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paṭibhāna {pi}

Pāḷi; √ paṭibhāna
alt. sp.: IPA: pəʈɪbʰɑːn̪ə, Velthuis: pa.tibhaana, readable: pat'ibhaana, simple: patibhana
translation ~:
khmer: បដិភាន
thai: ปฏิภาน
sinhal.: පටිභාන
burm.: ပဋိဘာန


[dic] paṭibhāna (patibhana)

paṭibhāna: Description welcome. Info can be removed after imput.

ATI Glossary

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Buddhist Dictionary

by late Ven. Nyanalokita Thera:

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PTS Dictionary

by the Pali Text Society:


Glossary Thanissaro

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Illustrated Glossary of Pāli Terms

by Ven. Varado Maha Thera:



Some aspects of paṭibhāna concern intuition, meaning ‘quick and ready insight’ (Webster’s). Intuition is one of the benefits of mindfulness of the body:

• Whoever develops and cultivates mindfulness of the body can turn his mind to the realisation through transcendent insight of whatever condition is realisable through transcendent insight, and become an eye-witness in every case, if there is the practice of spiritual development.

Yassa kassaci bhikkhave kāyagatā sati bhāvitā bahulīkatā so yassa yassa abhiññā sacchikaraṇīyassa dhammassa cittaṁ abhininnāmeti abhiññā sacchikiriyāya. Tatra tatrave sakkhibhabbataṁ pāpuṇāti sati sati āyatane. (MN iii 96)



appaṭibhāno: (main article see: paṭibhāna)

Illustration: appaṭibhāno, unable to speak

When the king was told the queen had died he sat there pained, saddened, with drooped shoulders, head down, brooding, unable to speak.

Evaṁ vutte rājā pasenadi kosalo dukkhī dummano pattakkhandho adhomukho pajjhāyanto appaṭibhāno nisīdi. (AN iii 57)


appaṭibhānā: (main article see: paṭibhāna)

Illustration: appaṭibhānā, unable to speak

Having lost an argument, those ascetics sat there silent, embarrassed, with drooped shoulders, heads down, brooding, unable to speak.

Evaṁ vutte te paribbājakā tuṇhībhūtā maṅkubhūtā pattakkhandhā adhomukhā pajjhāyantā appaṭibhānā nisidiṁsu. (DN iii 57)


paṭibhāneyyakānaṁ: (main article see: paṭibhāna)

Illustration: paṭibhāneyyakānaṁ, conversable

The Buddha addressed numerous discourses to Rādha (SN iii 79; SN iii 188-200; SN iv 48-49), and accordingly said:

‘Foremost of my bhikkhu disciples who are conversable is Rādha.’

Etadaggaṁ bhikkhave mama sāvakaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ paṭibhāneyyakānaṁ yadidaṁ rādho. (AN i 25)


paṭibhāneyyakānaṁ: (main article see: paṭibhāna)

Illustration: paṭibhāneyyakānaṁ, conversable

Now at that time a certain person, formerly a barber, who had gone forth [into the ascetic life] when old, was living in Atuma. He had two sons, sweet-voiced, conversable, clever, accomplished in the barber’s profession.

Tena kho pana samayena aññataro buḍḍhapabbajito ātumāyaṁ paṭivasati nahāpitapubbo. Tassa dve dārakā honti mañjukā paṭibhāneyyakā dakkhā pariyodātasippā sake ācariyake nahāpitakamme.

The bhikkhu asked his sons to collect funds.

Those people who, having seen these sweet-voiced, conversable boys, but had not wanted to offer, even they offered, and in offering, gave much.

Manussā te dārake mañajuke paṭibhāneyyake passitvā yepi na kārāpetukāmā tepi kārāpenti. Kārāpetvāpi bahuṁ denti. (Vin.1.249)


paṭibhānāni: (main article see: paṭibhāna)

Illustration: paṭibhānāni, reply

I was so pleased and satisfied with Master Kassapa’s first parable, I wanted to hear his brilliant replies to these other various questions.

