល មិនបានធ្វើទីពឹង ដើម្បីការពារភ័យ សូមព្រះគោតមដ៏ចំរើន ទូន្មានយើងខ្ញុំ សូមព្រះគោតមដ៏ចំរើន ប្រៀនប្រដៅពួកយើងខ្ញុំ ដើម្បីប្រយោជន៍ ដើម្បីសុខ ដល់យើងខ្ញុំ អស់កាលយូរ។ ព្រះដ៏មានព្រះភាគ ទ្រង់ត្រាស់ថា អើអ្នកទាំងឡាយ ជាព្រាហ្មណ៍ជរា មានវ័យចំរើនហើយ ចាស់កន្លងវ័យ ចូលដល់បច្ឆិមវ័យ តាំងពីកើតមកបាន ១២០ ឆ្នាំហើយ តែថា អ្នកទាំងនោះ មិនបានធ្វើសេចក្ដីល្អ មិនបានធ្វើកុសល មិនបានធ្វើទីពឹង ដើម្បីការពារភ័យ ម្នាលព្រាហ្មណ៍ទាំងឡាយ សត្វលោកនេះ ដែលជរា ព្យាធិ មរណៈ បញ្ជូន[2]តៗ គ្នា ម្នាលព្រាហ្មណ៍ទាំងឡាយ កាលបើសត្វលោក ដែលជរា ព្យាធិ មរណៈ បញ្ជូនតៗ គ្នា យ៉ាងនេះ សេចក្ដីសង្រួមដោយកាយ សេចក្ដីសង្រួមដោយវាចា សេចក្ដីសង្រួមដោយចិត្តណា ពីឥឡូវនេះទៅ បុណ្យដែលកើតអំពីសេចក្ដីសង្រួមនោះ ជាទីជ្រកកោនផង ជាទីពួនផង ជាទីពឹងផង ជាទីរឭកផង ជាទីសង្ឃឹមផង របស់បុគ្គលអ្នកទៅកាន់បរលោកនោះ។

ជីវិត គឺអាយុមានប្រមាណតិច ដែលជរា បញ្ជូនតៗគ្នា ទីពឹងទាំងឡាយ មិនមានដល់បុគ្គល ដែលជរាបញ្ជូនតៗគ្នាទៅ កាលបើបុគ្គលឃើញភ័យ ក្នុងមរណៈនុ៎ះ គួរធ្វើនូវបុណ្យទាំងឡាយ ដែលជាហេតុនាំមកនូវសេចក្ដីសុខ។ សេចក្ដីសង្រួម ដោយកាយ វាចា ចិត្តណា តាំងពីឥឡូវនេះទៅ បុណ្យដែលកើតអំពីការសង្រួមនោះ រមែងប្រព្រឹត្តទៅ ដើម្បីជាសុខ ដល់បុគ្គលដែលទៅកាន់បរលោកនោះ (ព្រោះហេតុនោះ) កាលបើបុគ្គលរស់នៅ គួរតែធ្វើបុណ្យ។

 2. សត្វលោកដែលជាតិបញ្ជូនទៅឲ្យជរា ៗបញ្ជូនទៅឲ្យព្យាធិ ៗបញ្ជូនទៅឲ្យមរណៈ ៗបញ្ជូនទៅឲ្យជាតិវិញ។
Quote from: khmer:

Über das Geben und an wenn:

Vaccha Sutta: An Vaccha Deutsch (
វច្ឆគោត្តសូត្រKhmer (,2471.msg11094.html#msg11094)
Title: Hosting for Khmer Tipitaka - Audio
Post by: Dhammañāṇa on May 30, 2018, 11:19:11 AM

My person has been given audio files of reading the eternal Tipitaka in Khmer language, a while agp, as gift dedicated for the Sangha.

Those files, 110 mp3, each about 100MB, are not uplaoded and made accessable for the Sangha and their follower, since it would require about 10-15GB Webspace. My person is not able to estimate the traffic.

Given lasting space might be about 1-2GB.

