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Dhp XV PTS: Dhp 197-208


übersetzt aus dem Pali von

Daw Mya Tin

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Editorial Committee, Burma Tipitaka Association

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Alternative Übersetzung: Thanissaro | Buddharakkhita

Natikalahavupasamana Vatthu

Susukhaṃ vata jīvāma, verinesu averino; Verinesu manussesu, viharāma averino.

VERS 197: Indeed we live very happily, not hating anyone among those who hate; among men who hate we live without hating anyone. Geschichte zu Dhp 197-199

Natikalahavupasamana Vatthu

Susukhaṃ vata jīvāma, āturesu(1) anāturā; Āturesu manussesu, viharāma anāturā.

VERS 198: Indeed we live very happily, in good health among the ailing; among men who are ailing we live in good health. Geschichte zu Dhp 197-199

Natikalahavupasamana Vatthu

Susukhaṃ vata jīvāma, ussukesu anussukā; Ussukesu manassesu, viharāma anussukā.

VERS 199: Indeed we live very happily, not striving (for sensual pleasures) among these who strive (for them); among those who strive (for them) we live without striving. Geschichte zu Dhp 197-199

Mara Vatthu

Susukhaṃ vata jīvāma, yesaṃ no natthi kiñcanaṃ;(2) Pītibhakkhā bhavissāma, devā ābhassarā yathā.(3) yatha.

VERS 200: Indeed we live very happily, without any anxiety (i.e., without greed, ill will and ignorance); like the Abhassara brahmas we shall live on delightful satisfaction (piti) as our food. Geschichte zu Dhp 200

Kosalaranno Parajaya Vatthu

Jayaṃ veraṃ pasavati, dukkhaṃ seti parājito; Upasanto sukhaṃ seti, hitvā jayaparājayaṃ.

VERS 201: Conquest begets enmity; the conquered live in misery; the peaceful live happily having renounced conquest and defeat. Geschichte zu Dhp 201

Annatarakuladarika Vatthu

Natthi rāgasamo aggi, natthi dosasamo kali; Natthi khandhasamā dukkhā, natthi santiparaṃ sukhaṃ.

VERS 202: There is no fire like passion; there is no evil like hatred; there is no ill like (the burden of) khandhas; there is no bliss that surpasses the Perfect Peace (i.e., Nibbana). Geschichte zu Dhp 202

Eka Upasaka Vatthu

Jighacchāparamā rogā, saṅkhāraparamā dukhā; Etaṃ ñatvā yathābhūtaṃ, nibbānaṃ paramaṃ sukhaṃ.

VERS 203: Hunger is the greatest ailment, khandhas are the greatest ill. The wise, knowing them as they really are, realize Nibbana, the greatest bliss. Geschichte zu Dhp 203

Pasenadikosala Vatthu

Ārogyaparamā lābhā, santuṭṭhiparamaṃ dhanaṃ; Vissāsaparamā(4) ñāti, nibbānaṃ paramaṃ sukhaṃ.

VERS 204: Health is the greatest gift, contentment is the greatest wealth, a trusted friend is the best relative, Nibbana is the greatest bliss. Geschichte zu Dhp 204

Tissatthera Vatthu

Pavivekarasaṃ pitvā, rasaṃ upasamassa ca; Niddaro hoti nippāpo, dhammapītirasaṃ pivaṃ.

VERS 205: Having had the taste of solitude and the taste of Perfect Peace of Nibbana, one who drinks in the joy of the essence of the Dhamma is free from fear and evil. Geschichte zu Dhp 205

Sakka Vatthu

Sāhu dassanamariyānaṃ, sannivāso sadā sukho; Adassanena bālānaṃ, niccameva sukhī siyā.

VERS 206: It is good to see the Noble Ones (ariyas); to live with them is always a pleasure; not seeing fools is also always a pleasure. Geschichte zu Dhp 206-208

Sakka Vatthu

Bālasaṅgatacārī hi, dīghamaddhāna socati; Dukkho bālehi saṃvāso, amitteneva sabbadā; Dhīro ca sukhasaṃvāso, ñātīnaṃva samāgamo.

