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nāmarūpa {pi}

Pāḷi; √ nāma + rūpa
alt. sp.: IPA: n̪ɑːməɾuːpə, Velthuis: naamaruupa, readable: naamaruupa, simple: namarupa
translation ~:
khmer: នាមរូប
thai: นามรูป
sinhal.: නාමරූප
burm.: နာမရူပ


[dic] nāmarūpa (namarupa)

nāmarūpa: Description welcome. Info can be removed after imput.

ATI Glossary

nāma-rūpa: Name-and-form; mind-and-matter; mentality-physicality. The union of mental phenomena (nāma) and physical phenomena (rūpa), conditioned by consciousness (viññana) in the causal chain of dependent co-arising paṭicca-samuppāda. [ more ]


Buddhist Dictionary

by late Ven. Nyanalokita Thera:

nāma-rūpa, (lit. 'name and form'): 'mind-and-body', mentality and corporeality. It is the 4th link in the dependent origination (see paṭiccasamuppāda 3, 4) where it is conditioned by consciousness, and on its part is the condition of the sixfold sense-base. In two texts (DN 14, DN 15), which contain variations of the dependent origination, the mutual conditioning of consciousness and mind-and-body is described (see SN 12.67), and the latter is said to be a condition of sense-impression (phassa); so also in Snp 4.11, 872.

The third of the seven purifications (see visuddhi), the purification of views, is defined in Visuddhi Magga XVIII as the “correct seeing of mind-and-body,” and various methods for the discernment of mind-and-body by way of insight-meditation (see vipassanā) are given there. In this context, 'mind' (nāma) comprises all four mental groups, including consciousness. - See nāma.

In five-group-existence (see pañca-vokāra-bhava), mind-and body are inseparable and interdependent; and this has been illustrated by comparing them with two sheaves of reeds propped against each other: when one falls the other will fall, too; and with a blind man with stout legs, carrying on his shoulders a lame cripple with keen eye-sight: only by mutual assistance can they move about efficiently (see Visuddhi Magga XVIII, 32ff). On their mutual dependence, see also paṭiccasamuppāda (3).

With regard to the impersonality and dependent nature of mind and corporeality it is said:

“Sound is not a thing that dwells inside the conch-shell and comes out from time to time, but due to both, the conch-shell and the man that blows it, sound comes to arise: Just so, due to the presence of vitality, heat and consciousness, this body may execute the acts of going, standing, sitting and lying down, and the 5 sense-organs and the mind may perform their various functions” DN 23

“Just as a wooden puppet though unsubstantial, lifeless and inactive may by means of pulling strings be made to move about, stand up, and appear full of life and activity; just so are mind and body, as such, something empty, lifeless and inactive; but by means of their mutual working together, this mental and bodily combination may move about, stand up, and appear full of life and activity.”


PTS Dictionary

by the Pali Text Society:


Glossary Thanissaro

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Illustrated Glossary of Pāli Terms

by Ven. Varado Maha Thera:


Nāma: name, countable noun

Nāma means ‘name’:

• Those people whose names are such-and-such are both seen and heard. But when he has died, only a person’s name will live on to be uttered.

Diṭṭhāpi sutāpi te janā yesaṁ nāmamidaṁ pavuccati
Nāmaṁyevāvasissati akkheyyaṁ petassa jantuno. (Snp 808)

• The name Nigrodhakappa was given to that Brahman by you, Blessed One.

Nigrodhakappo iti tassa nāmaṁ tayā kataṁ bhagavā brāhmaṇassa. (Snp 344)

Nāma: immaterial-factors, uncountable noun

Nāma can also mean ‘denomination’:

• What has conquered everything? What is the most extensive thing? What is the one thing that has everything under its control?

Kiṁsu sabbaṁ addhabhavi kismā bhiyyo na vijjati
Kissassa ekadhammassa sabbeva vasamanvagū ti

… Denomination has conquered everything. Denomination is the most extensive thing. Denomination is the one thing that has everything under its control.

nāmaṁ sabbaṁ addhabhavi nāmā bhiyyo na vijjati
Nāmassa ekadhammassa sabbeva vasamanvagū ti. (SN i 39)

Nāma cannot be called ‘name’ here (‘Name is the one thing that has all under its control’). The context requires an uncountable noun.