Althought this files appear sometimes on certain google or other commercial hoster in exchange, appear but also disappear on Dana-fondraising pages without any body taking care by his/her effort and means (when no material backward arises), it would be good if there would be a real given possibility to share, one which would not increae bounds and debt to the world and is remorseless avaliable for those headed and inclined toward liberation.

Since many Cambodians are not very educated in such as reading and older age gives additional hindrences, but also because writing and reading are not really the primarily means of transfer of the Dhamma traditional, access, especially for the elders is a real gift of Dhamma.
Title: Re: Hosting for Khmer Tipitaka - Audio
Post by: Dhammañāṇa on July 07, 2018, 01:16:07 PM
My person currently converts the audios into amr format, which reduces of course the quality a little but also 50% of needed webspace and traffic.

Since space is now generously avaliabe, would it be proper to upload them on as media-files under , Nyom Moritz ? It would require about 5GB space.
Title: Re: Hosting for Khmer Tipitaka - Audio
Post by: Moritz on July 07, 2018, 09:19:22 PM
Vandami Bhante, _/\_

would it be proper to upload them on as media-files under , Nyom Moritz ? It would require about 5GB space.

Of course, whatever is most useful for the Sangha. What should I have to say in this?

Do you think that the reduced quality in .amr format is good enough? I think the loss in quality could be quite noticable and it might be more difficult to understand, especially for older people with hearing problems, or foreigners not been raised in the language. Also I'm not sure how common it is to have the right codecs installed for .amr nowadays. People might not find it as easily accessible as mp3.

I think it would be better to just keep the original mp3 quality. Adding another 10 GB of space should not be a problem. (I was not aware of this when asking for another package of server space. But enough funds should already be available to add yet another one.)

Title: Re: Hosting for Khmer Tipitaka - Audio
Post by: Dhammañāṇa on July 07, 2018, 11:41:36 PM
Understandable, Nyom Moritz .

"What should I have to say in this?" nice no idea about technical things and not able to maintain space, this question fits fine for my person.

Actually the quality of the "orig" mp3 is not that special and listing into the different most of the lower sound disappears. But since the speaker are mainly female, there is not much of loss (missing the bass)

amr is a topic. What would the sample rate, bit rate require to be able to reduce 50% space?

One file now = one book, about 100MB, 10h, Mode CBR, Audio bitrate 128kb, sample rate 44100Hz

What if leaving mp3 or other popular format and reduce bit and auto rate?

Since download is slow here, good monk, older people, wouldn't have planty of mobil credit, memorycards are seldom...

Reducing size, also in regard of traffic, would probably better. It's just the google world that let believe traffic and space is free (now only 1 google sever needs the energy equal a city).

Also, such as computer is broad not used but it's an i-pad and android dominance

My person attached a short sample

jpg 8000hz -25% bad sound

amr -50% nearly same sound
Title: Re: Hosting for Khmer Tipitaka - Audio
Post by: Sophorn on July 08, 2018, 02:51:02 AM
 _/\_ _/\_ _/\_

Karuna tvay bongkum,
Dear Moritz,

Indeed, there is not much difference in the various formats after having listened to it.

However, it is really only a feedback, since technically no clue.

 _/\_ _/\_ _/\_
Title: Re: Hosting for Khmer Tipitaka - Audio
Post by: Moritz on July 08, 2018, 05:27:03 AM
Vandami, Bhante _/\_

thanks for the samples.

Indeed, there is not much difference in the various formats after having listened to it.

It seems to me the .amr is better at this level of compression, with less "compression artifact noise", probably because it is specialized for spoken human voice audio.

One file now = one book, about 100MB, 10h, Mode CBR, Audio bitrate 128kb, sample rate 44100Hz

The attached original file here has actually only a sample rate of 22kHz, and bitrate of 24 kBit/second (in mono: one channel). This would also fit the 100MB for 10 hours:

100MB/10h = 102400kB/36000s = 819200kBit/36000s ~= 23 kBit/s

So I assume the original files all have 22kHz sample rate, one audio channel (mono), and 24kBit/second final compressed bit rate.

If wanting to reduce the size further, at this level of compression, it seems that .amr would then be the better choice.

