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middha {pi}

Pāḷi; √ middha
alt. sp.: IPA: mɪd̪d̪ʰə, Velthuis: middha, readable: middha, simple: middha
translation ~:
khmer: មិទ្ធ
thai: มิทฺธ
sinhal.: මිද්ධ
burm.: မိဒ္ဓ


[dic] middha

middha: Description welcome. Info can be removed after imput.

ATI Glossary

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Buddhist Dictionary

by late Ven. Nyanalokita Thera:

middha: 'sloth': Combined with thīna, 'torpor', it forms one of the 5 hindrances (see nīvaraṇa). Both may be associated with greedy consciousness (see Table III and Table I 23, 25, 27, 29).


PTS Dictionary

by the Pali Text Society:


Glossary Thanissaro

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Illustrated Glossary of Pāli Terms

by Ven. Varado Maha Thera:


Illustration: middha, torpor

Whatever lethargy there is, is a spiritual hindrance; whatever torpor there is, is also a spiritual hindrance. Thus what is concisely called the hindrance of lethargy and torpor becomes twofold by this method of exposition.

Yadapi bhikkhave thīnaṁ tadapi nīvaraṇaṁ. Yadapi middhaṁ tadapi nīvaraṇāṁ. Thīnamiddhanīvaraṇanti itihidaṁ uddesaṁ gacchati. Tadamināpetaṁ pariyāyena dvayaṁ hoti. (SN v 110)


middhassa: (main article see: middha)

Illustration: middhassa, torpor

There are disgruntlement [with the celibate life], sloth, languor, drowsiness after meals, mental sluggishness. Much improper contemplation in that regard is a condition that nourishes both the arising of unarisen lethargy and torpor, and the increase and expansion of arisen lethargy and torpor.

Atthi bhikkhave arati tandi vijambhitā bhattasammado cetaso ca līnattaṁ. Tattha ayoniso manasikārabahulīkāro ayamāhāro anuppannassa vā thīnamiddhassa uppādāya uppannassa vā thīnamiddhassa bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya. (SN v 102-3)


middhaṁ: (main article see: middha)

Illustration: middhaṁ, torpor

If, while he is walking, any greed in a bhikkhu is done away with, any ill will, any lethargy and torpor, any restlessness and anxiety, any doubt [about the excellence of the teaching] is done away with;

Carato ce pi bhikkhave bhikkhuno abhijjhā vigatā hoti vyāpādo vigato hoti thīnamiddhaṁ vigataṁ hoti uddhaccakukkuccaṁ vigataṁ hoti vicikicchā pahīṇā hoti.

if unflagging energy is aroused; if unmuddled mindfulness is established; if his body is tranquil and peaceful; if his mind is collected and concentrated

Āraddhaṁ hoti viriyaṁ asallīnaṁ upaṭṭhitā sati asammuṭṭhā passaddho kāyo asāraddho samāhitaṁ cittaṁ ekaggaṁ

then a bhikkhu walking like this is said to be constantly and continuously afraid of wrongdoing, and vigorously, energetically, and resolutely applied [to the practice].

carampi bhikkhave bhikkhu evambhūto ātāpī ottappī satataṁ samitaṁ āraddhaviriyo pahitatto ti vuccati. (Iti 118-9)


Illustration: middhaṁ, torpor

Are you nodding, Moggallāna? Are you nodding, Moggallāna? Yes, bhante.

Pacalāyasi no tvaṁ moggallāna pacalāyasi no tvaṁ moggallānā ti. Evaṁ bhante ti.

(1) In which case, whatever state of perception you are abiding in when torpor arises in you, do not focus on that perception, do not cultivate it. It is possible that by abiding in this way, that the torpor will be abandoned.

Tasmātiha tvaṁ moggallāna yathā saññino te viharato taṁ middhaṁ okkamati taṁ saññaṁ mā manasākāsi taṁ saññaṁ mā bahulamakāsi. Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ moggallāna vijjati yaṁ te evaṁ viharato taṁ middhaṁ pahīyetha.

(2) If the torpor is unabandoned, then think about the teaching, ponder it, examine it, as you have heard and memorised it. It is possible that by abiding in this way, that the torpor will be abandoned.

