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abhinandati {pi}

Pāḷi; √ abhinandati
alt. sp.: IPA: əbʰɪn̪ən̪d̪ət̪ɪ, Velthuis: abhinandati, redable: abhinandati, simple: abhinandati
translation ~:
khmer: អភិនន្ទតិ
thai: อภินนฺทติ
sinhal.: අභිනන්දති
burm.: အဘိနန္ဒတိ


[dic] abhinandati

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ATI Glossary

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Buddhist Dictionary

by late Ven. Nyanalokita Thera:

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PTS Dictionary

by the Pali Text Society:


Glossary Thanissaro

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Illustrated Glossary of Pāli Terms

by Ven. Varado Maha Thera:


On longing for the future

One ‘takes delight’ in the present, or ‘longs for’ the future. ‘Longing for’ the future means directing the mind with desire (cittaṁ paṇidahati), as follows:

• How does one long for the future?

Kathañcāvuso anāgataṁ paṭikaṅkhati:

… One directs one’s mind to acquire what has not yet been acquired, thinking, ‘May the visual sense and visible objects be thus in the future.’ In directing one’s mind thus, one longs for it. In doing so one longs for the future.

iti me cakkhuṁ siyā anāgatamaddhānaṁ iti rūpāti appaṭiladdhassa paṭilābhāya cittaṁ paṇidahati. Cetaso paṇidhānapaccayā tadabhinandati. Tadabhinandanto anāgataṁ paṭikaṅkhati. (MN iii 195-6)


Illustration: abhinandati, take delight in

One who takes delight in the Solidness Phenomenon, takes delight in what is intrinsically unsatisfactory. One who takes delight in what is intrinsically unsatisfactory, I declare, is not freed from suffering, I declare.

Yo bhikkhave paṭhavīdhātuṁ abhinandati dukkhaṁ so abhinandati. Yo dukkhaṁ abhinandati aparimutto so dukkhasmā vadāmi. (SN ii 175)

Illustration: abhinandati, long for

Being affected by an unpleasant sense impression, he longs for sensuous pleasure.

so dukkhāya vedanāya phuṭṭho samāno kāmasukhaṁ abhinandati. (SN iv 208-9)


nābhinandati: (main article see: abhinandati)

Illustration: nābhinandati, take delight in

They always take delight in food, both devas and human beings. So what sort of deity could it be that does not take delight in food?

Annamevābhinandanti ubhaye devamānusā
Atha ko nāma so yakkho yaṁ annaṁ nābhinandatī ti. (SN i 32)


nābhinandeyya: (main article see: abhinandati)

Illustration: nābhinandeyya, take delight in

The bhikkhu, the disciple of the Buddha, should not take delight in worldly honour. He should cultivate seclusion [from sensuous pleasures and spiritually unwholesome factors] instead.

bhikkhu buddhassa sāvako sakkāraṁ nābhinandeyya vivekamanubrūhaye. (Dhp 75)


abhinandāmi: (main article see: abhinandati)

Illustration: abhinandāmi, take delight in

And I would take delight in that supreme teaching, great Seer, understanding which, one living the religious life, one who is mindful, would overcome attachment to the world [of phenomena].

tañcāhaṁ abhinandāmi mahesi dhammamuttamaṁ
Yaṁ viditvā sato caraṁ tare loke visattikaṁ. (Snp 1054)


abhinanditaṁ: (main article see: abhinandati)

Illustration: abhinanditaṁ, take delight in

See the body [according to reality], Kulla, as ailing, foul, and loathsome; oozing and dripping [from its nine orifices]―but which fools take delight in.


abhinandanti: (main article see: abhinandati)

Illustration: abhinandanti, take delight in

In this regard, Ānanda, a person is gentle, pleasant to live with. His companions in the religious life take delight in his company

abhinandanti sabrahmacārī ekattavāsena. (AN iii 350)

Illustration: abhinandanti, applaud

A man who has long been living abroad, who returns safely from afar, his relatives, friends, and comrades applaud his return.

Ñātimittā suhajjā ca abhinandanti āgataṁ. (Dhp 219)


nābhinandāmi: (main article see: abhinandati)

Illustration: nābhinandāmi, long for; nābhinandāmi, take delight in

I do not long for death. I take no delight in life. I await the inevitable hour like a servant for his wages.

Nābhinandāmi maraṇaṁ nābhinandāmi jīvitaṁ
Kālañca paṭikaṅkhāmi nibbisaṁ bhatako yathā. (Tha 1003)

Illustration: nābhinandāmi, applaud

If one does not pardon those who confess their faults, one harbours unfriendliness:

• I do not applaud that unfriendliness, thus I pardon your transgression

Taṁ veraṁ nābhinandāmi patigaṇhāmi voccayan ti. (SN i 25)


nābhinandati: (main article see: abhinandati)

Illustration: nābhinandati, long for

He abandons craving for states of individual existence but he does not long for the cessation of individual existence.

Bhavataṇhā pahīyati vibhavaṁ nābhinandati. (Uda 33)

Some people are revolted, appalled, and disgusted by individual existence.

bhaveneva kho paneke aṭṭiyamānā harāyamāsā jigucchamānā

They long for the cessation of individual existence


abhinandiṁsu: (main article see: abhinandati)

Illustration: abhinandiṁsu, applaud

Those bhikkhus neither applauded those ascetics words, nor criticised them, but rose and left.

neva abhinandiṁsu nappaṭikkosiṁsu. Anabhinanditvā appaṭikkositvā uṭṭhāyāsanā pakkamiṁsu. (SN v 109)


abhinandīti: (main article see: abhinandati)

Illustration: abhinandīti, applaud

Venerable Ānanda was pleased and applauded the Blessed One’s words.

attamano āyasmā ānando bhagavato bhāsitaṁ abhinandīti. (MN ii 266)


abhinanditabbaṁ: (main article see: abhinandati)

Illustration: abhinanditabbaṁ, applaud

A bhikkhu makes a declaration of arahantship.

bhikkhu aññaṁ vyākaroti khīṇā jāti vusitaṁ brahmacariyaṁ kataṁ karaṇīyaṁ nāparaṁ itthattāyā ti pajānāmi ti.

The bhikkhus words should be neither applauded nor criticised

tassa bhikkhave bhikkhuno bhāsitaṁ neva abhinanditabbaṁ nappaṭikkositabbaṁ

But he should be asked a question. If he answers correctly, then:

… expressing one’s approval, one may applaud and acclaim that bhikkhu’s words

tassa bhikkhave bhikkhuno sādhū ti bhāsitaṁ abhinanditabbaṁ anumoditabbaṁ. (MN iii 29-30)


Glossary various Teacher

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See also

Suttas and Dhammadesanā

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en/dictionary/abhinandati.txt · Last modified: 2019/09/25 05:32 by