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Kamma.m Sutta: Kamma

Kamma.m Sutta

Summary: The Buddha explains how the results of „old“ kamma (the actions we performed in the past) and „new“ kamma (the ones we perform now) are both experienced in the present.

SN 35.145 PTS: S iv 132 CDB ii 1211 (corresponds to CDB SN 35.146)

Kamma.m Sutta: Kamma

übersetzt aus dem Pali von

Maurice O'Connell Walshe

Übersetzung ins Deutsche von:

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Alternative Übersetzung: noch keine vorhanden

Alternative Übersetzung: Thanissaro

Der Pali-Titel dieser Sutta basiert auf der PTS (Feer) - Ausgabe.

„Monks, I will teach you about new kamma and old kamma, about the ceasing of kamma and the path that leads to the ceasing of kamma. Listen well, pay close attention and I will speak.

„What, monks, is old kamma?

„The eye [ear, nose tongue, body (touch), mind],(1) monks, is to be regarded as old kamma, brought into existence and created by volition,(2) forming a basis for feeling.(3) This, monks, is called 'old kamma.'

„And what, monks, is new kamma?

„The action(4) one performs now by body, speech and mind. This monks, is called 'new kamma.'

„When, monks, by ceasing actions of body, speech and mind, one touches liberation,(5) this, monks, is called 'the ceasing of kamma.'

„And what, monks, is the path that leads to the ceasing of kamma?

„It is the Noble Eightfold Path, namely Rechte Ansicht, Right Thought, Right Speech, Rechte Handlung,(6) Rechter Lebensunterhalt, Rechte Anstrengung, Right Mindfulness, Right Concentration. This, monks, is called 'the path that leads to the ceasing of kamma.'(7)

„Whatever, monks, a teacher ought to do out of compassion, for the profit of his disciples, that I have done, having compassion for you.

„Here monks, are the roots of trees! Here are lonely places! Meditate monks. Do not be slothful, have no subsequent regrets. Thus we charge you.“



Woodward quotes SA [SN commentary] as correctly pointing out that „Eye in itself is not old but it has come about by former actions [i.e., kamma.]“


Cf. the classic definition of kamma at AN 6.63: cetanaaha.m bhikkhave kamma.m vadaami „volition, monks, I declare to be kamma“ (see A.nguttara Nikaaya: An Anthology translated by Nyaa.naponika Thera, Teil II [WH 208-211], p.67).


Vedaniiya.m. Hence a basis for craving etc.


The same word kamma is used in the Pali.


This is really the Third Noble Truth.


The word here is kammanta. Rechte Handlung is specifically the observance of the first three precepts, i.e., abstaining from killing, theft and sexual misconduct.


Kammanirodha-gaaminii-pa.tipadaa. The usual term for the Path is dukkhanirodha-gaaminii-pa.tipadaa „the path (or practice) that leads to the extinction of suffering.“ Here the link between kamma and dukkha is clearly brought out. Those who have attained the goal do not create even good kamma.

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Anumodana puñña kusala!

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