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pajānāti {pi}

Pāḷi; √ pajānāti
alt. sp.: IPA: pəd͡ʒɑːn̪ɑːt̪ɪ, Velthuis: pajaanaati, readable: pajaanaati, simple: pajanati
translation ~:
khmer: បជានាតិ
thai: ปชานาติ
sinhal.: පජානාති
burm.: ပဇာနာတိ


[dic] pajānāti (pajanati)

pajānāti: Description welcome. Info can be removed after imput.

ATI Glossary

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Buddhist Dictionary

by late Ven. Nyanalokita Thera:

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PTS Dictionary

by the Pali Text Society:


Glossary Thanissaro

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Illustrated Glossary of Pāli Terms

by Ven. Varado Maha Thera:


Pajānāti: three meanings

We render pajānāti as either:

1) to ‘discern’

2) to ‘know that’

3) to ‘understand how’

For examples, see Illustrations, grouped accordingly.

Paññā: wisdom or penetrative discernment

Paññā is etymologically and functionally related to pajānāti. Where it linked to conduct of body and speech we call it wisdom. Where it is linked to conduct of mind we call it penetrative discernment.

Paññā: ‘wisdom’ or ‘one who is wise’

When paññā is linked to a person we usually call it wisdom, especially if it is:

1) given a prefix like mahā- or bhūri- e.g. bhūripañño

2) accompanied by terms paṇḍito or mahāpurisa e.g. paṇḍito mahāpañño

For example:

• One who is wise, one of great wisdom, is not intent upon his own harm, the harm of others, the harm of both.

Idha bhikkhu paṇḍito mahāpañño nevattavyābādhāya ceteti na paravyābādhāya ceteti na ubhayavyābādhāya ceteti. (AN ii 179)

• Wise is the bhikkhunī Dhammadinnā, of great wisdom is the bhikkhunī Dhammadinnā.

paṇḍitā visākha dhammadinnā bhikkhunī mahāpaññā visākha dhammadinnā bhikkhunī. (MN i 304)

Illustrations: to discern

Illustration: pajānāti, discerns

And how does a bhikkhu abide contemplating the nature of the mind

Kathañca bhikkhave bhikkhu citte cittānupassī viharati?

In this regard a bhikkhu discerns

• a mental state with attachment as just that.

sarāgaṁ vā cittaṁ sarāgaṁ cittan ti pajānāti

• a mental state without attachment as just that.

vītarāgaṁ vā cittaṁ vītarāgaṁ cittan ti pajānāti. (MN i 59)

Illustration: pajānāti, discern

And what is old age and death?

Katamañca bhikkhave jarāmaraṇaṁ?

The ageing, decrepitude, broken teeth, graying hair, wrinkled skin, dwindling of the life-span, decay of the sense faculties for the various beings in the various classes of beings. This is called old age.

yā tesaṁ tesaṁ sattānaṁ tamhi tamhi sattanikāye jarā jīraṇatā khaṇḍiccaṁ pāliccaṁ valittacatā āyuno saṁhāni indriyānaṁ paripāko ayaṁ vuccati jarā.

The passing away, the deceasing, the dissolution, the ending, the perishing, the death, the breaking up of aggregates, the laying down of the body for the various beings in the various classes of beings. This is called death.

yā tesaṁ tesaṁ sattānaṁ tamhā tamhā sattanikāyā cuti cavanatā bhedo antaradhānaṁ maccu maraṇaṁ kālakiriyā khandhānaṁ bhedo kaḷevarassa nikkhepo jīvitindriyassa upacchedo idaṁ vuccati maraṇaṁ.

Thus this is old age, and this is death. This is called old age and death.

