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pasīdati {pi}

Pāḷi; √ pasīdati
alt. sp.: IPA: pəs̪iːd̪ət̪ɪ, Velthuis: pasiidati, readable: pasiidati, simple: pasidati
translation ~:
khmer: បសីទតិ
thai: ปสีทติ
sinhal.: පසීදති
burm.: ပသီဒတိ


[dic] pasīdati (pasidati)

pasīdati: Description welcome. Info can be removed after imput.

ATI Glossary

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Buddhist Dictionary

by late Ven. Nyanalokita Thera:

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PTS Dictionary

by the Pali Text Society:


Glossary Thanissaro

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Illustrated Glossary of Pāli Terms

by Ven. Varado Maha Thera:


Introduction: word family

The word family considered here is:

Introduction: prefixes

These terms are straightforward, but their number of associated prefixes is daunting. Fortunately the effect of these prefixes (abhi- vi- and sam-) is negligible except in two respects:

1) Whereas pasīdati and sampasīdati mean ‘have faith in,’ abhippasīdati means ‘have complete faith’

2) The unprefixed word family has a larger range of meaning than the prefixed words, and so the meanings of prefixed words all fall within the range of unprefixed words, with one exception: whereas vippasanna can mean limpid, pasanna cannot.

Introduction: objects of faith

The objects of faith are sometimes explicit:

• A brahman lady had complete faith in the Buddha, the teaching, and the community of the Blessed One’s [noble] disciples.

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhāradvājagottassa brāhmaṇassa dhanañjānī nāma brāhmaṇī abhippasannā hoti buddhe ca dhamme ca saṅghe ca. (SN i 160)

If not, the object can be easily gathered from context:

• Hearing your voice, best of seers, I have faith [in you].

Esa sutvā pasīdāmi vaco te isisattama. (Tha 1276)

Faith: technically speaking

Pasanna is a synonym of saddha, as seen in the following quotes:

  • tīhi bhikkhave ṭhānehi saddho pasanno veditabbo (AN i 150).
  • so saddho pasanno (DN i 212).

Because the object of saddha is ‘the perfection of the Perfect One’s enlightenment,’ the same applies to pasanna.

• The noble disciple who has complete faith in the [perfection of the] Perfect One’s [enlightenment] does not have any unsureness or doubt about the [perfection of the] Perfect One’s [enlightenment], or about the [excellence of the] Perfect One’s training system.

Yo so bhante ariyasāvako tathāgate ekantagato abhippasanno na so tathāgate vā tathāgatasāsane vā kaṅkheyya vā vicikiccheyya vā. (SN v 225)

• Having heard the teaching of great flavour, I have even more faith [in the perfection of the Perfect One’s enlightenment].

Esa bhiyyo pasīdāmi sutvā dhammaṁ mahārasaṁ. (Tha 673)

Introduction: aveccappasāda

Aveccappasāda is presented separately, sv Aveccappasāda.

Illustrations: abhippasanno


abhippasannā: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: abhippasannā, have complete faith in

Many learned khattiyas, brahmans, householders and ascetics have complete faith in Master Gotama.

bahū hi tassa bhoto gotamassa khattiyapaṇḍitāpi brāhmaṇapaṇḍitāpi gahapatipaṇḍitāpi samaṇapaṇḍitāpi abhippasannā. (MN i 502)


abhippasanno: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: abhippasanno, have complete faith

From the time when I had complete faith in the Blessed One, from then on for a long time I have perceived that I will not be reborn in the plane of damnation, that [I will not go to] the plane of damnation.

Yadagge ahaṁ bhante bhagavati ekantagato abhippasanno tadagge ahaṁ bhante dīgharattaṁ avinipāto avinipātaṁ sañjānāmi. (DN ii 206)

Illustration: abhippasannā, complete faith in

Truly sirs, many devas and men have complete faith in the ascetic Gotama

Samaṇe khalu bho gotame bahū devā manussā ca abhippasannā. (DN i 116)

Illustration: abhippasannā, complete faith in

This Nāḷandā is rich, prosperous, populous, and crowded with people with complete faith in the Blessed One. It were well if the Blessed One got a bhikkhu to perform superhuman displays of psychic power. In this way even more people in Nāḷandā would have complete faith in the Blessed One.

ayaṁ bhante nāḷandā iddhā ceva thitā ca bahujanā ākiṇṇamanussā bhagavati abhippasannā. Sādhu bhante bhagavā ekaṁ bhikkhuṁ samādisatu yo uttarimanussadhammā iddhipāṭihāriyaṁ karissati. Evāyaṁ nāḷandā bhiyyosomattāya bhagavati abhippasīdissatī ti. (DN i 211)

Illustration: abhippasanno, complete faith in

The matted-hair ascetic had complete faith in the brahman Sela.

tena kho pana samayena keṇiyo jaṭilo sele brāhmaṇe abhippasanno hoti. (MN ii 146)

Illustrations: vippasīdati


sammāvippasīdati: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: sammāvippasīdati, become serene

As he abides contemplating the nature of the body internally he becomes perfectly inwardly collected and perfectly serene. Being thus perfectly inwardly collected and perfectly serene he arouses knowledge and vision externally of others’ bodies [according to reality].