What would the sample rate, bit rate require to be able to reduce 50% space?
The bitrate is what determines the final size, independent of what kind of original audio data (sample rate, how many channels...) it is that one wants to compress.

So if the original audio here has 24kBit/second and we want to reduce its size in half, we need a bitrate of 12kBit/second for the result.

For MP3, only 8kBit/s steps are possible for the bitrate setting. So one could choose 8kBit/s (33% of original size) or 16kBit/s (66% of original size, just as the example .mp3 file here) - or variable bitrate (switching from 8kBits to 16kBit/s, sample by sample).

12kBit/s is the value of the highest quality possible for .amr files, just as the example attached here.

At this compression rate, I think .amr is better than .mp3 in quality for speech recordings. I thought the original mp3s might be in better quality, so that reducing to .amr would be a bigger step in losing quality.

But one could possibly reduce the background static (Hintergrundrauschen) before converting to .amr (sample attached).

Title: Re: Hosting for Khmer Tipitaka - Audio
Post by: Moritz on July 08, 2018, 05:35:38 AM
But one could possibly reduce the background static (Hintergrundrauschen) before converting to .amr (sample attached).


But not sure if that would be a great improvement and help make it easier to understand what is spoken, or if possibly even something could get lost while cutting of "noise".
Title: Re: Hosting for Khmer Tipitaka - Audio
Post by: Dhammañāṇa on July 12, 2018, 12:17:41 AM
Sadhu for all the zuvorkommenden thought. My Person thinks, that large soundtechnical improvements need a lot of time and effort, remembering some 12 or more years back, something in the area of 1 to to times of the playtime and we talk about more then 1200h !

Wenn ever possible: my person will try to make the Spaceabount a half and then but it into the mediasection. There is the no limitation of what ever one may feel inspired to give.
Title: Re: Hosting for Khmer Tipitaka - Audio
Post by: Moritz on July 13, 2018, 02:32:11 AM
Sadhu for all the zuvorkommenden thought. My Person thinks, that large soundtechnical improvements need a lot of time and effort, remembering some 12 or more years back, something in the area of 1 to to times of the playtime and we talk about more then 1200h !

Wenn ever possible: my person will try to make the Spaceabount a half and then but it into the mediasection. There is the no limitation of what ever one may feel inspired to give.

If wanting to upload Tipitaka audio, there is 20 GB of space available now at Upload is possible at ( Not connected to the DokuWiki or anything else for now, but just a simple interface to upload, and easy for me to move it from there everywhere else, convert it, improve it, etc. (No upload by FTP as usual, because it is not hosted at Greensta.)
So Bhante, if you want, you could simply upload there and I could do the rest. If thinking that reducing size to 50% by converting to .amr is good, this could be quickly done herehalf-automatically by me. But there would also be enough space still to keep the unconverted original beside it and try some other conversions.
For now, the files uploaded there are not publically visible and there is password protection to get to the upload interface.
I will send the password by SMS later.

Title: Re: Hosting for Khmer Tipitaka - Audio
Post by: Dhammañāṇa on July 13, 2018, 06:50:39 AM

Converting by my person would take about a month. If upload is possible there, it might be much faster, depending on the Devas .

How would it work? Is it to connect via explore as a network having the access datas?

Or maybe even more easier, Nyom could ask Nyom Norum as she might have a copy, even better copy.
Title: Re: Hosting for Khmer Tipitaka - Audio
Post by: Dhammañāṇa on July 13, 2018, 07:36:12 AM
Practical report: Upload via media manager ( would not work since amr is not supported.

If uploading a file via ftp or copy others as the supported file, they would be linked just as normal link (speak no player or display with extention icon).

My person will try to upload book 1 as jep and amr in the mediafolder corresponding to ថត សម្លេង ព្រះត្រៃបិដកភាសាខ្មែរ (

Media manage (or better the syntax tools for display) seem to have troubles with khmer front, of cause it easer to name files only in latin scripst, as Moritz thought, there might be may other places where the cases might make troubles.
Title: Re: Hosting for Khmer Tipitaka - Audio
Post by: Moritz on July 13, 2018, 08:57:49 AM
Practical report: Upload via media manager ( would not work since amr is not supported.

