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āyatana {pi}

Pāḷi; √ āyatana
alt. sp.: IPA: ɑːjət̪ən̪ə, Velthuis: aayatana, readable: aayatana, simple: ayatana
translation ~:
khmer: អាយតន
thai: อายตน
sinhal.: ආයතන
burm.: အာယတန


[dic] āyatana (ayatana)

āyatana: Description welcome. Info can be removed after imput.

ATI Glossary

āyatana: Sense medium. The inner sense media are the sense organs: eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind. The outer sense media are their respective objects.


Buddhist Dictionary

by late Ven. Nyanalokita Thera:

āyatana: 1. 'spheres', is a name for the four immaterial absorptions; see jhāna (5-8). 2. The 12 'bases' or 'sources' on which depend the mental processes, consist of five physical sense-organs and consciousness, being the six personal (ajjhattika) bases; and the six objects, the so-called external (bāhira) bases - namely:

  • eye, or visual organ visible object
  • ear, or auditory organ sound, or audible object
  • nose, or olfactory organ odour, or olfactive object
  • tongue, or gustatory organ taste, or gustative object
  • body, or tactile organ body-impression, or tactile object
  • mind-base, or consciousness mind-object (manāyatana, dhammāyatana)

“By the visual organ (cakkhāyatana) is meant the sensitive part of the eye (cakkhu-pasāda) built up of the four elements … responding to sense-stimuli” sa-ppaṭigha)… Vibhaṅga II

Similar is the explanation of the four remaining physical sense-organs.

Mind-base (manāyatana) is a collective term for all consciousness whatever, and should therefore not be confounded with the mind-element (mano-dhātu; see dhātu II, 16), which latter performs only the functions of adverting (āvajjana) to the sense-object, and of receiving (sampaṭicchana) the sense-object. On the functions of the mind, see viññāṇa-kicca.

The visible object (rūpāyatana) is described in Vibhaṅga II as “that phenomenon which is built up of the four physical elements and appears as color, etc.” What is' seen by-visual perception, i.e. by eye-consciousness (cakkhu-viññāṇa) are colors and differences of light, but not three dimensional bodily things.

'Mind-object-base' (dhammāyatana) is identical with 'mind-object-element' (dhamma-dhātu; see dhātu II) and dhammārammaṇa (see ārammaṇa).

It may be physical or mental, past, present or future, real or imaginary.

The 5 physical sense-organs are also called faculties (see indriya), and of these faculties it is said in MN 43:

“Each of the five faculties owns a different sphere, and none of them partakes of the sphere of another one; … they have mind as their support… are conditioned by vitality, … but vitality again is conditioned by heat, heat again by vitality, just as the light and flame of a burning lamp are mutually conditioned.”

The 12 bases are fully discussed in Visuddhi Magga XV. In Yam III (s F. Guide, p 98f) the 12 terms are subjected to a logical investigation The six personal bases form the 5th link of dependent origination (see paṭiccasamuppāda 5).


PTS Dictionary

by the Pali Text Society:


Glossary Thanissaro

Āyatana: Sense medium. The six inner sense media are the eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and intellect. The six outer sense media are their respective objects.


Illustrated Glossary of Pāli Terms

by Ven. Varado Maha Thera:

Glossary various Teacher

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See also

Suttas and Dhammadesanā

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en/dictionary/āyatana.txt · Last modified: 2019/09/24 14:04 by