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diṭṭhe dhamme {pi}

Pāḷi; √ diṭṭhe + dhamme
alt. sp.: IPA: d̪ɪʈʈʰeː d̪ʰəmmeː, Velthuis: di.t.the dhamme, readable: dit't'he dhamme, simple: ditthe dhamme
translation ~:
khmer: ទិដ្ឋេ ធម្មេ
thai: ทิฏฺเฐ ธมฺเม
sinhal.: දිට්ඨේ ධම්මේ
burm.: ဒိဋ္ဌေ ဓမ္မေ


[dic] diṭṭhe dhamme (ditthe dhamme)

diṭṭhe dhamme: Description welcome. Info can be removed after imput.

ATI Glossary

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Buddhist Dictionary

by late Ven. Nyanalokita Thera:

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PTS Dictionary

by the Pali Text Society:


Glossary Thanissaro

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Illustrated Glossary of Pāli Terms

by Ven. Varado Maha Thera:

Illustrations: diṭṭhe dhamme

Illustration: diṭṭhe dhamme, in this lifetime

The wise person who is diligent [in performing meritorious deeds] secures both benefits: benefit in this lifetime, and benefit in the hereafter.

Appamatto ubho atthe adhigaṇhāti paṇḍito
Diṭṭhe dhamme ca yo attho yo cattho samparāyiko. (SN i 86)

He is free of perceptually obscuring states in this lifetime.

diṭṭhe dhamme anāsavo. (SN iv 207)

Illustration: diṭṭhe dhamme, realisable in this lifetime

I shall explain inward peace to you, which is realisable in this lifetime, which is not just hearsay.

Kintiyissāmi te santiṁ diṭṭhe dhamme anitihaṁ. (Snp 1066)

Illustration: diṭṭhe dhamme, fathomable in this lifetime

I shall explain the teaching to you, which is fathomable in this lifetime, which is not just hearsay.

kittayissāmi te dhammaṁ diṭṭhe dhamme anitihaṁ. (Snp 1053)

Illustrations: diṭṭheva dhamme

diṭṭheva dhamme

diṭṭheva dhamme: (main article see: diṭṭhe dhamme; Sandiṭṭhika)

Illustration: diṭṭheva dhamme, in this very lifetime

If anyone practises the four satipaṭṭhāna for seven days, one of two fruits can be expected. Either [the attainment of] arahantship in this very lifetime, or if there is a remnant of grasping, non-returnership.

dvinnaṁ phalānaṁ aññataraṁ phalaṁ pāṭikaṅkhaṁ diṭṭheva dhamme aññā sati vā upādisese anāgāmitā ti. (MN i 62)

He realises the Untroubled in this very lifetime

pāpuṇāti diṭṭheva dhamme nibbānaṁ ti. (Uda 37)

The Perfect One is untraceable even in this lifetime, I declare.’

Diṭṭhevāhaṁ bhikkhave dhamme tathāgataṁ ananuvejjoti vadāmi. (MN i 139-140)

Illustrations: diṭṭhadhamma


diṭṭhadhamma: (main article see: diṭṭhe dhamme; Sandiṭṭhika)

Illustration: diṭṭhadhamma, in this lifetime

Some proclaim a view concerning the highest pleasure in this lifetime.

Diṭṭhadhammanibbānaṁ vā paneke abhivadanti (MN ii 229)

The [absolute] Selfhood has not at that point attained to the highest pleasure in this lifetime.

no ca kho bho ayaṁ attā ettāvatā paramadiṭṭhadhammanibbānaṁ patto hoti. (DN i 36)

Illustration: diṭṭhadhamma, in this lifetime

One is fit to be called a bhikkhu who has realised the Untroubled in this lifetime.

diṭṭhadhammanibbānappatto bhikkhū ti alaṁ vacanāya. (SN ii 18)

Considering two good reasons, brahman, I frequent secluded abodes in forests and quiet groves: in considering a pleasant abiding for myself in this lifetime, and being tenderly concerned for future generations.

attano ca diṭṭhadhammasukhavihāraṁ sampassamāno pacchimañca janataṁ anukampamāno ti. (MN i 23)

That foolish, incompetent, improficient bhikkhu does not gain pleasant states of meditation in this lifetime.

Sakho so bhikkhave bālo avyatto akusalo bhikkhu naceva lābhī hoti diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ. (SN v 150)

When the [absolute] Selfhood is enjoying itself, provided with and possessed of the five varieties of sensuous pleasure, at that point it has attained to the highest pleasure in this lifetime

yato kho bho ayaṁ attā pañcahi kāmaguṇehi samappito samaṅgībhūto paricāreti ettāvatā kho bho ayaṁ attā paramadiṭṭhadhammanibbānaṁ patto hotī ti. (DN i 36)

Illustrations: diṭṭhadhammikā


diṭṭhadhammikā: (main article see: diṭṭhe dhamme; Sandiṭṭhika)

Illustration: diṭṭhadhammikā, realisable in this lifetime

These two aspects of the Untroubled were made known by the Seer, free of attachment, and of excellent qualities.

Duve imā cakkhumatā pakāsitā
Nibbānadhātu anissitena tādinā

One aspect is realisable in this lifetime, with residue, but with the conduit to renewed states of individual existence destroyed;

Ekā hi dhātu idha diṭṭhadhammikā
Saupādisesā bhavanettisaṅkhayā.

The other, having no residue, is that wherein states of individual existence altogether cease.