VERS 207: He who walks in the company of fools has to grieve for a long time. Association with fools is ever painful, as living with an enemy; association with the wise is a pleasure, as living with relatives. Geschichte zu Dhp 206-208

Sakka Vatthu

Tasmā hi – Dhīrañca paññañca bahussutañca, dhorayhasīlaṃ vatavantamariyaṃ; Taṃ tādisaṃ sappurisaṃ sumedhaṃ, bhajetha nakkhattapathaṃva candimā

VERS 208: Therefore one should follow a resolute, intelligent, learned, persevering and dutiful ariya; follow such a virtuous and wise man, as the moon follows the path of the stars. Geschichte zu Dhp 206-208

Die Geschichte von the Pacification of the Relatives of the Buddha

The Buddha uttered Verse (197), (198) and (199) of this book, in the Sakyan country, with reference to his relatives who were quarrelling over the use of the water from the Rohini river.

Kapilavatthu the town of the Sakyans and Koliya the town of the Kolyans were situated on either side of the Rohini river. The cultivators of both towns worked the fields watered by the Rohini river. One year, they did not have enough rain and finding that the paddy and other crops were beginning to shrivel up, cultivators on both sides wanted to divert the water from the Rohini river to their own fields. Those living in Koliya said that there was not enough water in the river for both sides, and that if only they could channel the water just once more to their fields that would be enough for the paddy to mature and ripen. On the other hand, people from Kapilavatthu argued that, in that case, they would be denied the use of the water and their crops would surely fail, and they would be compelled to buy from other people. They said that they were not prepared to go carrying their money and valuables to the opposite bank of the river in exchange for food.

Both sides wanted the water for their own use only and there was much ill will between them due to abusive language and accusations on both sides. The quarrel that started between the cultivators came to the ears of the ministers concerned, and they reported the matter to their respective rulers, and both sides prepared to go to war.

The Buddha, surveying the world with his supernormal powers, saw his relatives on both sides of the river coming out to meet in battle and he decided to stop them. All alone, he went to them by going through the sky, and stopped immediately above the middle of the river. His relatives seeing him, powerfully and yet peacefully sitting above them in the sky, hid aside all their weapons and paid obeisance to the Buddha. Then, the Buddha said to them, „For the sake of some water, which is of little value, you should not destroy your lives which are of so much value and priceless. Why have you taken this stupid action? If I had not stopped you today, your blood would have been flowing like a river by now. You live hating your enemies, but I have none to hate; you are ailing with moral defilements, but I am free from them; you are striving to have sensual pleasures, but I do not strive for them.“

Dann sprach der Buddha folgenden Vers:

Vers 197 Indeed we live very happily, not hating anyone among those who hate; among men who hate we live without hating anyone.

Vers 198 Indeed we live very happily, in good health among the ailing; among men who are ailing we live in good health.

Vers 199 Indeed we live very happily, not striving (for sensual pleasures) among these who strive (for them); among those who strive (for them) we live without striving.

At the end of the discourse many people attained Sotapatti Fruition.

Die Geschichte von Mara

The Buddha uttered Verse (200) of this book in a brahmin village known as Pancasala (village of five halls), with reference to Mara.

On one occasion, the Buddha saw in his vision that five hundred maidens from Pancasala village were due to attain Sotapatti Fruition. So he went to stay near that village. The five hundred maidens went to the riverside to have a bath; after the bath they returned to the village fully dressed up, because it was a festival day. About the same time, the Buddha entered Pancasila village for alms-food but none of the villagers offered him anything because they had been possessed by Mara.

On his return the Buddha met Mara, who promptly asked him whether he had received much alms-food.

The Buddha saw the hand of Mara in his failure to get any alms-food on that day and replied, „You wicked Mara! It was you who turned the villagers against me. Because they were possessed by you they did not offer any alms-food to me. Am I not right ?“ Mara made no reply to that question, but he thought that it would be fun to entice the Buddha back to the village and get the villagers to insult the Buddha by making fun of him. So he suggested, „O Buddha, why don't you go back to the village again? This time, you are sure to get some food.“

Just then, the five hundred village maidens arrived on the scene and paid obeisance to the Buddha. In their presence, Mara taunted the Buddha, „O Buddha, since you received no alms-food this morning, you must be feeling the pangs of hunger!“ To him the Buddha replied, „O wicked Mara, even though we do not get any food, like the Abhassara brahmas who live only on the delightful satisfaction (piti) and bliss (sukha) of jhana, we shall live on the delightful satisfaction and bliss of the Dhamma.“

Dann sprach der Buddha folgenden Vers:

Vers 200 Indeed we live very happily, without any anxiety (i.e., without greed, ill will and ignorance); like the Abhassara brahmas we shall live on delightful satisfaction (piti) as our food.

