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jhāyati {pi}

Pāḷi; √ jhāyati
alt. sp.: IPA: d͡ʒʰɑːjət̪ɪ, Velthuis: jhaayati, readable: jhaayati, simple: jhayati
translation ~:
khmer: ឈាយតិ
thai: ฌายติ
sinhal.: ඣායති
burm.: ဈာယတိ


[dic] jhāyati (jhayati)

jhāyati: Description welcome. Info can be removed after imput.

ATI Glossary

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Buddhist Dictionary

by late Ven. Nyanalokita Thera:

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PTS Dictionary

by the Pali Text Society:


Glossary Thanissaro

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Illustrated Glossary of Pāli Terms

by Ven. Varado Maha Thera:


Meditation and burning: different roots

Jhāyati is two words, meditation and burning. These are from different roots and cannot be used to explain each other.

Jhāna ‘never means vaguely meditation’: untrue

PED concludes that jhāna ‘never means vaguely meditation. It is the technical term for a special religious experience, reached in a certain order of mental states. It was originally divided into four such states. These may be summarized [as the four jhānas].’ We will show in the illustrations that this statement is untrue.


Illustration: jhāyati, meditate

Having attained to the Imperturbable she meditates at the root of a tree.

Anejaṁ upasampajja rukkhamūlamhi jhāyati (Thi 362)

Illustration: jhāyati, mope

As the carter who abandoned the highway, a road with an even surface, and entered upon a rugged bypath, mopes [mournfully] indeed with a broken axle

Yathā sākaṭiko patthaṁ samaṁ hitvā mahāpathaṁ
Visamaṁ maggamāruyha akkhacchinno va jhāyati.

So the fool, having left the teaching to follow a way opposed to the teaching, mopes like [the carter] with a broken axle when he falls into the mouth of Death.

Evaṁ dhammā apakkamma adhammamanuvattiya
Mando maccumukhaṁ patto akkhacchinno va jhāyatī ti. (SN i 57)

The unbroken colt, Sandha, when tied up at the feeding trough mopes ‘Fodder! Fodder!’ For what reason? Because it never occurs to him ‘I wonder what task the trainer will set me today? What can I do for him in return?

Assakhaluṅko hi sandha doṇiyā baddho yavasaṁ yavasanti jhāyati. (AN v 323)


jhāyino: (main article see: jhāyati)

Illustration: jhāyino, meditate

A consideration came to the ascetic, the bhikkhu Pārāpariya, while he was seated alone, meditating in seclusion.

Samaṇassa ahu cintā pārāpariyassa bhikkhuno
Ekakassa nisinnassa pavivittassa jhāyino.

[He asked himself this:] ‘[By means of] what training, what practice, what conduct, would a man fulfil his duty to himself, and not do any harm?

Kimānupubbaṁ puriso kiṁ vataṁ kiṁ samācāraṁ
Attano kiccakirissa na ca kiñci viheṭhaye

[He reflected thus:] ‘The sense faculties of men are for their welfare or harm. Unsupervised [by mindfulness] they are for their harm; supervised [by mindfulness] they are for their welfare.

Indriyāni manussānaṁ hitāya ahitāya ca
Arakkhitāni ahitāya rakkhitāni hitāya ca.

‘By supervising and keeping watch over one’s sense faculties, one would fulfil one’s duty to oneself and not do any harm.

Indriyāneva sārakkhaṁ indriyāni ca gopayaṁ
Attano kiccakārīssa na ca kiñci viheṭhaye. (Tha 726-8)


jhāyetha: (main article see: jhāyati)

Illustration: jhāyetha, meditate

The wise man intent on meditation would be delighted in the woods.

Sa jhānapasuto dhīro vanante ramito siyā

He would meditate at the root of a tree, being completely content within himself.

Jhāyetha rukkhamūlasmiṁ attānamabhitosayaṁ. (Snp 709)


jhāyatha: (main article see: jhāyati)

Illustration: jhāyatha, meditate

Meditate, Cunda! Do not be negligently applied [to the practice] lest you regret it later!