If uploading a file via ftp or copy others as the supported file, they would be linked just as normal link (speak no player or display with extention icon).
Oh yes, that is because .amr is not supported inside standard HTML5 browser player. (Maybe this would change some day with the next standard.)

For .amr to be playable inside the browser one would need to have an own .amr player integrated somehow, as Adobe Flash, Java Applet or similar stuff. I have not found such an applet yet. And use of such techniques are not really common anymore and not well and universally supported. Most things nowadays are simply done with standard HTML5 and JavaScript. But HTML5 does not (yet) support .amr audio.
Another advantage maybe for .mp3.

Actually, there is plenty space available now. It is just not yet well arranged. Apart from the Greensta space there are 20 GB at, hosted at

I have just sent the password for the upload interface at in an SMS. So Bhante could upload everything unconverted there if you want.

I could convert everything to .amr or .mp3 with less quality to

Actually the sample Bhante gave of trying to convert to mp3 of lower quality was not the best one. The original file was mono and the converted (lower quality) file was stereo. So it had double the size as necessary for this quality, using two audio channels carrying the same signal.
Also, from what I've tried, keeping 22.05kHz sample rate (while still keeping the same compression rate) sounds better than lowering to 8000 Hz.

But still I think no more than 30% size reduction would be good for .mp3. Anything lower is not good.
.amr is better at this compression rate, being specialized for voice audio. I think the 30% reduced .mp3 sample I have here actually sounds very similar in quality to the .amr.

(File attached, 'mp3-noisereduced-16.mp3', compared with previous 'noisereduced.amr' file, I think the quality is nearly equal. There is also another file attached: 'mp3-noisereduced-24.mp3' is the same file size as the original mp3, but sounds clearer after reducing background-noise.)

My person will try to upload book 1 as jep and amr in the mediafolder corresponding to ថត សម្លេង ព្រះត្រៃបិដកភាសាខ្មែរ (

I think it would be good to upload anything not-yet-converted to I could convert everything from there and also apply noise reduction, and then upload to

Regarding this new domain: The webspace is hosted on, which I had registered some time ago, without any intention to do anything with it, and I have no other use for it now.

Actually there would be enough space to host them in original quality (maybe improved with noise reduction). It is only not yet well organized.

The domain is named, but it could also be named to everything else, like The actual name is "", and is now pointing to that. (I just wanted to test out how this works for now.)

At the moment I only thought of it as an easy way to upload files in full quality to a place where I could download and convert them from.
I could also make the list of downloads there not password protected (and only the upload). It was just a quicker and simpler to do it this way now.

I actually I registered it some months ago with no intention to do anything specific with it, but with a thought that maybe if at some point, if something might be needed which is not available at Greensta, this could be useful for things around as well.
It is a very different kind of server, running Node.js instead of PHP. So there are different tools available which could be helpful for some other things.
May the Sangha make use of it for whatever useful purpose.


Media manage (or better the syntax tools for display) seem to have troubles with khmer front, of cause it easer to name files only in latin scripst, as Moritz thought, there might be may other places where the cases might make troubles.
Good to know.
Title: Re: Hosting for Khmer Tipitaka - Audio
Post by: Dhammañāṇa on July 13, 2018, 02:06:29 PM

(just to inform, sms has not been delivered yet, but it happens that such may arrive also days later, with global aramika or admin permissions, he might be able to send a PM with the current settings, to use it just for uploading them, and return it in his guardiance for the Sangha, the key)

What ever Nyom likes to perform there with it, that he thinks that is good and allowed to take and use, he may do.
Title: Re: Hosting for Khmer Tipitaka - Audio
Post by: Moritz on July 13, 2018, 11:20:10 PM
(just to inform, sms has not been delivered yet, but it happens that such may arrive also days later, with global aramika or admin permissions, he might be able to send a PM with the current settings, to use it just for uploading them, and return it in his guardiance for the Sangha, the key)

PM has been sent. Hope this is working.