Purimeneva ahaṁ opammena bhoto kassapassa attamano abhiraddho api cāhaṁ imāni vicitrāni pañhāpaṭibhānāni sotukāmo. (DN ii 352)


paṭibhāno: (main article see: paṭibhāna)

Illustration: paṭibhāno, way of replying

There are four kinds of persons:

• Those whose way of replying is fitting but halting

yuttapaṭibhāno na muttapaṭibhāno

• Those whose way of replying is fluent but unfitting

muttapaṭibhāno na yuttapaṭibhāno

• Those whose way of replying is fitting and fluent

yuttapaṭibhāno ca muttapaṭibhāno ca

• Those whose way of replying is unfitting and halting

neva yuttapaṭibhāno neva muttapaṭibhāno. (AN ii 135)


paṭibhānaṁ: (main article see: paṭibhāna)

Illustration: paṭibhānaṁ, impromptu reflection

Of profound wisdom, intelligent, knowledgeable about what is the Path and what is not the Path, Sāriputta, of great wisdom, explains the Buddha’s teaching to the bhikkhus.

Gambhīrapañño medhāvī maggāmaggassa kovido
Sāriputto mahāpañño dhammaṁ deseti bhikkhunaṁ.

He teaches in brief, he speaks in detail. His voice, like a myna bird, pours forth his impromptu reflection.

Saṅkhittena pi deseti vitthārena pi bhāsati
Sālikāyiva nigghoso paṭibhānaṁ udīrayi. (SN i 190)

Illustration: paṭibhānaṁ, impromptu reflection

Five things, once arisen, are hard to dispel.

Pañcime bhikkhave uppannā duppaṭivinodayā

• Attachment

uppanno rāgo duppaṭivinodayo

• Hatred

uppanno doso duppaṭivinodayo

• Undiscernment of reality

uppanno moho duppaṭivinodayo

• Impromptu reflection

uppannaṁ paṭibhānaṁ duppaṭivinodayaṁ

• The urge to travel

uppannaṁ gamikacittaṁ duppaṭivinodayaṁ. (AN iii 185)


paṭibhānavantānaṁ: (main article see: paṭibhāna)

Illustration: paṭibhānavantānaṁ, impromptu reflectiveness

Foremost of my bhikkhu disciples of impromptu reflectiveness is Vaṅgīsa.

Etadaggaṁ bhikkhave mama sāvakānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ paṭibhānavantānaṁ yadidaṁ vaṅgīso. (AN i 24)


paṭibhāna: (main article see: paṭibhāna)

Illustration: paṭibhāna, impromptu reflective

Bhikkhus, there are these four kinds of poets. What four?

cattārome bhikkhave kavī. Katame cattāro?

The metaphysical poet

the narrational poet

the didactic poet

the impromptu reflective poet


Bodhi says the last one, which he calls the ‘inspirational poet,’ creates poetry spontaneously through his own inspiration, like Venerable Vaṅgīsa.


paṭibhānena: (main article see: paṭibhāna)

Illustration: paṭibhānena, impromptu reflectiveness

Venerable Vaṅgīsa despised other well-behaved bhikkhus on account of his own impromptu reflectiveness

āyasmā vaṅgīso attano paṭibhānena aññe pesale bhikkhū atimaññati. (SN i 187)


paṭibhāna: (main article see: paṭibhāna)

Illustration: paṭibhāna, intuitive knowledge

Venerable Sāriputta told the bhikkhus:

• Within two weeks of my ordination I attained analytical insight into the meaning of expressions with their divisions and features;

Addhamāsūpasampannena me āvuso atthapaṭisambhidā sacchikatā odhiso vyañjanaso

• Within two weeks of my ordination I attained analytical insight into the teachings with their divisions and features;

Addhamāsūpasampannena me āvuso dhammapaṭisambhidā sacchikatā odhiso vyañjanaso

• Within two weeks of my ordination I attained analytical insight into the use of conventional expressions with their divisions and features;

Addhamāsūpasampannena me āvuso niruttipaṭisambhidā sacchikatā odhiso vyañjanaso

• Within two weeks of my ordination I attained analytical insight into intuitive knowledge with its divisions and features;

Addhamāsūpasampannena me āvuso paṭibhānapaṭisambhidā sacchikatā odhiso vyañjanaso. (AN ii 160)


Bodhi says the last analytical insight ‘seems to refer to the ability to spontaneously apply the other three types of knowledge to clearly communicate the Dhamma.’

