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vivaṭṭacchadda {pi}

Pāḷi; √ vivaṭṭacchadda
alt. sp.: IPA: ʋɪʋəʈʈət͡ʃt͡ʃʰəd̪d̪ə, Velthuis: viva.t.tacchadda, readable: vivat't'achchhadda, simple: vivattacchadda
translation ~:
khmer: វិវដ្ដច្ឆទ្ទ
thai: วิวฏฺฏจฺฉทฺท
sinhal.: විවට්ටච්ඡද්ද
burm.: ဝိဝဋ္ဋစ္ဆဒ္ဒ


[dic] vivaṭṭacchadda (vivattacchadda)

vivaṭṭacchadda: Description welcome. Info can be removed after imput.

ATI Glossary

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Buddhist Dictionary

by late Ven. Nyanalokita Thera:

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PTS Dictionary

by the Pali Text Society:


Glossary Thanissaro

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Illustrated Glossary of Pāli Terms

by Ven. Varado Maha Thera:


Analysis: context better than etymology

Vivaṭṭacchaddo has long been a subject of debate. Because even its spelling is unsettled, resolving its meaning must be primarily based on context, not etymology. Extensive notes that demonstrate the longstanding interest in this term can be found at:

  • PED: under Vivattacchada
  • Norman: Group of Discourses p.229 n.372
  • Bodhi: NDB n.713.
  • Bodhi: MLDB n.853

‘Removed the covering’: neologism

Many commentaries say vivaṭṭacchadda means ‘one who has removed the covering,’ as follows:

• Here, having been born into the world, he dwells having entirely removed the covering in the world (loke tam chadanam vivattetva), in the darkness of defilements covered by seven coverings (chadanehi): lust, hatred, delusion, conceit, views, ignorance, and misconduct.

Arahaṁ hoti sammāsambuddho loke vivaṭṭacchadoti ettha rāga-dosa-moha-māna-diṭṭhi-avijjā-duccaritachadanehi sattahi paṭicchanne kilesandhakāre loke taṁ chadanaṁ vivaṭṭetvā samantato sañjātāloko hutvā ṭhitoti vivaṭṭacchado. (Sv.1.250; tr. Bodhi, NDB, n.713)

But, although taṇhā is called a covering (taṇhāchadanachāditā, Uda 76), these seven factors are not. And although avijjā comes close by being called an eggshell, it is ‘broken through’ not ‘removed.’

• Amongst the manyfolk who are void of insight into reality, enveloped and smothered [in uninsightfulness into reality], having broken through the eggshell of uninsightfulness into reality (avijjaṇḍakosaṁ padāletvā), I alone in the world have fully awakened to unsurpassed, complete enlightenment.

Evameva kho ahaṁ brāhmaṇa avijjāgatāya pajāya aṇḍabhūtāya pariyonaddhāya avijjaṇḍakosaṁ padāletvā eko'va loke anuttaraṁ sammāsambodhiṁ abhisambuddho. (AN iv 176; Vin.3.3)

Nonetheless, Bodhi accepts the commentary’s explanation, and translates vivaṭṭacchadda as ‘those who have removed the coverings,’ and explains his decision as follows:

• Though various conjectures might be proposed with respect to the original expression and its meaning, given the difficulty of settling these questions across Buddhist textual traditions, the most expedient course open to me is to translate the term as it has been preserved and interpreted in the Pāli tradition. (NDB n.713)

‘Remove the coverings’ would certainly fit the context, but to avoid its absurd connotations it would be better parenthesised to: ‘remove the coverings [of lust, hatred, delusion, conceit, views, ignorance, and misconduct],’ or, more justifiably, ‘remove the covering [of avijjā].’

‘With deceit removed’: unfitting

Norman uses the spelling vivattacchadda and calls it ‘with deceit removed,’ because in Sanskrit, according to Monier Williams, chadman has the meaning ‘deceit, disguise.’ But this rendering does not fit the contexts.