The interface is very simple. It is possible to select multiple files for upload (simply select all files wished when the upload dialog opens). But I just noticed this might not really work on mobile. Or at least I don't understand how to do this on the android phone here.

List of uploaded files should show number of files at the top, number of new files added while having the site opened, and number of files overwritten (re-uploaded).

In the list of uploaded files (the bottom part), newly uploaded files are marked green, overwritten files are marked as blue. Clicking on a file in the list should download it.

Title: Re: Hosting for Khmer Tipitaka - Audio
Post by: Dhammañāṇa on July 13, 2018, 11:28:57 PM
Sadhu. Let's see if the Air-Devas will support it well with sun shine and best Air for highspeed upload, Nyom Moritz.
Title: Re: Hosting for Khmer Tipitaka - Audio
Post by: Moritz on July 14, 2018, 02:33:10 AM
I just noticed something that I should improve.

Maybe the upload function is quite useless at the moment for big files and a bad internet connection:

When starting the upload (clicking on "send" or "submit" or something), there is no visible sign that anything happens.

Only when the upload is finished, the files appear in the list at the bottom (marked with green background for new files, blue background for overwritten).

For large files, especially with a slow internet connection, that could of course take hours, and there is no indication how much more time it might take at the moment, and would require an almost unbroken connection all the time. (It would tolerate only very short times of lost connection.) If an error happens, there is no notice at the moment, and the upload simply will not get finished.

So maybe it is not really worth wasting time now to try to upload this way at the moment. The sky devas might have troubles.

I'm trying to add something for showing the progress and allowing for longer broken connections and resuming partial uploads.

Title: Re: Hosting for Khmer Tipitaka - Audio
Post by: Dhammañāṇa on July 14, 2018, 10:32:24 AM
Connection and Air is fine and prepared. If it is possible to connect via sftp that should be fine.

Atma tries such by using s
Port 22
user and pw as given
Title: Re: Hosting for Khmer Tipitaka - Audio
Post by: Moritz on July 14, 2018, 12:46:52 PM
Oh, yes, that is easier. I thought Bhante only has possibility to use FTP, and no SSH or SFTP.
I sent you the server name and password.

The other upload interface is also working now. But maybe SFTP is more comfortable.

Currently, the upload directory that is used by is in vhosts/default/uploads

(Whatever files in there currently can be deleted.)

Title: Re: Hosting for Khmer Tipitaka - Audio
Post by: Moritz on July 14, 2018, 03:19:29 PM
The other upload interface is also working now.
No, it was actually not working. But now it should be.  ^-^
Title: Re: Hosting for Khmer Tipitaka - Audio
Post by: Dhammañāṇa on July 14, 2018, 04:01:44 PM
Upload via portal is running for the first file. Althought in the best way supported by the Devas, and good connection even it does not break up, the sky, heavy bedrängt by opposer andthe host of Mara, it might need a while.
Title: Re: Hosting for Khmer Tipitaka - Audio
Post by: Dhammañāṇa on July 14, 2018, 08:49:32 PM
Atma hat nun die Dateien in den Folder auf abgeschickt, läßt es über Nacht laufen wie es laufen soll.
Morgen wahrscheinlich früh aufbrechend, und ev. keinen Strom habend, läßt Atma die Dinge der Sangha, so auch das Tablet, hier zurück. Chanroth ist soweit infomiert, daß es gut wäre sich um die Dinge hier in jedem Fall, für die Sangha zu kümmern. Wie auch der Dorfchef, ebenfalls in Kenntnis gebracht.

Mag sein, daß Atma vor dem ersten Regenzeitantritt hier wieder zurück ist und sich meldet.

Möge das was für die Sangha der Schüler Buddhas gut ist, gut dort ankommen wo es gut ist.

Höchsten Segen (Ermutigung).
Title: Re: Hosting for Khmer Tipitaka - Audio
Post by: Dhammañāṇa on July 24, 2018, 07:06:08 PM
Atma is currently uploading the last 30 Books (2,5GB) to the folder ( And it's looking good that night, reaching speeds to 200kB/s (althought 100 is the middle, saying ~ 6h left).
It's posdible good to move them from there before resized to do not stress the space limit.
Dokuwiki's mediamanager does not like others then latin front, so it's posdible good to put that file info into the metadata. Also the upper case T would been needed to change to lower.