Iti ayañca jarā idañca maraṇaṁ idaṁ vuccati bhikkhave jarāmaraṇaṁ. ṇaṁ

• With the origination of birth comes the origination of old age and death

• With the ending of birth comes the ending of old age and death

The practice leading to the ending of old age and death is the noble eightfold path.

ayameva ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo jarāmaraṇa nirodhagāminī paṭipadā seyyathīdaṁ– sammādiṭṭhi… pe… sammāsamādhi

When a noble disciple thus discerns

yato kho bhikkhave ariyasāvako

• old age and death

evaṁ jarāmaraṇaṁ pajānāti

• the origin of old age and death

evaṁ jarāmaraṇasamudayaṁ pajānāti

• the ending of old age and death

evaṁ jarāmaraṇanirodhaṁ pajānāti

• the practice leading to its ending

evaṁ jarāmaraṇanirodhagāminiṁ paṭipadaṁ pajānāti

this is his knowledge of the nature of reality

idamassa dhamme ñāṇaṁ. (SN ii 57-8)

Illustration: pajānāti, discerns

The Perfect One discerns according to reality the possible as possible, and the impossible as impossible.

ṭhānañca ṭhānato aṭṭhānañca aṭṭhānato yathābhūtaṁ pajānāti. (AN iii 417)

Illustration: pajānāti, discern

The ignorant Everyman does not discern any deliverance from unpleasant sense impression other than through sensuous pleasure.

na bhikkhave pajānāti assutavā puthujjano aññatra kāmasukhā dukkhāya vedanāya nissaraṇaṁ. (SN iv 208)


pajānāmi: (main article see: pajānāti)

Illustration: pajānāmi, discern

I discern the Untroubled and the path and practice leading to the Untroubled.

Nibbānañcāhaṁ sāriputta pajānāmi nibbānagāmiñca maggaṁ nibbānagāminiñca paṭipadaṁ. (MN i 73-4)

Illustration: pajānāti, discern

The ignorant Everyman does not discern what issues should be contemplated or what issues should not be contemplated.

assutavā puthujjano… manasikaraṇīye dhamme nappajānāti amanasikaraṇīye dhamme nappajānāti

This being so, he does not contemplate issues that should be contemplated but contemplates issues that should not be contemplated.

So manasikaraṇīye dhamme appajānanto amanasikaraṇīye dhamme appajānanto ye dhammā na manasikaraṇīyā te dhamme manasikaroti ye dhammā manasikaraṇīyā te dhamme na manasikaroti. (MN i 7)

Illustrations: to know that

Illustration: pajānāmi, know that

I know that my mind is liberated [from perceptually obscuring states]

vimuttaṁ me cittan ti pajānāmi. (MN iii 31)

Illustration: pajānāti, know that

This, too, is a method by which a bhikkhu who is a finished disciple knows that: ‘I am a finished disciple.’

asekhosmīti pajānātī ti. (SN v 229-230)

Illustration: pajānāti, know that

Breathing in long he knows that “I breathe in long.” Breathing out long he knows that “I breathe out long

Dīghaṁ assasāmī ti pajānāti. Dīghaṁ passasāmī ti pajānāti. (SN v 341)

Illustration: pajānāti, know that; discern

Now of these the Perfect One knows that these views thus grasped and adhered to will lead to such-and-such a place of rebirth, to such-and-such an afterlife destination.

Tayidaṁ bhikkhave tathāgato pajānāti ime diṭṭhiṭṭhānā evaṁ gahitā evaṁ parāmaṭṭhā evaṁ gatikā bhavanti evaṁ abhisamparāyā ti

That does he know, and he discerns also what transcends them;

tañca tathāgato pajānāti tato ca uttaritaraṁ pajānāti;

and he is not attached to that discernment,

tañca pajānanaṁ na parāmasati

and thus unattached he has realised inward peace,

aparāmasato cassa paccattaṁ yeva nibbuti viditā. (DN i 17)

Illustration: pajānāti, know that; discern

“In this regard, while a bhikkhu is abiding diligently, vigorously, and resolutely applied [to the practice], there arises in him the faculty of physical pain. He knows that: ‘There has arisen in me this faculty of physical pain.’

Idha bhikkhave bhikkhuno appamattassa ātāpino pahitattassa viharato uppajjati dukkhindriyaṁ. So evaṁ pajānāti uppannaṁ kho me idaṁ dukkhindriyaṁ

He discerns the faculty of physical pain; he discerns the origin of the faculty of physical pain; he discerns the ending of the faculty of physical pain; and he discerns where the arisen faculty of physical pain ceases without remainder.

so dukkhindriyañca pajānāti. Dukkhindriyanirodhañca pajānāti. Yattha cuppannaṁ dukkhindriyaṁ aparisesaṁ nirujjhati. Tañca pajānāti. (SN v 213)

Illustrations: to understand how

Illustration: pajānāti, know that; pajānāti, understands how

In this regard, if sensuous hankering is present in him, he knows that it is present. Or if not present, he knows that it is not present.