Jhāyatha cunda mā pamādattha. Mā pacchā vippaṭisārino ahuvattha. (MN i 46)


jhāyeyya: (main article see: jhāyati)

Illustration: jhāyeyya, meditate

They go to different countries, wandering unrestrained. If they lose their inward collectedness, what good will this international travelling do? Therefore one should eliminate [such] harmful conduct. One should meditate unaccompanied.

Tasmā vineyya sārambhaṁ jhāyeyya apurakkhato ti. (Tha 37)


jhāyasi: (main article see: jhāyati)

Illustration: jhāyasi, meditate

With a motionless body, steady, lovely, how beautifully you meditate, bhikkhu!

aniñjamānena ṭhitena vaggunā sucārurūpaṁ vata bhikkhu jhāyasi. (SN i 180)

Illustration: jhāyasi, mope; jhāyami, meditate


• ’Is it because you are overcome by grief that you mope in the woods?’

Sokāvatiṇṇo nu vanamhi jhāyasi

[The Buddha:]

• ’Having extirpated the origin of grief entirely, free of evil deeds, I meditate free of grief.’

Sokassa mūlaṁ palikhāya sabbaṁ anāgu jhāyāmi asocamāno (SN i 122)

jhānaṁ jhāyati

jhānaṁ jhāyati: (main article see: jhāyati)

Illustration: jhānaṁ jhāyati, practise meditation

He who abides in solitary retreat for the four months of the Rains, practising the meditation on [unlimited] compassion, sees Brahmā.

yo vassike cattāro māse paṭisallīyati karuṇaṁ jhānaṁ jhāyati so brahmānaṁ passati. (DN ii 237)

jhānaṁ jhāyeyyan

jhānaṁ jhāyeyyan: (main article see: jhāyati)

Illustration: jhānaṁ jhāyeyyan, practise meditation

How about if I practised the breathingless meditation? So I stopped the in-breaths and out-breaths through my nose and mouth.

yannūnāhaṁ appāṇakaṁ jhānaṁ jhāyeyyan ti. (MN i 243)


jhāyantaṁ: (main article see: jhāyati)

Illustration: jhāyantaṁ, applying myself

While I was nearby the Nerañjara River, resolutely applied to inward striving, applying myself with all my strength to the attainment of safety from [the danger of] bondage [to individual existence].

Taṁ maṁ padhānapahitattaṁ nadiṁ nerañjaraṁ pati
Viparakkamma jhāyantaṁ yogakkhemassa pattiyā. (Snp 425-6)


jhāyiṁ: (main article see: jhāyati)

Illustration: jhāyiṁ, apply himself; jhāyī, meditating

• ’How should he apply himself so sensuous mental images are kept at bay and fail to grip him?’

Kathaṁ jhāyiṁ bahulaṁ kāmasaññā paribāhirā honti aladdha yo tan ti.

(The Blessed One:)

• ’Tranquil in body, with his mind liberated [from perceptually obscuring states],

Free of karmically consequential conduct, mindful, free of worldliness,

asaṅkhārāno satimā anoko

Having understood the teaching, meditating thought-free,

Aññāya dhammaṁ avitakkajhāyī

He does not shake, or drift, or stiffen.

na kuppati na sarati na thīno. (SN i 126)


jhāyanti: (main article see: jhāyati)

Illustration: jhāyanti, mope

Those who have neither lived the religious life nor, in their youth, accumulated savings, mope [in their declining years] like old herons beside a lake without fish.

Acaritvā brahmacariyaṁ aladdhā yobbane dhanaṁ
Jiṇṇakoñcā va jhāyanti khīṇamacche va pallale. (Dhp 155)

These shaven-headed ascetics who claim to be meditators, with shoulders drooping, heads down as if drugged, they mope, brood, ruminate, and cogitate.

ime pana muṇḍakā samaṇakā ibbhā kiṇhā bandhupādāpaccā jhāyinosmā jhāyinosmā ti pattakkhandhā adhomukhā madhurakajātā jhāyanti pajjhāyanti nijjhāyanti apajjhāyanti.