No ce te evaṁ viharato taṁ middhaṁ pahīyetha tato tvaṁ moggallāna yathā sutaṁ yathāpariyattaṁ dhammaṁ cetasā anuvitakkeyyāsi anūvicāreyyāsi manasānupekkheyyāsi. Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati yaṁ te evaṁ viharato taṁ middhaṁ pahīyetha.

(3) If the torpor is unabandoned, then recite the teaching in detail as you have heard and memorised it. It is possible that by abiding in this way, that the torpor will be abandoned.

No ce te evaṁ viharato taṁ middhaṁ pahīyetha tato tvaṁ moggallāna yathāsutaṁ yathāpariyattaṁ dhammaṁ vitthārena sajjhāyaṁ kareyyāsi. Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati yaṁ te evaṁ viharato taṁ middhaṁ pahīyetha.

(4) If the torpor is unabandoned, then tug your ears and massage your limbs. It is possible that by abiding in this way, that the torpor will be abandoned.

No ce te evaṁ viharato taṁ middhaṁ pahīyetha tato tvaṁ moggallāna ubho kaṇṇasotāni āviñjeyyāsi pāṇinā gattāni anumajjeyyāsi. Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati yaṁ te evaṁ viharato taṁ middhaṁ pahīyetha.

(5) If the torpor is unabandoned, then get up from your seat (uṭṭhāyāsanā) and, after washing your eyes out with water (udakena akkhīni anumajjitvā), look around in all directions and upward to the lunar mansions and the glittering stars (disā anuvilokeyyāsi nakkhattāni tārakarūpāni ullokeyyāsi). It is possible that by abiding in this way, that the torpor will be abandoned.

(6) If the torpor is unabandoned, then focus on the mental image of light (ālokasaññaṁ manasikareyyāsi), concentrate on the mental image of day (divāsaññaṁ adhiṭṭheyyāsi). As by day, so at night; as at night, so by day (yathā divā tathā rattiṁ yathā rattiṁ tathā divā). Thus with an attitude open and unclouded, you should make your mind radiant (iti vivaṭena cetasā apariyonaddhena) (sappabhāsaṁ cittaṁ bhāveyyāsi). It is possible that by abiding in this way, that the torpor will be abandoned

(7) If the torpor is unabandoned, then perceiving the constant nature of reality (pacchāpuresaññī), concentrate on pacing back and forth (caṅkamaṁ adhiṭṭheyyāsi), your senses inwardly immersed (antogatehi indriyehi), your mind not straying outwards (abahigatena mānasena). It is possible that by abiding in this way, that the torpor will be abandoned.

(8) If the torpor is unabandoned, then, mindful and fully conscious, lie down on your right side in the lion’s posture with your feet placed together, having contemplated the idea of rising. When you awaken, get up quickly, with the thought, ‘I will not abide given to the pleasures of sleep, languor, and torpor.’ That is how you should train yourself.

No ce te evaṁ viharato taṁ middhaṁ pahīyetha tato tvaṁ moggallāna dakkhiṇena passena sīhaseyyaṁ kappeyyāsi pāde pādaṁ accādhāya sato sampajāno uṭṭhānasaññaṁ manasikaritvā. Paṭibuddheneva te moggallāna khippaṁyeva paccuṭṭhātabbaṁ: na seyyasukhaṁ na phassasukhaṁ na middhasukhaṁ anuyutto viharissāmiti. Evaṁ hi te moggallāna sikkhitabbaṁ. (AN iv 85-86)

Illustration: middhaṁ, torpor

It is now fifty-five years since I adopted the practice of sleeping in the sitting position, and twenty-five years since torpor was abolished in me.

Pañcapaññāsavassāni yato nesajjiko ahaṁ
Pañcavīsativassāni yato middhaṁ samūhataṁ. (Tha 904)


middho: (main article see: middha)

Illustration: middho, torpor

Whether standing, walking, seated or lying down, as long as he was free of torpor he would concentrate on this [practice] mindfully. They call this a divine abiding.

Tiṭṭhaṁ caraṁ nisinno vā sayāno vā yāvatassa vigatamiddho
Etaṁ satiṁ adhiṭṭheyya brahmametaṁ vihāraṁ idhamāhu. (Snp 151)


Glossary various Teacher

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See also

Suttas and Dhammadesanā

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