Idha bhikkhave bhikkhu santaṁ vā ajjhattaṁ kāmacchandaṁ atthi me ajjhattaṁ kāmacchando ti pajānāti asantaṁ vā ajjhattaṁ kāmacchandaṁ natthi me ajjhattaṁ kāmacchando ti pajānāti.

He understands how unarisen sensuous hankering arises in him.

Yathā ca anuppannassa kāmacchandassa uppādo hoti tañca pajānāti

He understands how arisen sensuous hankering is abandoned.

yathā ca uppannassa kāmacchandassa pahānaṁ hoti tañca pajānāti.

He understands how abandoned sensuous hankering does not arise

Yathā ca pahīnassa kāmacchandassa anuppādo hoti tañca pajānāti. (DN ii 300)

Illustration: pajānāti, discern; pajānāti, understand how

And how does a bhikkhu abide contemplating the nature of certain objects of the systematic teachings with regard to the six senses and their objects?

Kathañca pana bhikkhave bhikkhu dhammesu dhammānupassī viharati chasu ajjhattikabāhiresu āyatanesu

A bhikkhu discerns the visual sense, visible objects, and the bond that arises dependent on them both.

Idha bhikkhave bhikkhu cakkhuñca pajānāti rūpe ca pajānāti yañca tadubhayaṁ paṭicca uppajjati saṁyojanaṁ tañca pajānāti.

• He understands how the unarisen bond arises in him.

yathā ca anuppannassa saṁyojanassa uppādo hoti tañca pajānāti.

• He understands how the arisen bond is abandoned.

yathā ca uppannassa saṁyojanassa pahānaṁ hoti tañca pajānāti.

• He understands how the abandoned bond does not arise in the future.

yathā ca pahīnassa saṁyojanassa āyatiṁ anuppādo hoti tañca pajānāti. (DN ii 302)

Illustration: pajānāti, understand how

With purified divine vision surpassing that of men, he sees beings passing away and being reborn, inferior and superior, well-favoured and ill-favoured, fortunate and unfortunate,

dibbena cakkhunā visuddhena atikkantamānusakena satte passati cavamāne upapajjamāne hīne paṇīte suvaṇṇe dubbaṇṇe sugate duggate

and he understands how beings fare according to their deeds.

yathākammūpage satte pajānāti. (DN i 82)

Illustrations: to be discerned


paññāyati: (main article see: pajānāti)

Illustration: paññāyati, discernable

There are three marks of the originated

Tīṇi'māni bhikkhave saṅkhatassa saṅkhatalakkhaṇāni

• an arising is discernable

• a disappearance is discernable

• a changeability while persisting is discernable

ṭhitassa aññathattaṁ paññāyati. (AN i 152)


paññāyittha: (main article see: pajānāti)

Illustration: paññāyittha, discernable

When the Blessed One’s body was burned, of whatever had been skin, fascia, flesh, sinews, and synovial fluid, neither soot nor ash was discernable; only bony ashes remained.

Jhāyamānassa kho pana bhagavato sarīrassa yaṁ ahosi chavī ti vā camman ti vā maṁsan ti vā naharū ti vā lasikā ti vā tassa neva chārikā paññāyittha na masi sarīrāneva avasissiṁsu. (DN ii 164)


paññāpanāya: (main article see: pajānāti)

Illustration: paññāpanāya, to be discerned

The four great material phenomena are the indispensible and necessary conditions by which the aggregate of bodily form is to be discerned.

Cattāro kho bhikkhu mahābhūtā hetu cattāro mahābhūtā paccayo rūpakkhandhassa paññāpanāya. (MN iii 17)

Illustration: paññāyatī, to be discerned

But since there is an unborn, a not-brought-about, an unproduced, an unoriginated, therefore a deliverance is to be discerned from what is born, brought about, produced, originated.

yasmā ca kho bhikkhave atthi ajātaṁ abhūtaṁ akataṁ asaṅkhataṁ tasmā jātassa bhūtassa katassa saṅkhatassa nissaraṇaṁ paññāyatī ti. (Uda 80)

Illustrations: one of wisdom/who knows that


pañño: (main article see: pajānāti)

Illustration: pañño, one of wisdom

In whatever direction the one of extensive wisdom goes, to that place that I am also inclined to go.