Ajjhattaṁ kāye kāyānupassī viharanto tattha sammāsamādhiyati sammāvippasīdati. So tattha sammā samāhito sammāvippasanno bahiddhā parakāye ñāṇadassanaṁ abhinibbatteti. (DN ii 216)


vippasīdati: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: vippasīdati, become serene

When Master Gotama is spoken to offensively the colour of his skin brightens and his countenance becomes serene as is to be expected of one who is accomplished and perfectly enlightened.

chavivaṇṇo ceva pariyodāyati mukhavaṇṇo ca vippasīdati, yathā taṁ arahato sammā sambuddhassa. (MN i 250)

Illustration: vippasīdati, become serene

One who practises [unlimited] goodwill, their countenance becomes serene

mettāya bhikkhave cetovimuttiyā āsevitāya bhāvitāya… mukhavaṇṇo vippasīdati. (AN v 342)

Illustrations: vippasādeti


vippasādehi: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: vippasādehi, make serene

Make offerings, Māgha, and while offering make your mind serene in every respect

yajassu yajamāno sabbattha ca vippasādehi cittaṁ. (Snp 506)

Illustrations: vippasannaṁ


vippasanno: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: vippasanno, limpid

Just as if there were a gem, a beryl, exquisite, of genuine quality, a well-cut octahedron, translucent, limpid, unblemished, excellent in every respect, strung on a blue, yellow, white, or orange cord

Seyyathā pi mahārāja maṇi veḷuriyo subho jātimā aṭṭhaṁso suparikammakato accho vippasanno anāvilo sabbākārasampanno tatra'ssa suttaṁ āvutaṁ nīlaṁ vā pītaṁ vā lohitaṁ vā odātaṁ vā paṇḍusuttaṁ vā. (DN i 76)

Illustration: vippasanno, limpid

Just as in a mountain valley there were a lake of water, crystal clear, limpid, unturbid, and a man standing on the bank with eyes to see should perceive the oysters and shells, the gravel and pebbles, and shoals of fish as they move about or lie within it.

Seyyathā pi mahārāja pabbatasaṅkhepe udakarahado accho vippasanno anāvilo. Tattha cakkhumā puriso tīre ṭhito passeyya sippisambūkampi sakkharakaṭhalampi macchagumbampi carantampi tiṭṭhantamp. (DN i 84)


vippasannā: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: vippasannā, limpid

As Venerable Ānanda approached, that shallow water, stirred up by the wheels and flowing muddied, flowed crystal clear, limpid, and pure.

Atha kho sā nadī cakkacchinnā parittā luḷitā āvilā sandamānā āyasmante ānande upasaṅkamante acchā vippasannā anāvilā sandati. (Uda 84)


vippasanna: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: vippasanna, limpid

Bowl of water that is crystal clear, limpid, unturbid, set out in the light.

udapatto accho vippasanno anāvilo āloke nikkhitto. (SN v 125)

Illustration: vippasanna, serene

[One whose mind is] as stainless as the moon, purified, serene, and free of impurity

candaṁ va vimalaṁ suddhaṁ vippasannamanāvilaṁ. (MN ii 196)


vippasannāni: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: vippasannāni, serene

Your faculties are serene, your countenance is pure and bright. Under whom have you gone forth friend?

vippasannāni kho te āvuso indriyāni parisuddho chavivaṇṇo pariyodāto. Kaṁsi tvaṁ āvuso uddissa pabbajito. (MN i 171)


vippasannattā: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: vippasannattā, serene

The Blessed One’s looks peaceful, his countenance is radiant, his faculties are serene.

