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vijānata {pi}

Pāḷi; √ vijānata
alt. sp.: IPA: ʋɪd͡ʒɑːn̪ət̪ə, Velthuis: vijaanata, readable: vijaanata, simple: vijanata
translation ~:
khmer: វិជានត
thai: วิชานต
sinhal.: විජානත
burm.: ဝိဇာနတ


[dic] vijānata (vijanata)

vijānata: Description welcome. Info can be removed after imput.

ATI Glossary

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Buddhist Dictionary

by late Ven. Nyanalokita Thera:

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PTS Dictionary

by the Pali Text Society:


Glossary Thanissaro

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Illustrated Glossary of Pāli Terms

by Ven. Varado Maha Thera:


Vijānata plus object

Vijānata associated with an object means ‘one who knows’ or ‘one who understands’:

• He mindfully conducts himself in such a way that when knowing a mentally known object or encountering a sense impression [within himself], [attachment] is exhausted not built up.

Yathāssa vijānato dhammaṁ sevato vāpi vedanaṁ
Khīyati no pacīyati evaṁ so caratī sato. (SN iv 76)

Often it is linked to ‘the teaching,’ where it means ‘one who understands’:

• Long is the round of birth and death for the fool who does not understand the true teaching.

Dīgho bālānaṁ saṁsāro saddhammaṁ avijānataṁ. (Dhp 60)

Vijānata minus object: parenthesising an object

Without an object, various passages show that vijānata’s object is ‘the teaching’:

• He listens but does not understand [the teaching], he looks but does not see [the nature of reality]. Though the teaching is being spoken, the fool does not understand the meaning.

Suṇāti na vijānāti āloketi na passati
Dhammasmiṁ bhaññamānasmiṁ atthaṁ bālo na bujjhati. (SN i 198)

• When the teaching has been so well explained, how can one who understands [it] be negligent [in practising it]?

Evaṁ sudesite dhamme ko pamādo vijānataṁ. (SN i 193)



vijānataṁ: (main article see: vijānata)

Illustration: vijānataṁ, one who understands [the teaching]

For one who understands [the teaching], there is no bondage [to individual existence].

natthi saṅgo vijānatan ti. (Tha 14)

Illustration: vijānata, one who understands [the teaching]

One who understands [the teaching] is worthy of a gift from those desiring merit.

Puññamākaṅkhamānena deyyaṁ hoti vijānatāti. (SN i 20)


vijānato: (main article see: vijānata)

Illustration: vijānato, one who understands [the teaching]

For one who is imperturbable, for one who understands [the teaching], there is no accumulated merit or demerit.

Anejassa vijānato natthi kāci nisaṅkhiti. (Snp 953)

Illustration: vijānataṁ, one who understands [the teaching]

‘One who is endowed with the three final knowledges, who is inwardly at peace, who has destroyed renewed states of individual existence, thus know, Vāseṭṭha, he is Brahmā. For one who understands [the teaching], he is Sakka [Lord of the Devas].’

Tīhi vijjāhi sampanno santo khīṇapunabbhavo
Evaṁ vāseṭṭha jānāhi brahmā sakko vijānatan ti. (Snp 656)

Illustration: vijānataṁ, understands [the teaching]

Perfect Ones, great Heroes, lead [others] by means of the true teaching. How could one who understands [the teaching] be jealous of those who lead [others] by the [true] teaching?

Nayanti ve mahāvīrā saddhammena tathāgatā
Dhammena nayamānānaṁ kā usūyā vijānatan ti. (SN i 127)

Illustration: vijānato, understands [the teaching]

The fool thinks victory is through speech, and speaks harshly. One who understands [the teaching knows that] victory is for the one who endures [his foe’s anger].

Jayaṁ ve maññati bālo vācāya pharusaṁ bhaṇaṁ
Jayaṁ ve cassa taṁ hoti yā titikkhā vijānato. (SN i 163)


vijānatā: (main article see: vijānata)

Illustration: vijānatā, understand [the teaching]

For one who understands [the teaching], the night is for staying awake.

Paṭijaggitumevesā ratti hoti vijānatā. (Tha 193)


Glossary various Teacher

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See also

Suttas and Dhammadesanā

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en/dictionary/vijānata.txt · Last modified: 2019/09/25 05:30 by