Just as an owl on a branch waiting for a mouse mopes, broods, ruminates, and cogitates.

Seyyathā pi nāma ulūko rukkhasākhāya mūsikaṁ magayamāno jhāyati pajjhāyati nijjhāyati apajjhāyati. (MN i 334)

Illustration: jhāyantī, burning

There are lights burning in the round pavilion

Ete maṇḍalamāḷe dīpā jhāyantī ti. (DN i 50)


Meditation and burning are both jhāyati but come from different roots and cannot be used to explain each other.


jhāno: (main article see: jhāyati)

Illustration: jhāno, meditation

Venerable Revata said the bhikkhu who would illuminate the Gosinga Sāla-tree Grove would be one who:

• takes pleasure and delight in solitary retreat

paṭisallāṇārāmo hoti paṭisallāṇarato

• is given to inward calm

• does not neglect meditation

• possesses insightfulness

vipassanāya samannāgato

• is devoted to solitary abodes


jhāna: (main article see: jhāyati)

Illustration: jhāna, meditation

That the Bamboo Grove is delightful, quiet, undisturbed by voices, with a quiet atmosphere, remote from people, suitable for solitary retreat, is because of the Venerables who meditate there and are given to meditation.

yathā taṁ bhavantehi jhāyīhi jhānasīlīhi. (MN iii 13)


jhānaṁ: (main article see: jhāyati)

Illustration: jhānaṁ, meditation; jhānaṁ, jhāna

What type of meditation did the Blessed One not praise?

Kathaṁrūpañca brāhmaṇa so bhagavā jhānaṁ na vaṇṇesi.

In this regard, brahman, some person abides with a mind absorbed in and overcome by attachment to sensuous pleasure and he does not discern according to reality the deliverance from arisen attachment to sensuous pleasure.

Idha brāhmaṇa ekacco kāmarāgapariyuṭṭhitena cetasā viharati kāmarāgaparetena. Uppannassa ca kāmarāgassa nissaraṇaṁ yathābhūtaṁ nappajānāti.

While he thus cultivates attachment to sensuous pleasure within, he mopes, broods, ruminates, and cogitates.

So kāmarāgaṁyeva antaraṁ karitvā jhāyati pajjhāyati nijjhāyati apajjhāyati.

And likewise for the other five hindrances:

  • Vyāpādapariyuṭṭhitena cetasā viharati
  • Vicikicchāpariyuṭṭhitena cetasā viharati

And what type of meditation did the Blessed One praise?

Kathaṁ rūpañca brāhmaṇa so bhagavā jhānaṁ vaṇṇesi.

  • First jhāna,
  • Second jhāna,
  • Third jhāna,
  • Fourth jhāna.

Idha brāhmaṇa bhikkhu vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ… catutthaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati. (MN iii 13-14)

Illustration: jhānaṁ; jhāna

There is no jhāna for one without penetrative discernment. There is no penetrative discernment for one who does not meditate.

Natthi jhānaṁ apaññassa paññā natthi ajjhāyato

Whoever has jhāna together with penetrative discernment is right in the presence of the Untroubled.

Yamhi jhānañca paññā ca sa ve nibbānasantike. (Dhp 372)


jhānāni: (main article see: jhāyati)

Illustration: jhānāni; jhāna

Abandoning the five hindrances, ever energetic, he enters the jhānas. His mind is concentrated. He is aware and mindful.

Pañcanīvaraṇe hitvā niccaṁ āraddhaviriyo
Jhānāni upasampajja ekodi nipako sato. (AN iii 354)


jhāyamānassa: (main article see: jhāyati)

Illustration: jhāyamānassa, burnt

When the Blessed One’s body had been burnt

Jhāyamānassa kho pana bhagavato sarīrassa. (DN ii 164)

Just as when butter or oil is burnt.

Seyyathā pi nāma sa pi’ssa vā telassa vā jhāyamānassa. (DN ii 164)


Glossary various Teacher

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See also

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en/dictionary/jhāyati.txt · Last modified: 2020/05/12 17:12 by Johann