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vipāka {pi}

Pāḷi; √ vipāka
alt. sp.: IPA: ʋɪpɑːkə, Velthuis: vipaaka, readable: vipaaka, simple: vipaka
translation ~:
khmer: វិបាក
thai: วิปาก
sinhal.: විපාක
burm.: ဝိပါက


[dic] vipāka (vipaka)

vipāka: Description welcome. Info can be removed after imput.

ATI Glossary

vipāka: The consequence and result of a past volitional action (kamma).


Buddhist Dictionary

by late Ven. Nyanalokita Thera:

vipāka: 'kamma-result', is any kammically (morally) neutral mental phenomenon (e.g. bodily agreeable or painful feeling, sense-consciousness, etc.), which is the result of wholesome or unwholesome volitional action (see kamma) through body, speech or mind, done either in this or some previous life. Totally wrong is the belief that, according to Buddhism, everything is the result of previous action. Never, for example, is any kammically wholesome or unwholesome volitional action the result of former action, being in reality itself kamma. On this subject see titthāyatana, kamma, Table I; Fund II. Cf. AN 3.101; Kathāvatthu 162 (F. Guide, p. 80).

Kamma-produced (kammaja or kamma-samuṭṭhāna) corporeal things are never called kamma-vipāka, as this term may be applied only to mental phenomena.


PTS Dictionary

by the Pali Text Society:


Glossary Thanissaro

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Illustrated Glossary of Pāli Terms

by Ven. Varado Maha Thera:


Illustration: vipāko, consequence

What is the consequence of sensuous yearnings?

Katamo ca bhikkhave kāmānaṁ vipāko

In one yearning for sensuous pleasure a corresponding personal disposition is manifested, either meritorious or demeritorious.

yaṁ kho bhikkhave kāmayamāno tajjaṁ tajjaṁ attabhāvaṁ abhinibbatteti puññabhāgiyaṁ vā apuññabhāgiyaṁ vā ayaṁ vuccati bhikkhave kāmānaṁ vipāko. (AN iii 411)


vipāko: (main article see: vipāka)

Illustration: vipāko, consequence

What is the consequence of sense impressions?

Katamo ca bhikkhave vedanānaṁ vipāko

In one experiencing [a sense impression] a corresponding personal disposition is manifested, either meritorious or demeritorious. This is called the consequence of sense impression.

yaṁ bhikkhave vediyamāno tajjaṁ tajjaṁ attabhāvaṁ abhinibbatteti puññabhāgiyaṁ vā apuññabhāgiyaṁ vā ayaṁ vuccati bhikkhave vedanānaṁ vipāko. (AN iii 412)

Illustration: vipāko, consequence

What is the consequence of perceptions?

Katamo ca bhikkhave saññānaṁ vipāko

Speech is the consequence of perception, I declare.

vohāra vepakkāhaṁ bhikkhave saññaṁ vadāmi

In whatever way one perceives something, one speaks accordingly: ‘I perceived thus.’

Yathā yathā naṁ sañjānāti tathā tathā voharati evaṁ saññi ahosin ti. . (AN iii 413)

Illustration: vipāko, consequence

And what is the consequence of perceptually obscuring states?

Katamo ca bhikkhave āsavānaṁ vipāko

In one who has acquiesced in uninsightfulness into reality a corresponding personal disposition is manifested, either meritorious or demeritorious.

yaṁ kho bhikkhave avijjāgato tajjaṁ tajjaṁ attabhāvaṁ abhinibbatteti puññabhāgiyaṁ vā apuññabhāgiyaṁ vā. (AN iii 414)

Illustration: vipāko, consequence

And what is the consequence of suffering?

Katamo ca bhikkhave dukkhassa vipāko

Consider one overpowered and overcome by suffering, he grieves, suffers, and laments, weeps beating his chest, and falls into bewilderment; or roams abroad in search of one who knows a spell or two to put an end to this suffering.

idha bhikkhave ekacco yena dukkhena abhibhūto pariyādinnacitto socati kilamati paridevati urattāḷiṁ kandati sammohaṁāpajjati. Yena vā pana dukkhena abhibhūto pariyādinna citto bahiddhā pariyeṭṭhiṁ ājjati ko ekapadaṁ dipadaṁ pajānāti imassa dukkhassa nirodhāyā ti.

Suffering yields either bewilderment or search, I declare.

Sammohavepakkaṁ vāhaṁ bhikkhave dukkhaṁ vadāmi pariyeṭṭhivepakkaṁ vā. (AN iii 416)

Illustration: vipāko, karmic consequence

What is the karmic consequence of karmically consequential deeds?

Katamo ca bhikkhave kammānaṁ vipāko

The karmic consequence of karmically consequential deeds is threefold: that which arises in this life, or on rebirth, or in some other subsequent [existence].

Tividhāhaṁ bhikkhave kammānaṁ vipākaṁ vadāmi diṭṭhevā dhamme upajje vā apare vā pariyāye. (AN iii 415)


vipākaṁ: (main article see: vipāka)

Illustration: vipākaṁ, karmic consequence

Previous demeritorious conduct whose karmic consequence has not yet ripened.

pubbe pāpakammaṁ kataṁ avipakkavipākaṁ. (AN ii 196)


Glossary various Teacher

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See also

Suttas and Dhammadesanā

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en/dictionary/vipāka.txt · Last modified: 2019/09/25 05:29 by