Our interpretation

Vivaṭṭacchaddo is primarily found in poetry, and we regard vi- as an unwarranted prefix, but in accordance with Warder’s comments, who says:

• The verses of the Dīgha Nikāya illustrate their most important linguistic and metrical characteristics. The linguistic features to remark are twofold: poetic licence and the use of archaic forms obsolete in everyday speech… Poetic licence is most noticeable in the freedom of word order in verse. Since the inflections generally show the relations between words in a sentence, almost any deviation from the prose order is possible without serious change of meaning… A prefix may be dropped or added where the meaning of the sentence will tolerate a slight change of nuance. (Warder, Introduction to Pāli p.354-5)

Because prefixes are subject to poetic licence, we therefore regard vivaṭṭacchaddo as standing for vaṭṭa chaḍḍo, with vi- for emphasis. Comments in the PED show that we are not the first to explain chadda as chaḍḍa: the commentaries have done likewise. But the real strength of our argument lies in the fittingness of our rendering, which we parade in the Illustrations below.

Meaning of chaḍḍeti

Chaḍḍeti means ‘throw’ or ‘pour,’ and vicchaḍḍeti means ‘scatter about’:

• He discards the bowl water neither too far nor too close, and he does not scatter it about.

So pattodakaṁ chaḍḍeti nātidūre nāccāsanne na ca vicchaḍḍayamāno. (MN ii 138)

In later Pāli, vicchaḍḍeti meant to throw out, to vomit, says PED.

Chinnaṁ vaṭṭaṁ

If vivaṭṭacchadda means ‘completely renounced the round of rebirth,’ then it is comparable to chinnaṁ vaṭṭaṁ, ‘the round of rebirth destroyed’ in this passage:

• He has destroyed the round of rebirth, abandoned longing. The dried-up stream no longer flows. The round of rebirth, destroyed, no longer continues. This is truly the end of suffering.

Acchecchi vaṭṭaṁ byagā nirāsaṁ vusukkhā saritā na sandati. Chinnaṁ vaṭṭaṁ na vattati esevanto dukkhassā ti. (Uda 75)


Illustration: vivaṭṭacchaddo, completely renounced the round of rebirth

One who is spiritually purified, who has conquered [all unvirtuous, spiritually unwholesome factors], who has completely renounced the round of rebirth, who has mastery over mentally known objects, who has reached the Far Shore, who is imperturbable, and is proficient in the knowledge of the ending [of originated phenomena] [according to reality]: he would properly fulfil the ideals of religious asceticism in the world.

Saṁsuddhajino vivaṭṭacchaddo dhammesu vasī pāragū anejo
Saṅkhāranirodhañāṇakusalo sammā so loke paribbajeyya. (Snp 372)


vivaṭṭacchaddo: (main article see: vivaṭṭacchadda)

Illustration: vivaṭṭacchaddo, one who has completely renounced the round of rebirth

But if he goes forth from the household life into the ascetic life he will become the Arahant, the Perfectly Enlightened One in the world, one who has completely renounced the round of rebirth.

Sace kho pana agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati arahaṁ hoti sammāsambuddho loke vivaṭṭacchaddo. (DN i 89)


Here vivaṭṭacchaddo occurs in prose.

Illustration: vivaṭṭacchaddo, one who has completely renounced the round of rebirth

But if he goes forth [from the household life into the ascetic life] he will be free of unvirtuousness, an ascetic with spiritual defilement quelled, one who has completely renounced the round of rebirth.

Atha ce pabbajati bhavati vipāpo
Samaṇo samitarajo vivaṭṭacchaddo. (DN iii 179)

Illustration: vivaṭṭacchaddo, completely renounced the round of rebirth

They in the world who have completely renounced the round of rebirth.

vivaṭṭacchaddā ye loke. (AN ii 44)


Glossary various Teacher

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See also

Suttas and Dhammadesanā

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