Upasantapadisso bhante bhagavā bhātiriva bhagavato mukhavaṇṇo vippasannattā indriyānaṁ. (DN ii 205)


vippasannaṁ: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: vippasannaṁ, serene

The assembly of bhikkhus remained completely silent like a serene lake

The king wished that Prince Udāyibhaddo were possessed of such peacefulness.

iminā me upasamena udāyibhaddo kumāro samannāgato hotu yenetarahi upasamena bhikkhusaṅgho samannāgato ti. (DN i 50)

Illustration: vippasanna, serene

Bhikkhus, those bhikkhus abide contemplating the nature of the body, vigorously applied [to the practice], fully conscious, mentally concentrated, serene, inwardly collected, inwardly undistracted, in order to know the body according to reality.

kāye kāyānupassino viharatha ātāpino sampajānā ekodibhūtā vippasannacittā samāhitā ekaggacittā kāyassa yathābhūtaṁ ñāṇāya. (SN v 144)

Illustration: vippasanno, serene

Inwardly at peace, free of vexation, with a serene and undefiled [mind]

Upasanto anāyāso vippasanno anāvilo. (Tha 1008)


vippasannena: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: vippasannena, serene

Rid of the stain of stinginess, with a serene mind, he would give at the right time to the Noble Ones where giving is of great fruit.

Vineyyuṁ maccheramalaṁ vippasannena cetasā
Dajjuṁ kālena ariyesu yattha dinnaṁ mahapphalaṁ. (Iti 19)


‘Make offerings, Māgha, and while offering make your mind serene in every respect. For one making offerings, the act of charity is the basis [for spiritual development]. Based on this one abandons one’s spiritual flaws.

Yajassu yajamāno sabbattha ca vippasādehi cittaṁ
Ārammaṇaṁ yajamānassa yañño etthappatiṭṭhāya jahāti dosaṁ. (Snp 506)

Illustration: vippasannena, serene

One who drinks the teaching sleeps well, with a serene mind.

Dhammapīti sukhaṁ seti vippasannena cetasā. (Dhp 79)

Illustrations: sampasīdati

na sampasīdati

na sampasīdati: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: na sampasīdati, to be unsettled

• One is unsure

• one is doubtful about

• one is undecided

• one is unsettled

about the [nature of reality in the] periods of the past, the future, and the present

atītaṁ vā addhānaṁ ārabbha kaṅkhati vicikicchati nādhimuccati na sampasīdati anāgataṁ vā addhānaṁ ārabbha kaṅkhati vicikicchati nādhimuccati na sampasīdati etarahi vā paccuppannaṁ addhānaṁ ārabbha kaṅkhati vicikicchati nādhimuccati na sampasīdati. (DN iii 217)


sampasīdati: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: sampasīdati, to have faith [in the perfection of the Perfect One’s enlightenment]

Suppose a bhikkhu is unsure, doubtful, undecided about, and has no faith in the [perfection of the] Teacher’s [enlightenment], his mind is not inclined to vigorous endeavour, application, perseverance, and inward striving

Idha bhikkhave bhikkhu satthari kaṅkhati vicikicchati nādhimuccati na sampasīdati. Yo so bhikkhave bhikkhu satthari kaṅkhati vicikicchati nādhimuccati na sampasīdati tassa cittaṁ na namati ātappāya anuyogāya sātaccāya padhānāya. (AN iii 248)

Illustration: sampasīdati, to have faith [in the perfection of the Perfect One’s enlightenment]

In this regard a bhikkhu is not unsure or doubtful about the [perfection of the] Teacher’s [enlightenment], he is decided about him, has faith in him.

Idha bhikkhave bhikkhu satthari na kaṅkhati na vicikicchati adhimuccati sampasīdati. (AN v 19)

Illustrations: sampasāda


sampasāde: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: sampasāde, serenity

Practising and frequently abiding in this way, his mind becomes serene through that practice of spiritual development.

Tassa evaṁ paṭipannassa tabbahulavihārino āyatane cittaṁ pasīdati.

When there is serenity, he either attains the Imperturbable now, or else he is intent upon discernment.

Sampasāde sati etarahi vā āneñjaṁ samāpajjati paññāya vā adhimuccati. (MN ii 262)


sampasādaṁ: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: sampasādaṁ, faith

This was how Venerable Sāriputta proclaimed his faith face to face with the Blessed One.

Itihidaṁ āyasmā sāriputto bhagavato sammukhā sampasādaṁ pavedesi.

And so the name for this exposition is The Inspiring of Faith

Tasmā imassa veyyākaraṇassa sampasādaniyantveva adhivacananti. (DN iii 116)

Illustration: sampasādaṁ, faith

Those devas who, having lived the religious life under the Blessed One, had recently appeared in the Tāvatiṁsā Heaven, outshone the other devas in brightness and glory. And for that reason the Tāvatiṁsā devas were pleased, happy, filled with rapture and joy

attamanā honti pamuditā pītisomanassajātā

They said ‘The deva hosts are growing; the āsura hosts are declining.’

