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anumodati {pi}

Pāḷi; √ anumodati
alt. sp.: IPA: ən̪umoːd̪ət̪ɪ, Velthuis: anumodati, readable: anumodati, simple: anumodati
translation ~:
khmer: អនុមោទតិ
thai: อนุโมทติ
sinhal.: අනුමෝදති
burm.: အနုမောဒတိ


[dic] anumodati

anumodati: Description welcome. Info can be removed after imput.

ATI Glossary

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Buddhist Dictionary

by late Ven. Nyanalokita Thera:

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PTS Dictionary

by the Pali Text Society:


Glossary Thanissaro

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Illustrated Glossary of Pāli Terms

by Ven. Varado Maha Thera:


Illustration: anumodati, applaud

When Venerable Udāyī three times contradicted Venerable Sāriputta, Sāriputta thought:

• Venerable Udāyī contradicts me for up to the third time, and not a single bhikkhu applauds me.

yāva tatiyampi kho me āyasmā udāyī paṭikkosati na ca me koci bhikkhu anumodati. (AN iii 194)


abbhanumodāmi: (main article see: anumodati)

Illustration: abbhanumodāmi, applaud; approve of

When the Buddha described a sacrifice in which no animals were killed, the brahmans asked Kūṭadanta why he did not applaud the ascetic Gotama’s fine words (samaṇassa gotamassa subhāsitaṁ subhāsitato nābbhanumodatī ti). He replied:

‘My dear sirs, I do not disapprove of the ascetic Gotama’s fine words. One’s head would split open if one did.’

Nāhaṁ bho samaṇassa gotamassa subhāsitaṁ subhāsitato nābbhanumodāmi. Muddhāpi tassa vipateyya yo samaṇassa gotamassa subhāsitaṁ subhāsitato nābbhanumodeyya

He said his silence was because the Buddha had described the sacrifice as if he himself had performed it in a previous life, which the Buddha confirmed (DN i 143).


abbhanumodati: (main article see: anumodati)

Illustration: abbhanumodati, approve of

Venerable Sāriputta thought how wonderful for Puṇṇa Mantāṇiputta that his knowledgeable companions in the religious life praised him point by point in the Teacher’s presence, and that the Teacher approves of it.

lābhā āyasmato puṇṇassa mantāṇiputtassa yassa viññū sabrahmacārī satthu sammukhā anumāssa anumāssa vaṇṇaṁ bhāsanti tañca satthā abbhanumodati. (MN i 146)

Illustration: abbhanumodati, applaud

King Pasenadi mocked Queen Mallikā for always applauding the Buddha, saying:

• Just as a teacher, whatever he says to his pupil, the pupil applauds it: ‘So it is, teacher! So it is!’

Seyyathā pi nāma ācariyo yaññadeva antevāsissa bhāsati taṁ tadevassa antevāsī abbhanumodati evametaṁ ācariyā evametaṁ ācariyāti. (MN ii 107)

Ascetics mocked Poṭṭhapāda: ‘Whatever ascetic Gotama says, Poṭṭhapāda applauds it: “So it is, Blessed One. So it is, Sublime One.”’

yaññadeva samaṇo gotamo bhāsati taṁ tadevassa abbhanumodati. Evametaṁ bhagavā evametaṁ sugatā ti. (DN i 189)


anumodeyyaṁ: (main article see: anumodati)

Illustration: anumodeyyaṁ, offer the words of appreciation

A bhikkhu may wish “Oh, that I may offer the words of appreciation in the refectory after the meal, not some other bhikkhu.”

aho vata ahameva bhattagge bhuttāvī anumodeyyaṁ. Na añño bhikkhu bhattagge bhuttāvī anumodeyyā ti. (MN i 28)


anumodanassa: (main article see: anumodati)

Illustration: anumodanassa, offering the words of appreciation; anumodati, to offer the words of appreciation

After eating the meal, the Buddha would sit in silence for a while, but not let the time go by for offering the words of appreciation.

na ca anumodanassa kālamatināmeti.

Having eaten, he offers the words of appreciation.

