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vadhati {pi}

Pāḷi; √ vadhati
alt. sp.: IPA: ʋəd̪ʰət̪ɪ, Velthuis: vadhati, readable: vadhati, simple: vadhati
translation ~:
khmer: វធតិ
thai: วธติ
sinhal.: වධති
burm.: ဝဓတိ


[dic] vadhati

vadhati: Description welcome. Info can be removed after imput.

ATI Glossary

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Buddhist Dictionary

by late Ven. Nyanalokita Thera:

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PTS Dictionary

by the Pali Text Society:


Glossary Thanissaro

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Illustrated Glossary of Pāli Terms

by Ven. Varado Maha Thera:


Understanding the First Brahman Truth

Understanding the First Brahman Truth is challenged by the different meanings of vadhati which range from punish to destroy. This uncertainty is reflected in translations of this Truth:

  • Bodhi: All living beings are to be spared.
  • Woodward: All living beings are not to be harmed.

We say ‘destroyed’:

• All beings ought not to be destroyed… In fully understanding the truth of this saying one is applied to the practice of sympathy and tender concern for beings.

sabbe pāṇā avajjhā ti… Api ca yadeva tattha saccaṁ tadabhiññāya pāṇānaṁ yeva anuddayāya anukampāya paṭipanno hoti. (AN ii 176)

Harming does not fit

One cannot say ‘All beings ought not to be harmed,’ because firstly, vadhati does not mean ‘to harm,’ and secondly, harming is sometimes for beings’ benefit. For example:

• If a young infant through the negligence of the nurse puts a stick or stone into its mouth, the nurse would quickly pay attention, and quickly remove it. If she could not immediately remove it, then taking hold of the head with the left hand, and crooking the finger of the right, would fetch it out even if she drew blood. Why is this?

salohitampi āhareyya taṁ kissa hetu

… There would be some injury to the boy, I do not deny it. But, really, this is what should be done by the nurse wishing for the child's well-being, seeking its welfare, from tender concern, out of tender concern.

atthesā bhikkhave kumārassa vihesā nesā natthīti vadāmi. Karaṇīyañca kho etaṁ bhikkhave dhātiyā atthakāmāya hitesiniyā anukampikāya anukampaṁ upādāya. (AN iii 6)

Striking does not fit

One cannot say ‘All beings ought not to be struck,’ for three reasons:

1) Firstly, although it is a pācittiya offence for a bhikkhu to strike a bhikkhu in anger (Yo pana bhikkhu bhikkhussa kupito anattamano pahāraṁ dadeyya pācittiyan ti, Vin.4.146), and a dukkaṭa offence to strike a layperson, it no offence at all to strike an animal, and also no offence if, being trapped in a difficult situation, a bhikkhu strikes a bhikkhu in order to escape (Anāpatti kenaci viheṭhiyamāno mokkhādhippāyo pahāraṁ deti, Vin.4.146).

2) Secondly, the Buddha, faced with a weak disciple, raised the possibility of physical punishment:

• ‘Don’t go nodding, Ragamuffin, lest I strike you on the ear.’

Mā kho tvaṁ kappaṭa pacalāyi mā tvaṁ upakaṇṇamhi tāḷessaṁ. (Tha 200)

3) Thirdly, the Buddha battled with the fire-serpent in Kassapa’s fire-chamber, mastering his heat with heat, but without injuring his skin (anupahacca chaviñca, Vin.1.25).

Striking is not necessarily unvirtuous.


The gerundive is passive in sense, and expresses suitability, fitness, propriety, and may be translated by ‘fit to be,’ ‘must be,’ ‘ought to be,’ ‘to be’ (PGPL, para.466).

Illustrations: vadha


vadha: (main article see: vadhati)

Illustration: vadha, killing

He abstains from wounding, killing, imprisoning, brigandage, plunder, and violence.

Chedanavadhabandhanaviparāmosaālopasahasākārā paṭivirato hoti. (MN i 345-6)


vadho: (main article see: vadhati)

Illustration: vadho, destruction

For this, Kesi, is ‘destruction’ in the [terminology of the] Noble One’s training system, when the Perfect One and one's knowledgeable companions in the religious life think one should not be spoken to and instructed.