Dibbā vata bho kāyā paripūranti hāyanti asurā kāyā

Then Sakka, Lord of the Devas, realising the faith of the Tāvatiṁsā devas, uttered these verses of rejoicing

devānaṁ tāvatiṁsānaṁ sampasādaṁ viditvā imāhi gāthāhi anumodi. (DN ii 208)

Illustrations: sampasādana


sampasādanaṁ: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: sampasādanaṁ, serenity

With the subsiding of thinking and pondering, and [the development of] internal serenity and concentration, he enters and abides in second jhāna which is without thinking and pondering, and is filled with rapture and physical pleasure born of inward collectedness.

Vitakkavicārānaṁ vūpasamā ajjhattaṁ sampasādanaṁ cetaso ekodibhāvaṁ avitakkaṁ avicāraṁ samādhijaṁ pītisukhaṁ dutiyajjhānaṁ upasampajja viharati. (SN v 307)

Illustrations: pasīdati


pasīdanti: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: pasīdanti, believe in

The religious philosophers outside this [training system] believe in dogmatic views.

Ito bahiddhā pāsaṇḍā diṭṭhīsu pasīdanti te

I do not approve of their teachings; they are ignorant of the Buddha’s teaching.

na tesaṁ dhammaṁ rocemi na te dhammassa kovidā. (SN i 133)

Illustration: pasīdati, to gain faith in

As the teacher explains the teaching, through transcendent insight into a certain one of those teachings the bhikkhu comes to a conclusion about the teachings

so tasmiṁ dhamme abhiññāya idhekaccaṁ dhammaṁ dhammesu niṭṭhaṁ gacchati.

He gains faith in the Teacher thus

satthari pasīdati.

The Blessed One is perfectly enlightened. The teaching is well explained by the Blessed One. The community of disciples is applied to the excellent practice

sammāsambuddho bhagavā svākkhāto bhagavatā dhammo supaṭipanno saṅgho ti. (MN i 319)

Illustration: pasīdanti, to gain faith

When the community of bhikkhus is divided, those without faith do not gain faith, and some with faith start wavering.

Saṅghe kho pana bhikkhave bhinne… Tattha appasannā ceva nappasīdanti. Pasannānañca ekaccānaṁ aññathattaṁ hotī ti. (Iti 11)

Illustration: pasīdati, to gain faith [in the perfection of the Perfect One’s enlightenment]

He explained the noble practice which is of benefit to devas and men, hearing and understanding which the manyfolk gain faith [in the perfection of the Perfect One’s enlightenment].

Hitaṁ devamanussānaṁ ñāyaṁ dhammaṁ pakāsayī
Yaṁ ve disvā ca sutvā ca pasīdati bahujjano. (AN ii 37)


pasīdi: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: pasīdi, to become serene

When I first saw the Blessed One a long way off, at the mere sight of him my mind became serene (cittaṁ pasīdi). This is the first astounding and extraordinary quality found in me. Then with a serene mind (pasannacitto) I paid respect to the Blessed One… When he knew my mind was ready, teachable, free of the five hindrances, uplifted, and serene (pasannacittaṁ), then he preached the religious discourse unique to the Buddhas. (AN iv 209-210)

Illustration: pasīdanti, become serene

Such a sacrifice is truly vast and the devas, too, become serene.

Yañño ca vipulo hoti pasīdanti ca devatā ti. (SN i 76)

Illustration: pasīdati, to become serene

Those we slaughtered in the past, either for sacrifice or for robbery, were paralysed with fear. They trembled and wailed. But with you, you are fearless. Your countenance is even more serene. Why do you not weep when in such danger?

Tassa te natthī bhītattaṁ bhiyyo vaṇṇo pasīdati
Kasmā na paridevesi evarūpe mahabbhaye. (Tha 706)

Illustration: pasīdatī, to be serene

“Those who dwell deep in the forest, peaceful, leading the religious life, eating but a single meal a day: why is their countenance so serene?”

kena vaṇṇo pasīdatī ti

“They do not grieve over the past, nor do they long for the future. They maintain themselves with what is present. Hence their countenance is so serene.”

Atītaṁ nānusocanti nappajappanti'nāgataṁ
Paccuppannena yāpenti tena vaṇṇo pasīdati. (SN i 5)


pasīdati: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: pasīdati, to become serene

[But] as the flesh wastes away, my mind becomes serene. My mindfulness, penetrative discernment, and inward collectedness stand firmly all the more.