What ever Nyom Moritz and how ever he likes to progress and convert the files for good use.
Title: Error warning - unable to save changes
Post by: Dhammañāṇa on July 26, 2018, 11:44:33 AM
Just tried to modify some words and got, after pushing "save":

Warning: Unknown: POST data can't be buffered; all data discarded in Unknown on line 0

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent in /var/www/clients/client2157/web5417/web/inc/init.php on line 46

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent in /var/www/clients/client2157/web5417/web/inc/auth.php on line 430

Warning: session_write_close(): write failed: Disk quota exceeded (122) in /var/www/clients/client2157/web5417/web/doku.php on line 117

Warning: session_write_close(): Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (/var/www/clients/client2157/web5417/tmp) in /var/www/clients/client2157/web5417/web/doku.php on line 117

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent in /var/www/clients/client2157/web5417/web/inc/actions.php on line 38

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent in /var/www/clients/client2157/web5417/web/lib/tpl/dokuwiki/main.php on line 12

last action done before that, some hours ago, was setting accessibility for de:wiki for @All open till create pages.

Maybe something to do with the account bridge?
Title: Re: Error warning - unable to save changes
Post by: Dhammañāṇa on July 26, 2018, 11:50:02 AM
After having deleted the access possibility for public at de:wiki again, all works fine again...
Title: Re: Error warning - unable to save changes
Post by: Dhammañāṇa on July 26, 2018, 02:55:35 PM
Another waring after replace action, which might not have the same root but might be because of low and interrupted connection:

Writing /var/www/clients/client2157/web5417/web/data/attic/en/lib/authors/ireland/wheel107.1532591249.txt.gz failed
and so on...
Title: Re: Error warning - unable to save changes
Post by: Dhammañāṇa on July 26, 2018, 06:04:17 PM
Kam nun auch angemeldet, nach einer regex-durchführung auf.

Warning: Unknown: POST data can't be buffered; all data discarded in Unknown on line 0

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent in /var/www/clients/client2157/web5417/web/inc/init.php on line 46

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent in /var/www/clients/client2157/web5417/web/inc/auth.php on line 1239

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent in /var/www/clients/client2157/web5417/web/inc/actions.php on line 38

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent in /var/www/clients/client2157/web5417/web/lib/tpl/dokuwiki/main.php on line 12
Title: Re: Error warning - unable to save changes
Post by: Moritz on July 27, 2018, 05:17:31 AM
Vandami, Bhante _/\_

It looks like there was no space left:

Warning: session_write_close(): write failed: Disk quota exceeded (122) in /var/www/clients/client2157/web5417/web/doku.php on line 117

Probably most of the other errors also happened because of that.

I see (,8621.msg15408.html#msg15408) you have uploaded, the Tipitaka Audio books completely (or almost completely?) on

Although the files ( are not shown correctly as downloads in DokuWiki, it looks like they are all there now on the server. 98 files of about 7.5 GB size in total. I am downloading them now via FTP.

Then I want to try to convert them, make them about 2/3 the size, and maybe with noise reduced, and reupload them maybe with names that DokuWiki accepts. But it will take some probably a long time.

I assume it is okay to delete them from the Greensta server in the meantime (after I have downloaded them)? So that there will be enough space again on the Greensta server.

Did the upload not work on the Gandi server at I see that Tipitaka_001_vin_pj_០០១_មហាវិភង្គ-១.mp3 has been uploaded successfully, and for Tipitaka_002_vin_sg_០០២_មហាវិភង្គ-២.mp3 it shows the correct size but the download does not work. Maybe there was also some trouble with the Khmer characters.

I could also re-upload the original files again on the Gandi server and make them accessible there somehow later.

But at the moment I am very busy so it could take some probably a long time.

Title: Re: Hosting for Khmer Tipitaka - Audio
Post by: Dhammañāṇa on July 27, 2018, 06:46:10 AM

In Short: no probelm to delete them, move them from there and put them in store meanwhile, Nyom Moritz .