Anupādisesā pana samparāyikā
Yamhi nirujjhanti bhavāni sabbaso. (Iti 38-9)

Illustration: diṭṭhadhammikā, in this lifetime

Because one who is passionately attached to sensuous pleasure, fastened by fondness and attachment, is neither free of danger in this lifetime, nor in the hereafter, therefore ‘danger’ is an epithet for sensuous pleasures.

Yasmā ca kāmarāgarattāyaṁ bhikkhave chandarāgavinibaddho diṭṭhadhammikāpi bhayā na parimuccati samparāyikāpi bhayā na parimuccati. Tasmā bhayanti kāmānametaṁ adhivacanaṁ. (AN iii 310)

Illustration: diṭṭhadhammikā, in this lifetime; of this lifetime

Sensuous pleasures in this lifetime and in the hereafter, mental images of sensuous pleasures of this lifetime and of the hereafter, both alike are Māra’s realm, Māra’s domain, Māra’s bait, Māra’s hunting ground.

Ye ca diṭṭhadhammikā kāmā ye ca samparāyikā kāmā yā ca diṭṭhadhammikā kāmasaññā yā ca samparāyikā kāmasaññā ubhayametaṁ māradheyyaṁ mārassesavisayo marassesanivāpo mārassesagocaro. (MN ii 261-2)


diṭṭhadhammikānaṁ: (main article see: diṭṭhe dhamme; Sandiṭṭhika)

Illustration: diṭṭhadhammikānaṁ, in this lifetime

For two good reasons the Perfect One establishes the mānatta penance for his disciples: to restrain perceptually obscuring states in this lifetime and to ward them off in the hereafter.

Dveme bhikkhave atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ mānattadānaṁ paññattaṁ. Katame dve? Diṭṭhadhammikānaṁ āsavānaṁ saṁvarāya samparāyikānaṁ āsavānaṁ paṭighātāya. (AN i 99)

Illustrations: sandiṭṭhika


sandiṭṭhikaṁ: (main article see: diṭṭhe dhamme; Sandiṭṭhika)

Illustration: sandiṭṭhikaṁ, directly visible

• Enjoy sensuous human pleasures, sirs; do not abandon what is directly visible in order to pursue what takes time.

bhuñjantu bhonto mānusake kāme mā sandiṭṭhikaṁ hitvā kālikaṁ anudhāvitthāti

• We have not abandoned what is directly visible, brahman, in order to pursue what takes time. We have abandoned what takes time in order to pursue what is directly visible.

Na kho mayaṁ brāhmaṇa sandiṭṭhikaṁ hitvā kālikaṁ anudhāvāma kālikañca kho mayaṁ brāhmaṇa hitvā sandiṭṭhikaṁ anudhāvāma. (SN i 117)

Illustration: sandiṭṭhikaṁ, discernable in this lifetime

How can he, when asked about a fruit of the contemplative life discernable in this lifetime, answer with evasion?'

Kathaṁ hi nāma sandiṭṭhikaṁ sāmaññaphalaṁ puṭṭho samāno vikkhepaṁ vyākarissati ti. (DN i 59)


sandiṭṭhikā: (main article see: diṭṭhe dhamme; Sandiṭṭhika)

Illustration: sandiṭṭhikā, discernable in this lifetime

As to previous karmically consequential conduct, he nullifies it by the gradual experience [of its consequences].

purāṇañca kammaṁ phussa phussa vyantīkaroti.

Its elimination is discernable in this lifetime, realisable in the here and now, intriguing, personally significant, to be realised by the wise for themselves

sandiṭṭhikā nijjarā akālikā ehipassikā opanayikā paccattaṁ veditabbā viññūhīti) (AN ii 197)

When attachment is abandoned, he is not intent upon his own harm, or the harm of others, or the harm of both.

rāge pahīne neva attavyābādhāyapi ceteti na paravyābādhāyapi ceteti na ubhayavyābādhāyapi ceteti.

Its elimination is discernable in this lifetime, realisable in the here and now, intriguing, personally significant, to be realised by the wise for themselves.

Sandiṭṭhikā nijjarā akālikā ehipassikā opanayikā paccattaṁ veditabbā viññūhi. (SN iv 339)


sandiṭṭhiko: (main article see: diṭṭhe dhamme; Sandiṭṭhika)

Illustration: sandiṭṭhiko, discernable in this lifetime

Due to whatever craft by which a noble young man makes his living… he is exposed to cold and heat, he is injured by contact with horseflies, mosquitoes, wind, sun, and snakes; he faces death by hunger and thirst.

Idha bhikkhave kulaputto yena sippaṭṭhānena jīvikaṁ kappeti… sītassa purakkhato uṇhassa purakkhato ḍaṁsamakasavātātapasiriṁsapasamphassehi rissamāno khuppipāsāya mīyamāno. (MN i 85)

This is the danger of sensuous pleasures, a mass of suffering discernable in this lifetime

Ayampi bhikkhave kāmānaṁ ādīnavo sandiṭṭhiko dukkhakkhandho. (MN i 85-7)

Illustration: sandiṭṭhiko, fathomable in this lifetime

‘The teaching is well explained by the Blessed One, fathomable in this lifetime, realisable in the here and now, intriguing, personally applicable, to be realised by the wise for themselves.

svākkhāto bhagavatā dhammo sandiṭṭhiko akāliko ehipassiko opanayiko paccattaṁ veditabbo viññūhī ti. (SN ii 199)


Glossary various Teacher

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Suttas and Dhammadesanā

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