Maṁsesu khīyamānesu bhiyyo cittaṁ pasīdati
Bhiyyo sati ca paññā ca samādhi mama tiṭṭhati. (Snp 434)

Illustration: pasīdati, to become serene

When the teaching is being explained to someone to put an end to personal identity, if his mind does not become energised, serene, settled, and intent upon it then he can be regarded as like a feeble man.

Evameva kho ānanda yassa kassaci sakkāya nirodhāya dhamme desiyamāne cittaṁ na pakkhandati nappasīdati na santiṭṭhati na vimuccati (read as adhimuccati. See IGPT sv adhimuccati). Seyyathā pi so dubbalako puriso evamete daṭṭhabbā. (MN i 435)

Illustration: pasīdati, to become serene

In this regard, when a bhikkhu is contemplating sensuous pleasure, his mind is not energised, nor does it becomes serene, settled, intent upon it. But when contemplating the practice of unsensuousness his mind becomes energised, serene, settled, and intent upon it.

Idha bhikkhave bhikkhuno kāmaṁ manasikaroto kāmesu cittaṁ na pakkhandati nappasīdati na santiṭṭhati na vimuccati (read as adhimuccati. See IGPT sv adhimuccati). Nekkhammaṁ kho panassa manasikaroto nekkhamme cittaṁ pakkhandati pasīdati santiṭṭhati vimuccati (read as adhimuccati. See IGPT sv adhimuccati). (AN iii 245)

Illustration: pasīdati, to become serene

Further, Ānanda, the bhikkhu, ignoring the perception of the state of awareness of nonexistence and of the state of awareness neither having nor lacking perception, he focuses undistractedly on the inward collectedness that is focused upon the unabiding [phenomena].

His mind becomes energised, serene, settled, and intent upon inward collectedness that is focused upon the unabiding [phenomena].

Tassa animitte cetosamādhimhi cittaṁ pakkhandati pasīdati santiṭṭhati adhimuccati. (MN iii 108)

Illustration: pasīdati, to become serene

One gives thinking, ‘When this gift is given, my mind will become serene. Satisfaction and joy will arise in me

imaṁ me dānaṁ dadato cittaṁ pasīdati attamanatā somanassaṁ upajāyatī ti. (AN iv 61)

Illustration: pasīdati, to become serene

As he reflects on the [perfection of the] Perfect One’s [enlightenment] his mind becomes serene;

Tassa tathāgataṁ anussarato cittaṁ pasīdati.

gladness arises

pāmujjaṁ uppajjati.

the spiritual defilements are abandoned

ye cittassa upakkilesā te pahīyanti. (AN i 207)


pasīdeyyā: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: pasīdeyyā, to become serene

Can we not today honour some ascetic or Brahmanist through whom our mind would become serene?

kannu khvajja samaṇaṁ vā brāhmaṇaṁ vā payirupāseyyāma yanno payirupāsato cittaṁ pasīdeyyā ti. (DN i 47)

Illustrations: pasādeti


pasādeti: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: pasādeti, to become serene

In giving his mind becomes serene.

dadaṁ cittaṁ pasādeti

After giving he is pleased.

datvā attamano hoti. (AN iv 244)


pasādenti: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: pasādenti, to become serene

In thinking, ‘This is the stupa of the Blessed One, the Arahant, the Perfectly Enlightened One,’ Ānanda, the minds of the manyfolk become serene

Ayaṁ tassa bhagavato arahato sammāsambuddhassa thūpo ti ānanda bahū janā cittaṁ pasādenti

and having serene minds, with the demise of the body at death, they are reborn in the realm of happiness, in the heavenly worlds.

te tatthacittaṁ pasādetvā kāyassa bhedā parammaraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ papajjanti. (DN ii 143)


pasādetvā: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: pasādetvā, became serene

Then I saw the Perfectly Enlightened One, the Teacher who is free of fear from any quarter. My mind became serene, I went forth into the ascetic life.

Athaddasāsiṁ sambuddhaṁ satthāraṁ akutobhayaṁ
Tasmiṁ cittaṁ pasādetvā pabbajiṁ anagāriyaṁ. (Tha 912)

Illustrations: pasāda


pasādaṁ: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: pasādaṁ, serenity

As a man afflicted by hunger and weakness may find a honey-cake, and wherever he tastes it, he enjoys a sweet delicious flavour.

yato yato sāyetha labhateva sādhurasaṁ asecanakaṁ

Even so, whenever one hears Master Gotama’s teaching… one wins satisfaction, and one attains mental serenity.

yato yato tassa bhoto gotamassa dhammaṁ suṇāti… tato tato labhateva attamanataṁ labhati cetaso pasādaṁ. (AN iii 237)


pasādaye: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: pasādaye, serene

Where one is happy even before the offering; where in giving one’s mind is serene; where, having given, one is pleased: this is an accomplished act of generosity.