My person had put the topics together and last post of this will contain all answers in detail, see post from 24. (;msg=15408;topic=8621.0) and so on. Now also knowing why last upload did not work...

Upload to Gandi was not made because Atma does not have access datas for an sftp connection and upload via interface would have take month (see post above from last week (,8621.msg15369.html#msg15369))

Title: Re: Hosting for Khmer Tipitaka - Audio
Post by: Dhammañāṇa on July 27, 2018, 10:33:42 AM
Atma will try tp upload some files, previous uploaded to, to the gandi server (so that there is still space till Nyom might find time). Once done he will delete them on again. Then, with what given paccaya (condition, requisites; at least internet connection) is left, he will upload the last 15 files to gandi via the upload portal. Noting again, that it gives no sign of wether an upload is complete or not and does not delete incomplete files (which might answer the question in regard of file 2 above), so the files there have to be checked then about completness.
Title: Re: Hosting for Khmer Tipitaka - Audio
Post by: Moritz on July 27, 2018, 10:49:37 AM
Upload to Gandi was not made because Atma does not have access datas for an sftp connection and upload via interface would have take month (see post above from last week )

Oh, I see. I did not send the SFTP login. I'm sorry. I thought I had already done that.

I am sending the login data for Gandi via private message now.

Atma will try tp upload some files, previous uploaded to, to the gandi server (so that there is still space till Nyom might find time). Once done he will delete them on again. Then, with what given paccaya (condition, requisites; at least internet connection) is left, he will upload the last 15 files to gandi.

I have already downloaded all files, and am already uploading on the Gandi server. So no need for Bhante to worry about it.

Only the converting will take some time I think. And making available maybe even in full quality on the Gandi server, setting things up with some real user interface and so on. For that I have no time now.

But uploading and downloading goes quick here.

Title: Re: Hosting for Khmer Tipitaka - Audio
Post by: Dhammañāṇa on July 27, 2018, 10:54:38 AM
ok, just have seen the ati-folder is empty now. So Atma would upload the last files there as well.

Sure, such converting will take a lot of time and recources. Sadhu.

Mediamanager support such as rss an external medias, althought no ideas about that, it might be of help.
Title: Re: Hosting for Khmer Tipitaka - Audio
Post by: Dhammañāṇa on July 27, 2018, 11:07:00 AM
Access datas received. Sadhu!

Connect via explorer does not work, using sftp as server, user,user, port 22. Access to panel works, althought all tool there are a "spanish village" for Atma, missing an upload/ ftp link.

Not to trouble much, if not working Atma will nevertheless upload the last 15 files to server for now, for your further progress with it.
Title: Re: Hosting for Khmer Tipitaka - Audio
Post by: Moritz on July 27, 2018, 11:39:35 AM
Connect via explorer does not work, using sftp as server, user,user, port 22. Access to panel works, althought all tool there are a "spanish village" for Atma, missing an upload/ ftp link.

I have written the server address like this:


This is not an address to type in the browser. It is just a convention to write in this way: {protocol}://{username}(:password)@{server} which works only for FTP and HTTP in normal web browsers.

So only the last part (after the @) is the server. If Bhante has any FTP/SFTP client outside of the browser (I think common FTP programs in Windows might also be able to use SFTP), then there one could type in server, username and password all separately.

Title: Re: Hosting for Khmer Tipitaka - Audio
Post by: Moritz on July 27, 2018, 12:02:33 PM
I think the only place on the server where one can write files now is in the directory "private" (when logged in via SFTP or SSH). That is because there is no VHost for a webserver set up yet, so no public access to anything yet.

This is actually yet another different Gandi server now (not the same which is at the moment connected at
Because after some thinking, I thought this one might be more useful at the moment, as it is also running PHP and MySQL, like the Greensta servers (not Node.js and MongoDB like the other). So one could for example move the DokuWiki/ completely to this server if one wanted.

Because it seems that a lot of space, like Tipitaka Audio files, could be useful for DokuWiki / alone.