Yaṁ yaṁ disaṁ vajati bhūripañño sa tena teneva nato’hamasmi. (Snp 1143)

Illustration: pañño, one of wisdom; paññā, wisdom

When, householder, a noble disciple has realised that

Yato ca kho gahapati ariyasāvakassa

Greed and voracity are a defilement of the mind, he abandons them.

abhijjhāvisamalobho cittassa upakkileso ti iti viditvā abhijjhāvisamalobho cittassa upakkileso pahīṇo hoti

Ill will is a defilement of the mind, he abandons it.

vyāpādo cittassa upakkileso ti iti viditvā vyāpādo cittassa upakkileso pahīṇo hoti

Lethargy and torpor are a defilement of the mind, he abandons them.

thīnamiddhaṁ cittassa upakkileso ti iti viditvā thīnamiddhaṁ cittassa upakkileso pahīṇo hoti

Restlessness and anxiety are a defilement of the mind, he abandons them.

uddhaccakukkuccaṁ cittassa upakkileso ti iti viditvā uddhaccakukkuccaṁ cittassa upakkileso pahīṇo hoti.

Doubt [about the excellence of the teaching] is a defilement of the mind, he abandons it.

Vicikicchā cittassa upakkileso ti iti viditvā vicikicchā cittassa upakkileso pahīṇo hoti.

This, householder, is called a noble disciple of great wisdom, of broad wisdom, one who profoundly sees whatever enters into the range of consciousness, of perfect wisdom.

Ayaṁ vuccati gahapati ariyasāvako mahāpañño puthupañño āpāthadaso paññāsampanno.

This is called perfection in wisdom.

Ayaṁ vuccati gahapati paññāsampadā. (AN ii 67)

Illustration: pañño, one who knows that

In what way is a bhikkhu one who knows that his mind is liberated [from perceptually obscuring states]?

Kathañca bhikkhave bhikkhu suvimuttapañño hoti:

In this regard a bhikkhu knows that his attachment… hatred… undiscernment of reality is abandoned, chopped down at the root, completely and irreversibly destroyed, never to arise again in future.

rāgo… doso… moho me pahīno ucchinnamūlo tālāvatthukato anabhāvaṁkato āyatiṁ anuppādadhammoti pajānāti. (AN v 32)

Illustrations: penetrative discernment


paññā: (main article see: pajānāti)

Illustration: paññā, penetrative discernment

Bhikkhus, there is one thing if developed and cultivated leads

Ekadhammo bhikkhave bhāvito bahulīkato

to the attaining of penetrative discernment

to the growth of penetrative discernment

to the expansion of penetrative discernment

to greatness of penetrative discernment

to breadth of penetrative discernment

to vastness of penetrative discernment

to profundity of penetrative discernment

to a state of unsurpassed penetrative discernment

to extensiveness of penetrative discernment

to abundance of penetrative discernment

to quickness of penetrative discernment

to buoyancy of penetrative discernment

to joyousness of penetrative discernment

to swiftness of penetrative discernment

to keenness of penetrative discernment

to penetrativeness of penetrative discernment

What is the one thing? Mindfulness of the body.

katamo ekadhammo? Kāyagatāsati. (AN i 45)


paññāya: (main article see: pajānāti)

Illustration: paññāya, penetrative discernment

Unwillingness to listen and not asking questions are obstacles to penetrative discernment.

asussusā aparipucchā paññāya paripantho. (AN v 136)

Illustration: paññā, penetrative discernment

How does one discern a knowable phenomenon?

Neyyaṁ panāvuso dhammaṁ kena pajānātī ti

One discerns a knowable phenomenon with the eye of penetrative discernment.

Neyyaṁ kho āvuso dhammaṁ paññācakkhunā pajānātī ti

For what purpose is penetrative discernment?

Paññā panāvuso kimatthiyā ti?

Penetrative discernment is for the sake of full understanding, profound understanding, and abandonment.