Pubbeva dānā sumano dadaṁ cittaṁ pasādaye
Datvā attamano hoti esā yaññassa sampadā. (AN iii 337)


pasādāya: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: pasādāya, inspire faith

For two good reasons the Perfect One establishes training rules for his disciples. To inspire faith in those without faith; and to increase the faith of those with faith.

Dveme bhikkhave atthavase paṭicca tathāgatena sāvakānaṁ sikkhāpadaṁ paññattaṁ. Katame dve? appasannānaṁ pasādāya pasannānaṁ bhiyyobhāvāya. (AN i 98)


pasādaṁ: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: pasādaṁ, faith

Bhikkhus, possessed of two qualities a foolish, incompetent, ordinary person wanders about hurting and injuring himself; he is blameworthy, criticised by the wise, and begets much demerit. Which two? Through lack of investigation and penetration (ananuvicca apariyogāhetvā) he exhibits

• faith in a matter that is not worthy of faith;

appasādaniye ṭhāne pasādaṁ upadaṁseti

• lack of faith in a matter that is worthy of faith.

pasādaniye ṭhāne appasādaṁ upadaṁseti. (AN i 90)

Illustration: pasādaṁ, faith

The Blessed One has inspired in me

ajanesi vata me bhante bhagavā samaṇesu

• an affection for ascetics

• faith in ascetics

• a respect for ascetics


puggalappasāde: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: puggalappasāde, having faith which is based on a single individual

Five dangers of having faith which is based on a single individual.

Pañcime bhikkhave ādīnavā puggalappasāde. Katame pañca:

When a person’s complete faith is based on a single individual (puggale puggalo abhippasanno hoti) and that person falls into an error such that the community of bhikkhus suspends him, then he will think: ‘The community of bhikkhus has suspended he who is beloved and dear to me.’ And he will be no more full of faith in the bhikkhus (bhikkhūsu appasādabahulo hoti), and from being without faith he will not follow other bhikkhus, and from not following other bhikkhus he will not hear the true teaching, and from not hearing the true teaching he will fall away from the true teaching.

Yasmiṁ bhikkhave puggale puggalo abhippasanno hoti so tathārūpaṁ āpattiṁ āpanno hoti yathārūpāya āpattiyā saṅgho ukkhipati. Tassa evaṁ hoti: yo kho myāyaṁ puggalo piyo manāpo so saṅghena ukkhitto ti bhikkhūsu appasādabahulo hoti. Bhikkhūsu appasādabahulo samāno aññe bhikkhū na bhajati aññe bhikkhū na bhajanto saddhammaṁ na suṇāti saddhammaṁ asuṇanto saddhammā parihāyati. Ayaṁ bhikkhave paṭhamo ādīnavo puggalappasāde. (AN iii 270)


pasādā: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: pasādā, faith

There are three foremost kinds of faith


Those who have faith in Buddha have faith in best. Those who have faith in best will have the best result

ye bhikkhave buddhe pasannā agge te pasannā. Agge kho pana pasannānaṁ aggo vipāko hoti. (Iti 88)


pasādo: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: pasādo, faith

You, householder, do not have that lack of faith in the Buddha (buddhe appasādena) which the ignorant Everyman possesses because of which the latter, with the demise of the body at death, is reborn in hell. (SN v 381)

Illustrations: pasādaniya


pasādaniye: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: pasādaniye, worthy of faith

Bhikkhus, possessed of two qualities a foolish, incompetent, ordinary person wanders about hurting and injuring himself; he is blameworthy, criticised by the wise, and begets much demerit. Which two? Through lack of investigation and penetration (ananuvicca apariyogāhetvā) he exhibits

• faith in a matter that is not worthy of faith

appasādaniye ṭhāne pasādaṁ upadaṁseti

• lack of faith in a matter that is worthy of faith

pasādaniye ṭhāne appasādaṁ upadaṁseti. (AN i 90)

Illustration: pasādaniye, faith inspiring

That bhikkhu should then direct his mind towards some faith inspiring meditation object.

kismiñcideva pasādaniye nimitte cittaṁ paṇidahitabbaṁ

When he directs his mind to some faith inspiring meditation object, gladness arises.