Only problem I see if wanting to move completely to this Gandi server: it would not be possible to use the user logins for the DokuWiki so simply anymore, because Greensta does not allow access to its MySQL server from a foreign server. So it would need some thinking on how to best organize login for users here and there.

But only thoughts and suggestions for now.

As it is now, there is nothing installed on the server. But all possibilities to upload things via SFTP or manage in the server panel. To do then later with it whatever might hopefully be useful for the Sangha.

I am re-uploading the original Tipitaka audio files to this directory "private" now, as a backup.

So just in case if Bhante wonders why no files might appear in the overview when uploading to the new server: That is because it is a different server, I think maybe more useful in the end than the server that is currently at

Title: Re: Hosting for Khmer Tipitaka - Audio
Post by: Dhammañāṇa on July 27, 2018, 02:08:01 PM
Last files now uploaded into the ati-folder and can be further used to progress.

Sadhu Nyom Moritz for all Umsichtigkeiten and Zuvorkommenheit. Nyom may arrange things like he feels that it is good forthe Sangha at first place and for those following them and discuss arrangements with Nyom Sophorn. Domain issues are treaded in other treads. It's good to be aware that "national" domains have to be given and maintained, made clear of obstacles by those able to do so.

It's of course a great gift a blessing, to prepare acces for the Juwels into the EU Domain, not only in regard of traffic for example. How ever, the danger, like in the past and dominated presents is that heirs often cut off the relation to their (possible future real ) ancestors, seeing on one hand a decaying body, on the other hand the material heritage, while taking for as real. So it's not easy to think in both directions but probably good if handle it like if just for one self and let those join with less dust in the eyes: walking in direction of giving and leaving home toward the shore of liberation and khema.
Title: Re: [DD] Audio-Dhamma, Tipitaka in Khmer Sprache für Mönche
Post by: Dhammañāṇa on October 18, 2018, 03:20:19 PM
Without the requirement to go after it by a possible reminder: Could Nyom Moritz manage formation, upload and possible imbedding into if not on the same server, by rss or what ever technics?

It might be useful also for prove-reading of the transcripts.
Title: Re: [DD] Audio-Dhamma, Tipitaka in Khmer Sprache für Mönche
Post by: Dhammañāṇa on August 11, 2020, 10:07:01 PM
Having found them saved by Nyom on the laptop, Atma thought of uploading them and make them accessible next to the transcription (also for proofreading) while experimenting a little with quality currently.

A question that arises is whether the given available memory on the space is sufficient currently (how much space would there be available?) Nyom Moritz ?
Title: Re: [DD] Audio-Dhamma, Tipitaka in Khmer Sprache für Mönche
Post by: Moritz on August 11, 2020, 10:38:01 PM
Having found them saved by Nyom on the laptop, Atma thought of uploading them and make them accessible next to the transcription (also for proofreading) while experimenting a little with quality currently.

A question that arises is whether the given available memory on the space is sufficient currently (how much space would there be available?) Nyom Moritz ?

Currently there are about 30 GB free space on the server. So it should be more than enough for these audios.

_/\_ _/\_ _/\_
Title: Re: [DD] Audio-Dhamma, Tipitaka in Khmer Sprache für Mönche
Post by: Dhammañāṇa on August 11, 2020, 10:48:44 PM
Sadhu, Sadhu
Title: Re: [DD] Audio-Dhamma, Tipitaka in Khmer Sprache für Mönche
Post by: Dhammañāṇa on December 15, 2022, 09:31:46 PM
Only in short time the audio records, mainly by Bhante Khemananda and Upasika Villa but also many others, like here childen, had been grown to over 1000 Sutta files, complete Majjimanikaya... as well as a large part of Vinaya, Vibanga and Mahavagga.

Sharing them daily within the small group of Sutta listener.

Bhante, former always via tablet, tried today the new possibility on laptop


Dhammāoke - hobby, Generosity, or "duty" of the Noble Ones (

A list of audio files for download here:


Title: Re: [DD] Audio-Dhamma, Tipitaka in Khmer Sprache für Mönche
Post by: Vila on December 16, 2022, 07:53:23 AM
 _/\_ _/\_ _/\_