Paññā kho āvuso abhiññatthā pariññatthā pahānatthā ti. (MN i 293)

Illustration: paññā, penetrative discernment

There is no jhāna for one without penetrative discernment. There is no penetrative discernment for one who does not meditate. Whoever has jhāna together with penetrative discernment, is right in the presence of the Untroubled.

Natthi jhānaṁ apaññassa paññā natthi ajjhāyato
Yamhi jhānañca paññā ca sa ve nibbānasantike. (Dhp 372)

Illustration: paññā, penetrative discernment

To abandon undiscernment of reality, penetrative discernment should be developed.

Mohassa pahānāya paññā bhāvetabbā. (AN iii 446)

Illustration: paññā, penetrative discernment

What is the faculty of penetrative discernment?

Katamañca bhikkhave paññindriyaṁ

In this regard a noble disciple is blessed with penetrative discernment. He is endowed with noble and penetrative discernment of arising and vanishing which leads to the complete destruction of suffering.

idha bhikkhave ariyasāvako paññavā hoti udayatthagāminiyā paññāya samannāgato ariyāya nibbedhikāya sammā dukkhakkhayagāminiyā. (SN v 199)


paññāya: (main article see: pajānāti)

Illustration: paññāya, penetrative discernment

The five hindrances which are spiritual defilements and weakening to penetrative discernment.

pañca nīvaraṇe pahāya cetaso upakkilese paññāya dubbalikaraṇe. (MN iii 136)

Illustration: paññā, penetrative discernment

• Penetrative discernment is the examiner of all things.

paññuttarā sabbe dhammā. (AN iv 339)

And how is penetrative discernment the examiner?

Kathañca bhikkhave paññuttaraṁ hoti?

In this regard, the teachings are explained by me to disciples for the complete destruction of suffering.

Idha bhikkhave mayā sāvakānaṁ dhammā desitā sabbaso sammā dukkhakkhayāya.

In accordance with way I explain the teachings to disciples for the complete destruction of suffering, those teachings are examined by them with penetrative discernment.

Yathā yathā bhikkhave mayā sāvakānaṁ dhammā desitā sabbaso sammā dukkhakkhayāya tathā tathāssa te dhammā paññāya samavekkhitā honti.

In this way penetrative discernment is the examiner

Evaṁ kho bhikkhave paññuttaraṁ hoti. (AN ii 243)


duppañño: (main article see: pajānāti)

Illustration: duppañño, void of penetrative discernment

• ’One who is void of penetrative discernment, one who is void of penetrative discernment,’ is said, friend. In reference to what was it said?

Duppañño duppañño ti āvuso vuccati. Kittāvatā nu kho āvuso duppaññoti vuccatī ti?

• ‘He does not discern. He does not discern’ therefore ‘one who is void of penetrative discernment’ is said

Nappajānāti nappajānātī ti kho āvuso tasmā duppañño ti vuccati.

… What does he not discern?

Kiñca nappajānāti?

… He does not discern ‘This is suffering… This is the origin of suffering… This is the ending of suffering… This is the practice leading to the ending of suffering…

Idaṁ dukkhan ti nappajānāti ayaṁ dukkhasamudayo ti nappajānāti ayaṁ dukkhanirodho ti nappajānāti ayaṁ dukkhanirodhagāminī paṭipadā ti nappajānāti. (MN i 292)


paññavā: (main article see: pajānāti)

Illustration: paññavā, blessed with penetrative discernment

• ’Blessed with penetrative discernment, blessed with penetrative discernment,’ is said, friend. In reference to what was it said?

Paññavā paññavā ti āvuso vuccati. Kittāvatā nu kho āvuso paññavā ti vuccatī ti?

• ‘He discerns. He discerns’ therefore ‘blessed with penetrative discernment’ is said

Pajānāti pajānātī ti kho āvuso tasmā paññavāti vuccati.

… What does he discern?

Kiñca pajānāti?

… He discerns ‘This is suffering… This is the origin of suffering… This is the ending of suffering… This is the practice leading to the ending of suffering…

Idaṁ dukkhan ti pajānāti… Ayaṁ dukkhanirodhagāminī paṭipadā ti pajānāti. (MN i 292)


Glossary various Teacher

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Suttas and Dhammadesanā

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