tassa kismicideva pasādanīye nimitte cittaṁ paṇidahato pāmujjaṁ jāyati. (SN v 156)


pasādaniyā: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: pasādaniyā, faith inspiring

The Blessed One declared ten faith inspiring qualities (dasa pasādaniyā dhammā) that if they are found in someone, we honour, revere, respect, and venerate him:

dasa pasādaniyā dhammā akkhātā

(Namely: virtue, learning, contentment, four jhānas, psychic powers, divine ear, knowledge of others’ minds, recollects many past lives, sees beings’ death and rebirth, destruction of perceptually obscuring states) (MN iii 11).


pasādaniyaṁ: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: pasādaniyaṁ, faith inspiring

Undertaking [what is virtuous], refraining [what is unvirtuous], having a deportment that is faith inspiring, and being applied to the higher mental states, this is fitting for an ascetic.

Cārittaṁ atha vārittaṁ iriyāpathiyaṁ pasādaniyaṁ
Adhicitte ca āyogo etaṁ samaṇassa patirūpaṁ. (Tha 591)

Illustration: pasādaniyaṁ, faith inspiring

You will see the Blessed One

dakkhissasi tvaṁ soṇa taṁ bhagavantaṁ

who is beautifully behaved, faith inspiring,

who has peaceful [mental] faculties and a peaceful mind,

Illustration: pasādaniyaṁ, faith inspiring

The brahman Doṇa followed the Blessed One’s footprints and saw him sitting at the root of some tree, beautifully behaved, faith inspiring, with peaceful [mental] faculties and a peaceful mind

pāsādikaṁ pasādaniyaṁ santindriyaṁ santamānasaṁ. (AN ii 38)

Illustrations: pasanno


pasannacittaṁ: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: pasannacittaṁ, serene

When the Blessed One knew that Pokkharasāti’s mind was ready, teachable, free of the five hindrances, uplifted, and serene, then he preached the religious discourse unique to the Buddhas:

Yadā bhagavā aññāsi brāhmaṇaṁ pokkharasātiṁ kallacittaṁ muducittaṁ vinīvaraṇacittaṁ udaggacittaṁ pasannacittaṁ atha yā buddhānaṁ sāmukkaṁsikā dhammadesanā taṁ pakāsesi. (DN i 110)


pasanna: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: pasanna, serene

You have serene eyes, a fair face


pasannena: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: pasannena, pure

If one speaks or acts with a defiled mind (manasā ce paduṭṭhena bhāsati vā karoti vā), suffering thence follows one as surely as the cartwheel follows the foot of the ox. (Dhp 1)

If one speaks or acts with a pure mind (manasā ce pasannena bhāsati vā karoti vā), happiness thence follows one as surely as one’s never-departing shadow (Dhp 2)

Illustration: pasannena, pure

If with a pure mind he teaches others, he does not become tethered [to them] by his tender concern and sympathy.

Manasā ce pasannena yadaññamanusāsati
Na tena hoti saṁyutto sānukampā anuddayāti. (SN i 206)


pasannā: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: pasannā, being serene

Therefore, being serene, free of vacillation, present your offering to one who is worthy of gifts.

Tasmiṁ pasannā avikampamānā
patiṭṭhapesi dakkhiṇaṁ dakkhiṇeyye. (SN i 142)


pasannacitto: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: pasannacitto, being serene

He with a serene mind who goes to the Buddha for refuge (pasannacitto buddhaṁ saraṇaṁ gacchati), the teaching, and the community of the Blessed One’s [noble] disciples―this is a sacrifice (yañño) which is greater.(DN i 146)


pasanna: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: pasanna, serene

Any who die whilst on pilgrimage to these shrines with a serene mind, with the demise of the body at death, all will be reborn in the realm of happiness, in the heavenly worlds.

Ye hi keci ānanda cetiyacārikaṁ āhiṇḍantā pasannacittā kālaṁ karissanti sabbe te kāyassa bhedā parammaraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjissanti ti/(DN ii 141)


pasannā: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: pasannā, have faith

Let stupas far and wide be established so that many people will have faith in the Seer.

Vitthārikā hontu disāsu thūpā
Bahū janā cakkhumato pasannā ti. (DN ii 166)


pasanno: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: pasanno, faith

Four persons in the world:

He who guages by appearance, and whose faith is inspired by appearance

He who guages by voice, and whose faith is inspired by voice

He who guages by asceticism, and whose faith is inspired by asceticism

He who guages by the teaching, and whose faith is inspired by the teaching


pasannaṁ: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: pasannaṁ, faith

In this regard, bhante, some issue concerning the teaching may arise. The Blessed One might take one side, and the bhikkhus’ and bhikkhunīs’ communities might take the other side. Whatever side the Blessed One would take, I would take that same side.