Vadho hesa kesi ariyassa vinaye yaṁ na tathāgato vattabbaṁ anusāsitabbaṁ maññati napi viññū sabrahmacārī vattabbaṁ anusāsitabbaṁ maññantī ti. (AN ii 112)

Illustration: vadho, destruction

Devadatta is intent upon the destruction of the Blessed One.

devadattena kira bhagavato vadho payutto ti. (Vin.2.194)


vadhāya: (main article see: vadhati)

Illustration: vadhāya, destruction

Just as a plantain tree yields fruit to its own destruction and spiritual ruination, so Devadatta’s gains, honour, and renown arose to his own destruction and spiritual ruination.

Seyyathā pi bhikkhave kadali attavadhāya phalaṁ deti parābhavāya phalaṁ deti evameva kho bhikkhave attavadhāya devadattassa lābhasakkārasiloko udapādi parābhavāya devadattassa lābhasakkārasiloko udapādi. (SN ii 241)

Illustration: vadhāya, destruction

Like bait thrown out for the destruction of fish

Āmisaṁva macchānaṁ vadhāya khittā ti. (SN i 67)

Illustration: vadhāya, execution

Those who were caught were led off to execution.

ye te gahitā te vadhāya onīyanti. (Vin.1.88)

Illustration: vadho, punishment

He who has mastered the thorn of sensuous pleasure,

Yassa jito kāmakaṇṭako

Abuse, punishment, and imprisonment,

Akkoso ca vadho ca bandhanañca

Is as inwardly stable as a mountain, imperturbable,

pabbato viya so ṭhito anejo. (Uda 27)

Illustrations: vadhaka


vadhaka: (main article see: vadhati)

Illustration: vadhaka, murderer

With the attitude of a murderer, drew the Perfect One’s blood.

vadhakacittena tathāgatassa ruhiraṁ uppāditanti. (Vin.2.193)


vadhakaṁ: (main article see: vadhati)

Illustration: vadhakaṁ, murderous

He does not discern according to reality murderous bodily form as murderous bodily form.

Vadhakaṁ rūpaṁ vadhakaṁ rūpanti yathābhūtaṁ nappajānāti. (SN iii 114)

Illustrations: vadhati

Illustration: vadhitvā, destroyed

This is called a bhikkhu who has blindfolded Māra, who is trackless having destroyed Māra’s vision, and goes unseen by the Maleficent One.

Ayaṁ vuccati bhikkhave bhikkhu andhamakāsi māraṁ apadaṁ vadhitvā māracakkhuṁ adassanaṁ gato pāpimato. (MN i 159)


vadhitvā: (main article see: vadhati)

Illustration: vadhitvā, punished

Suppose a brahman, for some reason, has had his head shaved by the brahmans, and been punished with a bag of ashes, and banished from the country or the city.

Idha brāhmaṇā brāhmaṇaṁ kismicideva pakaraṇe khuramuṇḍaṁ karitvā assapuṭena vadhitvā raṭṭhā vā nagarā vā pabbājeyyuṁ. (DN i 98)


avajjhā: (main article see: vadhati)

Illustration: avajjhā, unpunishable

Brahmans were unpunishable, unimpeachable, protected by law.

Avajjhā brāhmaṇā āsuṁ ajeyyo dhammarakkhitā. (Snp 288)

Norman: Brahmans were inviolable, unconquerable, protected by the law.


vadhito: (main article see: vadhati)

Illustration: vadhito, crushed

The fool lies prostrate as if crushed by his folly.

Bālo hi bālyā vadhitova seti (Tha 783, MN ii 73)


vadhitvā: (main article see: vadhati)

Illustration: vadhitvā, slaughter

A proficient butcher or his apprentice having slaughtered a cow.

dakkho goghātako vā goghātakantevāsī vā gāviṁ vadhitvā. (DN ii 294)

Illustration: vadhitvā, kill

Lion… having killed the very best of the herd

so varaṁ varaṁ migasaṅghe vadhitvā. (DN iii 23)

Illustration: vadhitvā, kill

Some foolish person takes pleasure and delight in killing beings.

ekacco bālo pāṇe vadhitvā vadhitvā attānaṁ sukheti pīṇeti. (DN iii 130)

Illustration: vadhitvā, murder

Having murdered many people, he wears a necklace of their fingers.

So manusse vadhitvā vadhitvā aṅgulīnaṁ mālaṁ dhāreti. (MN ii 98)

Illustration: vadhitvā, struck

The bhikkhunī Caṇḍakāḷī, having quarrelled with the bhikkhunīs, wept having struck herself again and again.

caṇḍakāḷī bhikkhunī bhikkhunīhi saddhiṁ bhaṇḍitvā attānaṁ vadhitvā vadhitvā rodati. (Vin.4.277)


Glossary various Teacher

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See also

Suttas and Dhammadesanā

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