At the end of the discourse, the five hundred maidens attained Sotapatti Fruition.

Die Geschichte von the Defeat of the King of Kosala

While residing at the Jetavana monastery, the Buddha uttered Verse (201) of this book, with reference to the King of Kosala who was defeated in battle by Ajatasattu, his own nephew.

In fighting against Ajatasattu, the King of Kosala was defeated three times. Ajatasattu was the son of King Bimbisara and Queen Vedehi, the sister of the King of Kosala. The King of Kosala was ashamed and very much depressed over his defeat. Thus his lamentation: „What a disgrace! I cannot even conquer this boy who still smells of mother's milk. It is better that I should die.“ Feeling depressed and very much ashamed, the king refused to take food, and kept to his bed. The news about the king's distress spread like wild fire and when the Buddha came to learn about it, he said, „Bhikkhus! In one who conquers, enmity and hatred increase; one who is defeated suffers pain and distress.“

Dann sprach der Buddha folgenden Vers:

Vers 201 Conquest begets enmity; the conquered live in misery; the peaceful live happily having renounced conquest and defeat.

Die Geschichte von a Young Bride

While residing at the Jetavana monastery, the Buddha uttered Verse (202) of this book at the house of a lay-disciple, with reference to a young bride.

On the day a young woman was to be wedded to a young man, the parents of the bride invited the Buddha and eighty of his disciples for alms-food. Seeing the girl as she moved about the house, helping with the offering of alms-food, the bridegroom was very much excited, and he could hardly attend to the needs of the Buddha and the other bhikkhus. The Buddha knew exactly how the young bridegroom was feeling and also that time was ripe for both the bride and the bridegroom to attain Sotapatti Fruition.

By his supernormal power, the Buddha willed that the bride would not be visible to the bridegroom. When the young man could no longer see the young woman, he could pay full attention to the Buddha, and his love and respect for the Buddha grew stronger in him. Then the Buddha said to the young man, „O young man, there is no fire like the fire of passion; there is no evil like anger and hatred; there is no ill like the burden of the five aggregates of existence (khandhas); there is no bliss like the Perfect Peace of Nibbana.

Dann sprach der Buddha folgenden Vers:

Vers 202 There is no fire like passion; there is no evil like hatred; there is no ill like (the burden of) khandhas; there is no bliss that surpasses the Perfect Peace (i.e., Nibbana).

At the end of the discourse both the bride and bridegroom attained Sotapatti Fruition.

Die Geschichte von a Lay-Disciple

The Buddha uttered Verse (203) of this book at the village of Alavi, with reference to a lay-disciple.

One day, the Buddha saw in his vision that a poor man would attain Sotapatti Fruition at the village of Alavi. So he went to that village, which was thirty yojanas away from Savatthi. It so happened that on that very day the man lost his ox. So, he had to be looking for the ox. Meanwhile, alms-food was being offered to the Buddha and his disciples in a house in the village of Alavi. After the meal, people got ready to listen to the Buddha's discourse; but the Buddha waited for the young man. Finally, having found his ox, the man came running to the house where the Buddha was. The man was tired and hungry, so the Buddha directed the donors to offer food to him. Only when the man had been fed, the Buddha gave a discourse, expounding the Dhamma step by step and finally leading to the Four Noble Truths. The lay-disciple attained Sotapatti Fruition at the end of the discourse.

Afterwards, the Buddha and his disciples returned to the Jetavana monastery. On the way, the bhikkhus remarked that it was so surprising that the Buddha should have directed those people to feed the young man before he gave the discourse. On hearing their remarks, the Buddha said, „Bhikkhus! What you said is true, but you do not understand that I have come here, all this distance of thirty yojanas, because I knew that he was in a fitting condition to take in the Dhamma. If he were feeling very hungry, the pangs of hunger might have prevented him from taking in the Dhamma fully. That man had been out looking for his ox the whole morning, and was very tired and also very hungry. Bhikkhus, after all, there is no ailment which is so difficult to bear as hunger.“

Dann sprach der Buddha folgenden Vers:

Vers 203 Hunger is the greatest ailment, khandhas are the greatest ill. The wise, knowing them as they really are, realize Nibbana, the greatest bliss.

Die Geschichte von King Pasenadi of Kosala

While residing at the Jetavana monastery, the Buddha uttered Verse (204) of this book, with reference to King Pasenadi of Kosala.