In nāmarūpam, nāma is defined like this:

• Sense impression, perception, intentional effort, sensation, and the paying of attention, are called nāmaṁ.

Vedanā saññā cetanā phasso manasikāro idaṁ vuccatāvuso nāmaṁ. (MN i 53)

Translators usually call these five factors ‘name,’ which is unfitting. We call the group ‘immaterial factors.’



nāmarūpaṁ: (main article see: nāmarūpa)

Illustration: nāmarūpaṁ, immaterial-factors-and-bodily-form

And what is immaterial-factors-and-bodily-form, what is the origination of immaterial-factors-and-bodily-form, what is the ending of immaterial-factors-and-bodily-form, what is the practice leading to the ending of immaterial-factors-and-bodily-form?

Katamaṁ panāvuso nāmarūpaṁ? Katamo nāmarūpasamudayo? Katamo nāmarūpanirodho? Katamā nāmarūpanirodhagāminī paṭipadā ti?.

• Sense impression, perception, intentional effort, sensation, and the paying of attention, are called ‘immaterial-factors.’

Vedanā saññā cetanā phasso manasikāro idaṁ vuccatāvuso nāmaṁ

• The four great material phenomena and any bodily form derived from the four great material phenomena: this is called bodily form

Cattāri ca mahābhūtāni catunnañca mahābhūtānaṁ upādāya rūpaṁ.

• These immaterial factors and this bodily form are called immaterial-factors-and-bodily-form.

Idañca nāmaṁ idañca rūpaṁ idaṁ vuccatāvuso nāmarūpaṁ.

• With the origination of the stream of consciousness comes the origination of immaterial-factors-and-bodily-form.

• With the ending of the stream of consciousness comes the ending of immaterial-factors-and-bodily-form.

• The practice leading to the ending of immaterial-factors-and-bodily-form is the noble eightfold path.

ayameva ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo nāmarūpanirodhagāminī paṭipadā. (MN i 53)

When there is what, does immaterial-factors-and-bodily-form arise? What is immaterial-factors-and-bodily-form dependent on?

kimhi nu kho sati nāmarūpaṁ hoti. Kiṁ paccayā nāmarūpan ti.

Then through proper contemplation, there took place in me a realisation through penetrative discernment

Tassa mayhaṁ bhikkhave yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo ti

When there is the stream of consciousness, immaterial-factors-and-bodily-form arises. Immaterial-factors-and-bodily-form arises dependent on the stream of consciousness.

viññāṇe kho sati nāmarūpaṁ hoti viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpan ti

“Then it occurred to me:

tassa mayhaṁ bhikkhave etadahosi

When there is what, does the stream of consciousness arise? What is the stream of consciousness dependent on?

kimhi nu kho sati viññāṇaṁ hoti. Kiṁ paccayā viññāṇan ti.

Then through proper contemplation, there took place in me a realisation through penetrative discernment

Tassa mayhaṁ bhikkhave yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo:

When there is immaterial-factors-and-bodily-form, the stream of consciousness arises. The stream of consciousness arises dependent on immaterial-factors-and-bodily-form.

nāmarūpe kho sati viññāṇaṁ hoti nāmarūpapaccayā viññāṇan ti

Then it occurred to me:

tassa mayhaṁ bhikkhave etadahosi

The stream of consciousness turns back at immaterial-factors-and-bodily-form; it does not go further.

paccudāvattati kho idaṁ viññāṇaṁ nāmarūpamhā nāparaṁ gacchati

On account of this one can be born, age and die, pass away and be reborn,

Ettāvatā jāyetha vā jīyetha vā mīyetha vā cavetha vā upapajjetha vā

Namely through the stream of consciousness being dependent on immaterial-factors-and-bodily-form; and immaterial-factors-and-bodily-form being dependent on the stream of consciousness.

yadidaṁ nāmarūpapaccayā viññāṇaṁ viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṁ. (SN ii 104)


Glossary various Teacher

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See also

Suttas and Dhammadesanā

nāma-rūpa: Name-and-form, mind-and-matter, mentality-materiality). See also paṭicca-samuppāda (dependent co-arising).

  • Understanding of nāma-rūpa as a basis for Right View: MN 9
  • Mutual dependence of consciousness and nāma-rūpa: SN 12.67

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