So bhuttāvī anumodati. (MN ii 139)


anumoditabbaṁ: (main article see: anumodati)

Illustration: anumoditabbaṁ, acclaim

If bhikkhu makes a declaration of arahantship, his words should be neither applauded nor criticised;

bhāsitaṁ neva abhinanditabbaṁ nappaṭikkositabbaṁ

But he should be interrogated. If he answers correctly, expressing one’s approval, one may applaud and acclaim the bhikkhu’s words.

sādhū ti bhāsitaṁ abhinanditabbaṁ anumoditabbaṁ. (MN iii 30)


anumodamāno: (main article see: anumodati)

Illustration: anumodamāno, appreciative

And then having kept the observance, the wise man with a serene mind, being appreciative, should in the morning share out food and drink to the community of bhikkhus, as is fitting.

Tato ca pāto upavutthuposatho annena pānena ca bhikkhusaṅghaṁ
Pasannacitto anumodamāno yathārahaṁ saṁvibhajetha viññū. (Snp 405)

Illustration: anumodamāno, applaud

Fools do indeed not praise generosity

bālā have nappasaṁsanti dānaṁ

The wise applaud it

Dhīro ca dānaṁ anumodamāno. (Dhp 177)

Illustration: anumodanti, encourage

When a deva is due to pass away, other devas encourage him with three words of advice:

tīhi vācāhi anumodanti

• ‘Go, sir, to a good realm. Having done so, gain what is inwardly good. Having done so, become firmly established in it.’

ito bho sugatiṁ gaccha. Sugatiṁ gantvā suladdhalābhaṁ labha. Suladdhalābhaṁ labhitvā suppatiṭṭhito bhavāhī ti. (Iti 76)


anumodi: (main article see: anumodati)

Illustration: anumodi, thank

Keṇiya, the matted-hair ascetic, served and satisfied the community of bhikkhus headed by the Buddha with various kinds of good food. Then the Blessed One thanked him with these verses.

keṇiyaṁ jaṭilaṁ bhagavā imāhi gāthāhi anumodi.


We say the Buddha ‘thanked’ Keṇiya. What he said was:

• Fire veneration is the chief aspect of sacrifices. Sāvittī is the chief of Vedic hymns. A king is the chief of human beings. The sea is the chief of waters.

Aggihuttamukhā yaññā sāvittī chandaso mukhaṁ
Rājā mukhaṁ manussānaṁ nadinaṁ sāgaro mukhaṁ.

… The moon is the chief light amongst the constellations. The sun is the chief of luminary bodies. For those who make offerings, seeking merit, the community of bhikkhus, is the chief [recipient].

Nakkhattānaṁ mukhaṁ cando ādicco tapataṁ mukhaṁ
Puññaṁ ākaṅkhamānānaṁ saṅgho ve yajataṁ mukhan ti

When the Blessed One had thanked Keṇiya, the matted-hair ascetic, with these verses he rose from his seat and departed.

Atha kho bhagavā keṇiyaṁ jaṭilaṁ imāhi gāthāhi anumoditvā uṭṭhāyāsanā pakkāmi. (MN ii 146; Snp 571-2; Vin.1.246)

Other translators say (keṇiyaṁ jaṭilaṁ bhagavā imāhi gāthāhi anumodi):

  • Horner: the Lord thanked him in these verses
  • Bodhi: the Blessed One gave him his blessing with these stanzas.
  • Norman: the Blessed One gave thanks to the matted-hair ascetic

anumodanīyena anumodi

anumodanīyena anumodi: (main article see: anumodati)

Illustration: anumodanīyena anumodi, thank with words of appreciation

Then the Blessed One thanked the householder Ugga with these words of appreciation

uggaṁ gahapatiṁ vesālikaṁ iminā anumodanīyena anumodi:

• ‘One who gives what is agreeable will gain what is agreeable. He who preferentially gives clothes, bed, food, drink and various requisites to those who are spiritually purified, knowing the arahants to be like a field for what is relinquished, offered, not held back, a spiritually outstanding person gives what is hard to give. One who gives what is agreeable will gain what is agreeable.’

… When the Blessed One had thanked the householder Ugga with these words of appreciation he rose from his seat and departed.

uggaṁ gahapatiṁ vesālikaṁ iminā anumodanīyena anumoditvā uṭṭhāyāsanā pakkāmi. (AN iii 50)


Glossary various Teacher

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See also

Suttas and Dhammadesanā

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en/dictionary/anumodati.txt · Last modified: 2019/09/25 05:32 by