This ability is illustrated in the Bhūta Sutta (SN ii 47-50) and the Kaḷāra Sutta (SN ii 51-6) when the Buddha asked Sāriputta about The Questions of Ajita. Sāriputta hesitated because he had not previously considered the issue (pubbe appaṭisaṁviditaṁ). But when the Buddha prompted him and then approved of his answer, Sāriputta said:

• If the Blessed One had for seven days and nights questioned me about the matter in various ways and manners, then for seven days and nights I would have been able to answer him in various ways and manners.

Satta rattindivāni cepi maṁ bhagavā etamatthaṁ puccheyya aññamaññehi padehi aññamaññehi pariyāyehi satta rattindivānipahaṁ bhagavato etamatthaṁ vyākareyyaṁ aññamaññehi padehi aññamaññehi pariyāyehī ti. (SN ii 55)

This ability to talk for seven days on a topic he had never before considered, we call ‘intuitive knowledge.’ The Buddha said Sāriputta was able to answer like this because he had correctly penetrated “that aspect of the teaching” (sā dhammadhātu suppaṭividdhā) that made such an ability possible.

• That aspect of the teaching has been correctly penetrated by Sāriputta, which through being correctly penetrated… if I had for seven days and nights questioned Sāriputta about the matter in various ways and manners, then for seven days and nights Sāriputta would have been able to answer me in various ways and manners.

Sā hi bhikkhu sāriputtassa dhammadhātu suppaṭividdhā yassa dhammadhātuyā suppaṭividdhattā… satta rattindivāni cepahaṁ sāriputtaṁ etamattaṁ puccheyyaṁ aññamaññehi padehi aññamaññehi pariyāyehi satta rattindivānipi me sāriputto etamatthaṁ vyākareyya aññamaññehi padehi aññamaññehi pariyāyehī ti. (SN ii 56)


paṭibhānaṁ: (main article see: paṭibhāna)

Illustration: paṭibhānaṁ, intuitive

The ascetic Gotama explains his teaching, hammering it out by logical reasoning, following his own intuitive line of inquiry

Takkapariyāhataṁ samaṇo gotamo dhammaṁ deseti vīmaṁsānucaritaṁ sayampaṭibhānaṁ. (MN i 68)

Illustration: paṭibhānaṁ, intuitive

A certain ascetic or Brahmanist is a thinker, a philosopher. Hammering it out by logical reasoning, following his own intuitive line of inquiry, he argues: The [absolute] Selfhood and the world [of beings] are eternal.

Idha bhikkhave ekacco samaṇo vā brāhmaṇo vā takkī hoti vīmaṁsī. So takkapariyāhataṁ vīmaṁsānucaritaṁ sayampaṭibhānaṁ evamāha: sassato attā ca loko ca. (DN i 16)

Illustration: paṭibhānaṁ, intuition

Ānanda answered the question: ‘Which kind of bhikkhu do you think would most illuminate the Gosinga Sāla-tree Wood?’ Then Sāriputta said to Revata:

• ’Revata, friend, it has been answered by Venerable Ānanda according to his own intuition. Now we ask Venerable Revata.’

vyākataṁ kho āvuso revata āyasmatā ānandena yathā sakaṁ paṭibhānaṁ. Tatthadāni mayaṁ āyasmantaṁ revataṁ pucchāma. (MN i 213)

Illustration: paṭibhānaṁ, intuition

After bhikkhus had expressed their opinions on a certain matter, Venerable Sāriputta said:

• “Friends, we have each explained [the matter] according to our own intuition.

vyākataṁ kho āvuso amhehi sabbeheva yathā sakaṁ paṭibhānaṁ. (AN i 119)


paṭibhāno: (main article see: paṭibhāna)

Illustration: paṭibhāno, intuitive insight

A good report has been circulated about Venerable Nārada: he is wise, capable, intelligent, very learned, a brilliant speaker, of excellent intuitive insight, mature, and truly an arahant.