One day, King Pasenadi of Kosala went to the Jetavana monastery after having his full morning meal. It was said that the king had eaten one quarter basket (about half a bushel) of rice with meat curry on that day; so while listening to the Buddha's discourse he felt very sleepy and was nodding most of the time. Seeing him nodding, the Buddha advised him to take a little less rice everyday and to decrease the amount on a sliding scale to the minimum of one-sixteenth part of the original amount he was taking. The king did as he was told and found that by eating less he became thin, but he felt very much lighter and enjoyed much better health. When he told the Buddha about this, the Buddha said to him, „O king! Health is a great boon; contentment is a great wealth; a close and trusted friend is the best relative; Nibbana is the greatest bliss.“

Dann sprach der Buddha folgenden Vers:

Vers 204 Health is the greatest gift, contentment is the greatest wealth, a trusted friend is the best relative, Nibbana is the greatest bliss.

Die Geschichte von Thera Tissa

The Buddha uttered Verse (205) of this book at Vesali, with reference to Thera Tissa.

When the Buddha declared that in four months' time he would realize parinibbana, many puthujjana bhikkhus were apprehensive. They were at a loss and did not know what to do, and so they kept close to the Buddha. But Thera Tissa, having resolved that he would attain arahatship in the life-time of the Buddha did not go to him, but left for a secluded place to practise meditation. Other bhikkhus, not understanding his behaviour, took him to the Buddha and said, „Venerable Sir, this bhikkhu does not seem to cherish and honour you; he only keeps to himself instead of coming to your presence.“ Thera Tissa then explained to them that he was striving hard to attain arahatship before the Buddha realized parinibbana, and that was the only reason why he had not come to see the Buddha.

Having heard his explanation, the Buddha said to the bhikkhus, „Bhikkhus! Those who love and respect me should act like Tissa. You are not paying homage to me by just offering me flowers, perfumes and incense. You pay homage to me only by practising the Lokuttara Dhamma, i.e., Insight Meditation.“

Dann sprach der Buddha folgenden Vers:

Vers 205 Having had the taste of solitude and the taste of Perfect Peace of Nibbana, one who drinks in the joy of the essence of the Dhamma is free from fear and evil.

At the end of the discourse Thera Tissa attained Sotapatti Fruition.

Die Geschichte von Sakka

While residing at the village of Veluva, the Buddha uttered Verses (206), (207) and (208) of this book, with reference to Sakka, king of the devas.

About ten months before the Buddha realized parinibbana, the Buddha was spending the vassa at Veluva village near Vesali. While he was staying there, he suffered from dysentery. When Sakka learned that the Buddha was ailing, he came to Veluva village so that he could personally nurse the Buddha during his sickness. The Buddha told him not to worry about his health as there were many bhikkhus near him; but Sakka did not listen to him and kept on nursing the Buddha until he recovered.

The bhikkhus were surprised and awe-struck to find Sakka himself attending on the Buddha. When the Buddha heard their remarks he said, „Bhikkhus! There is nothing surprising about Sakka's love and devotion to me. Once, when the former Sakka was growing old and was about to pass away, he came to see me. Then, I expounded the Dhamma to him. While listening to the Dhamma, he attained Sotapatti Fruition; then he passed away and was reborn as the present Sakka. All these happened to him simply because he listened to the Dhamma expounded by me. Indeed, bhikkhus, it is good to see the Noble Ones (ariyas); it is a pleasure to live with them; to live with fools is, indeed, painful.

Dann sprach der Buddha folgenden Vers:

Vers 206 It is good to see the Noble Ones (ariyas); to live with them is always a pleasure; not seeing fools is also always a pleasure.

Vers 207 He who walks in the company of fools has to grieve for a long time. Association with fools is ever painful, as living with an enemy; association with the wise is a pleasure, as living with relatives.

Vers 208 Therefore one should follow a resolute, intelligent, learned, persevering and dutiful ariya; follow such a virtuous and wise man, as the moon follows the path of the stars.

End of Chapter Fifteen: Happiness (Sukhavagga)



aturesu/atura: ailing or ailment; moral ailment is meant here.


natthi kincanam: without any anxiety, here it means without greed, ill will and ignorance (raga, dosa and moha).


deva abhassara: Abhassara brahmas are the radiant brahmas of the abode of the second Rupavacara Jhana Brahmaloka.


vissasaparama: vissasa + parama: vissasa here means trust, also interpreted as intimacy.

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