Idha bhante kocideva dhammasamuppādo uppajjeyya ekato assa bhagavā ekato bhikkhusaṅgho ekato bhikkhunīsaṅgho ca yeneva bhagavā tenevāhaṁ assaṁ.

Let the Blessed One remember me as one who has such faith in him.

Evaṁ pasannaṁ maṁ bhante bhagavā dhāretu. (SN v 374)


appasannā: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: appasannā, have no faith in

Now, bhante, there are disciples of the Blessed One who live in remote forest abodes. And there are high ranking deities settled there who have no faith in the teaching of the Blessed One (ye imasmiṁ bhagavato pāvacane appasannā). To inspire faith in them (tesaṁ pasādāya), bhante, may the Blessed One learn this Āṭānāṭiyaṁ protection. (DN iii 195)

Illustration: appasannā, those without faith

When the community of bhikkhus is divided, those without faith do not gain faith, and some with faith start wavering.

Tattha appasannā ceva nappasīdanti. Pasannānañca ekaccānaṁ aññathattaṁ hotī ti. (Iti 11)

Illustration: pasannā, faith

Those with faith in the Buddha have faith in the best. They with faith in the best will have the best result.

Ye bhikkhave buddhe pasannā agge te pasannā agge kho pana pasannānaṁ aggo vipāko hoti. (AN ii 34)


pasannānaṁ: (main article see: pasīdati)

Illustration: pasannānaṁ, faith

Foremost amongst my lay disciples whose faith is based on a single individual is Jīvaka Komārabhacca.

Etadaggaṁ bhikkhave mama sāvakānaṁ upāsakānaṁ puggalappasannānaṁ yadidaṁ jīvako komārabhacco. (AN i 26)


Five dangers of having faith which is based on a single individual

Pañcime bhikkhave ādīnavā puggalappasāde. (AN iii 270)

Illustration: pasanno, faith

By three features a person with faith and confidence in the Perfect One is to be known.

tīhi bhikkhave ṭhānehi saddho pasanno veditabbo. (AN i 150)

Illustration: pasannā, believe in

Devadatta promoted forest-dwelling, almsgathering, rag-robe wearing, tree-root dwelling, vegetarianism. He said it would be possible to create a schism with these five items because people believe in asceticism (lukhappasannā hi āvuso manussā ti). (Vin.2.197)

Illustration: pasanno, convinced

A state of unsureness has arisen in me. I am convinced that the ascetic Gotama can explain the issue so I might abandon that state of unsureness

atthi ca me ayaṁ kaṅkhādhammo uppanno. Evaṁ pasanno ahaṁ samaṇe gotame pahoti me samaṇo gotamo tathā dhammaṁ desetuṁ yathāhaṁ imaṁ kaṅkhādhammaṁ pajaheyyan ti. (DN ii 149)

Illustration: pasanno, convinced

Then Venerable Ānanda said this to the Blessed One:

• ’It is astounding, bhante, it is extraordinary, bhante, I am convinced, bhante (evaṁ pasanno ahaṁ bhante), that in this assembly of bhikkhus there is not one bhikkhu in this assembly of bhikkhus who is unsure or uncertain about the [perfection of the] Buddha’s [enlightenment], or about the [excellence of the] teaching, or about the [excellent qualities of the] community of disciples, or about the [excellence of the] Path and the practice.’

• ’Out of faith, Ānanda, you speak (pasādā kho tvaṁ ānanda vadesi), but the Perfect One, Ānanda, has the actual knowledge that there is not one bhikkhu in this assembly of bhikkhus who is unsure or uncertain about the [perfection of the] Buddha’s [enlightenment], or about the [excellence of the] teaching, or about the [excellent qualities of the] community of disciples, or about the [excellence of the] Path and the practice’. (DN ii 155)

Illustration: pasanno, convinced

• I am convinced, Blessed One, that there never has been, there never will be, and there does not exist in the present another ascetic or Brahmanist who has greater transcendent insight regarding enlightenment than the Blessed One.

evaṁ pasanno ahaṁ bhante bhagavatī na cāhu na ca bhavissati na cetarahi vijjati añño samaṇo vā brāhmaṇo bhagavatā bhiyyo'bhiññataro yadidaṁ sambodhiyanti. (DN ii 82)


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