Taṁ kho pana āyasmantaṁ nāradaṁ evaṁ kalyāṇo kittisaddo abbhuggato: paṇḍito vyatto medhāvī bahussuto cittakathī kalyāṇapaṭibhāno vuddho ceva arahā ca. (AN iii 58)

Illustration: paṭibhāno, intuitive insight

One should be truthful, and have faith [in the perfection of the Perfect One’s enlightenment]… and should be moderate in the use of food, of consistent virtue, devoted to wakefulness, tirelessly applied [to the practice], energetic, meditative, mindful, and of excellent intuitive insight.

Idha bhante ekacco sacco cassa saddho ca… bhojane mattaññu samakārī jāgariyānuyogamanuyutto atandito āraddhaviriyo jhāyī satimā kalyāṇapaṭibhāno. (DN iii 107)

Illustration: paṭibhānaṁ, intuitive insight

When Venerable Uttara agreed that he had once taught something, Sakka asked him:

“But, bhante, was [the teaching] your own intuitive insight, or was it the word of the Blessed One, the Arahant, the Perfectly Enlightened One?”

Kiṁ panidaṁ bhante āyasmato uttarassa sakaṁ paṭibhānaṁ udāhu tassa bhagavato vacanaṁ arahato sammāsambuddhassāti. (AN iv 163)


paṭibhānenā: (main article see: paṭibhāna)

Illustration: paṭibhānenā, intuitive insight

And how is a bhikkhu one who knows himself?

Attaññū ca kathaṁ hoti

In this regard a bhikkhu knows himself thus: ‘I have so much faith, virtue, learning, generosity, penetrative discernment, and intuitive insight.’

Idha bhikkhave bhikkhu attānaṁ jānāti ettakomhi saddhāya sīlena sutena cāgena paññāya paṭibhānenā ti. (AN iv 114)


paṭibhānavantaṁ: (main article see: paṭibhāna)

Illustration: paṭibhānavantaṁ, intuitively insightful

One should associate with one of great learning, who is an expert in the teaching, a noble friend, one who is intuitively insightful.

Bahussutaṁ dhammadharaṁ bhajetha mittaṁ uḷāraṁ paṭibhānavantaṁ. (Snp 58)


paṭibhānaṁ: (main article see: paṭibhāna)

Illustration: paṭibhānaṁ, intuitive investigativeness

Venerable Bhadda asked:

• ’What, friend, is the religious life and what is the conclusion of the religious life?’

Katamaṁ nu kho āvuso brahmacariyaṁ? Katamaṁ brahmacariyapariyosānan ti?

Venerable Ānanda replied:

• ’Well asked, Bhadda, friend! Your inquiry is excellent, your intuitive investigativeness is excellent, your question is good.’

Sādhu sādhu āvuso bhadda bhaddako te āvuso bhadda ummaggo bhaddakaṁ paṭibhānaṁ kalyāṇī paripucchā

Illustration: paṭibhānaṁ, intuitive investigativeness

• ’On what grounds, bhante, is one of great learning, an expert in the teaching?’

Kittāvatā nu kho bhante bahussuto dhammadharo hotī ti?

• ’Well asked, bhikkhu! Your inquiry is excellent! Your intuitive investigativeness is excellent! Your question is good!’

Sādhu sādhu bhikkhu bhaddako te bhikkhu ummaggo bhaddakaṁ paṭibhānaṁ kalyāṇī paripucchā. (AN ii 178)


Glossary various Teacher

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Suttas and Dhammadesanā

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