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kilesa {pi}

Pāḷi; √ kilesa
alt. sp.: IPA: kɪleːs̪ə, Velthuis: kilesa, readable: kilesa, simple: kilesa
translation ~:
khmer: កិលេស
thai: กิเลส
sinhal.: කිලේස
burm.: ကိလေသ


[dic] kilesa

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ATI Glossary

kilesa: Defilement — lobha (passion), dosa (aversion), and moha (delusion) in their various forms, which include such things as greed, malevolence, anger, rancor, hypocrisy, arrogance, envy, miserliness, dishonesty, boastfulness, obstinacy, violence, pride, conceit, intoxication, and complacency.


Buddhist Dictionary

by late Ven. Nyanalokita Thera:

kilesa:1) 'defilements', are mind-defiling, unwholesome qualities.

Visuddhi Magga XXII, 49, 65:

“There are 10 defilements, thus called because they are themselves defiled, and because they defile the mental factors associated with them. They are: (1) greed (lobha), (2) hate (dosa), (3) delusion (moha), (4) conceit (māna), (5) speculative views (diṭṭhi), (6) skeptical doubt (vicikicchā ), (7) mental torpor (thīna), (8) restlessness (uddhacca); (9) shamelessness (ahirika ), (10) lack of moral dread or unconscientiousness (anottappa).”

For 1-3, see mūla; 4, see māna; 5, see diṭṭhi; 6-8, see nīvaraṇa; 9 and 10, see ahirika -anottappa.

The ten are explained in Dhammasaṅgaṇi 1229f and enumerated in Vibhaṅga XII. No classification of the kilesa is found in the Suttas, though the term occurs quite often in them. For the related term, upakkilesa (q.v.; 'impurities') different lists are given.


PTS Dictionary

by the Pali Text Society:


Glossary Thanissaro

Kilesa: Defilement. Mental qualities that obscure the clarity of the mind. There are three basic sorts — passion, aversion, and delusion — but these can combine into a variety of forms. One standard list gives sixteen in all: greed, malevolence, anger, rancor, hypocrisy, arrogance, envy, miserliness, dishonesty, boastfulness, obstinacy, violence, pride, conceit, intoxication, and complacency.


Illustrated Glossary of Pāli Terms

by Ven. Varado Maha Thera:

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Glossary various Teacher

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See also

Suttas and Dhammadesanā

Kilesa: (defilements — passion (lobha), aversion (dosa), and delusion (moha) — in their various forms). See also Anger; Āsavā; avijjā (ignorance); Nīvaraṇa (hindrances).

  • As a source of harm and suffering in the world: SN 3.23
  • As putrefaction: AN 3.126
  • As stains/enemies/murderers/etc.: Iti 88
  • Abandonment of Kilesa as a guarantee of non-return: Iti 1-8
  • Kilesa form the root of unskillful action: Iti 50
  • Kilesa burn like fire: Iti 93
  • Kilesa are like dirty stains on an otherwise clean cloth: MN 7

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Appendix: the 10 kilesa are probably for the first time enumerated and explained in Dhammasaṅgaṇi (§§ 1229-1239). There they are, however, called kilesa-vatthu, which name (dasa-kilesa-vatthu) is already mentioned in Pts I, 130, though there they are neither enumerated nor explained.
en/dictionary/kilesa.txt · Last modified: 2019/09/24 14:07 by