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adhimuccati {pi}

Pāḷi; √ adhimuccati
alt. sp.: IPA: əd̪ʰɪmut͡ʃt͡ʃət̪ɪ, Velthuis: adhimuccati, readable: adhimuchchati, simple: adhimuccati
translation ~:
khmer: អធិមុច្ចតិ
thai: อธิมุจฺจติ
sinhal.: අධිමුච්චති
burm.: အဓိမုစ္စတိ


[dic] adhimuccati

adhimuccati: Description welcome. Info can be removed after imput.

ATI Glossary

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Buddhist Dictionary

by late Ven. Nyanalokita Thera:

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PTS Dictionary

by the Pali Text Society:


Glossary Thanissaro

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Illustrated Glossary of Pāli Terms

by Ven. Varado Maha Thera:

Introduction: correcting the texts

Reading vimuccati as adhimuccati

Both VRI and BJT Pāli editions agree that the word sequence cittaṁ pakkhandati pasīdati santiṭṭhati is followed by either vimuccati or adhimuccati. In every case we prefer adhimuccati. The commentaries support us in two cases. The readings are as follows:

Horner vs. Trenkner

Concerning the occurrence at MN i 435, Horner praises the reading pakkhandati pasīdati santiṭṭhati vimuccati, saying:

• ‘The compilers were right to vary the last of the four verbs’ (note to MN i 435).

However, she admits that in saying so she contradicts Trenkner, who ‘says he should have adopted’ adhimuccati.

Bodhi: adhimuccati ‘makes better sense’

Bodhi supports Trenckner. In notes to the Aṅguttara references he says:

  • ‘Though all three editions here read vimuccati, Mp [commentary] glosses the word with adhimuccati. The latter makes better sense to me. The manuscript traditions, as well as printed editions, show irregular variations between these two readings throughout the Nikāyas.’ (note to AN iii 245, NDB n.1206).
  • Mp glosses vimuccati here as “liberated from the opposing qualities” (paccanlkadhammehi ca vimuccati). Since all three editions, with the support of Mp [commentary], have vimuccati, I translate in conformity with this reading, but I think it likely that the original reading was adhimuccati, “resolved upon” or “focused on.” As the text unfolds with respect to the successive meditative attainments, in each case the bodhisatta is vimuccati/adhimuccati upon the attainment before he actually achieves it. In such a context being “focused on” rather than “liberated in” makes better sense (note to AN iv 439, NDB n.1943).


At all references we read adhimuccati.


Illustration: adhimuccati, intent upon

In seeing a visible object via the visual sense, a bhikkhu is not intent upon an agreeable visible object, nor troubled by a disagreeable visible object.

Idha bhikkhu cakkhunā rūpaṁ disvā piyarūpe rūpe nādhimuccati appiyarūpe rūpe na vyāpajjati. (SN iv 119)

A bhikkhu when contemplating sensuous pleasure his mind does not become energised, serene, settled, and intent upon it. But when contemplating the practice of unsensuousness his mind becomes energised, serene, settled, and intent upon it.

Idha bhikkhave bhikkhuno kāmaṁ manasikaroto kāmesu cittaṁ na pakkhandati nappasīdati na santiṭṭhati na vimuccati (read as adhimuccati. See IGPT sv adhimuccati). Nekkhammaṁ kho panassa manasikaroto nekkhamme cittaṁ pakkhandati pasīdati santiṭṭhati vimuccati (read as adhimuccati. See IGPT sv adhimuccati) . (AN iii 245)


adhimucceyya: (main article see: adhimuccati)

Illustration: adhimucceyya, focus on

A bhikkhu with psychic power and mental mastery could, if he wished, focus on the solidness of that wooden log.

Ākaṅkhamāno āvuso bhikkhu iddhimā cetovasippatto amuṁ dārukkhandhaṁ paṭhavītveva adhimucceyya. (AN iii 340-1)


adhimutto: (main article see: adhimuccati)

Illustration: adhimutto, focused on

One is focused exclusively on the Exquisite. This is the third state of refined awareness.

Subhanteva adhimutto hoti. Ayaṁ tatiyo vimokkho. (MN ii 13; AN iv 307)


nādhimuccati: (main article see: adhimuccati)

Illustration: nādhimuccati, undecided about

One is unsure, doubtful, undecided about, and has no faith in

idhāvuso bhikkhu satthari… dhamme… saṅghe… sikkhāya… kaṅkhati vicikicchati nādhimuccati na sampasīdati

  • the [perfection of the] Teacher’s [enlightenment]
  • the [excellence of the] teaching
  • the [excellent qualities of the] community of disciples
  • the [excellence of the] training (DN iii 237-8).

Illustration: nādhimuccati, undecided

Three states of unsureness (tisso kaṅkhā)

• One is unsure

• one is doubtful about

• one is undecided

• one is unsettled

about the [nature of reality in the] periods of the past, the future, and the present.

atītaṁ vā addhānaṁ ārabbha kaṅkhati vicikicchati nādhimuccati na sampasīdati

anāgataṁ vā addhānaṁ ārabbha kaṅkhati vicikicchati nādhimuccati na sampasīdati

etarahi vā paccuppannaṁ addhānaṁ ārabbha kaṅkhati vicikicchati nādhimuccati na sampasīdati. (DN iii 217)


Glossary various Teacher

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See also

Suttas and Dhammadesanā

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en/dictionary/adhimuccati.txt · Last modified: 2019/09/25 05:32 by