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Answer Key to Warder's 'Introduction to Pali': Exercises 1-21

Answer Key to Warder's 'Introduction to Pali'


Answer Key to Warder's 'Introduction to Pali'

Exercises 1-21


John Kelly

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Exercises 1-17 | Ex. 18 | Ex. 19 | Ex. 20 | Ex. 21

Editor's note

This answer key will be an invaluable aid to the beginning student who is teaching him- or herself Pali from A.K. Warder's Introduction to Pali (3rdedition) (Oxford: Pali Text Society, 1991). In addition to giving detailed answers to the exercises, Kelly includes (for exercises 4 onwards) the references to the sutta passages in the Digha Nikaya from which the exercises were drawn. He has also corrected a number of errors in Warder's own references.

Sutta references follow the PTS numbering convention. For example, D.II.85 refers to volume 2, page 85 of the PTS Pali edition of the Digha Nikaya. The numbers that follow (e.g., xvi.1.22) refer to the sutta, paragraph, and sub-paragraph numbers. This numbering scheme is used both in the PTS Pali edition and in Maurice Walshe's The Long Discourses of the Buddha (Boston: Wisdom Publications, 1987). Comparisons between the two editions are thus easily made.

Each line in the answers below has three parts: the original text to be translated (English or Pali, in bold), followed by a literal translation, and concluding with a more idiomatic and fluent translation. Pali text is represented here using the Velthuis convention. To wit: long vowels are doubled (aa, ii, uu) and punctuation preceding a consonant is used to indicate a diacritic mark. For example, the cerebral “t” (“t-with-a-dot-under-it”) is written as “.t”; the palatal “n” (“n-with-a-tilde-over-it”) is written as “~n”; and so on.

For another take on the English-to-Pali Exercises, see the Pali Text Society's answers to English-to-Pali Exercises 7-30.

— jtb


Exercise 1 (p. 15)

Pali into English

<table width=“100%” cellpadding=“5” style=“margin-bottom:1em”> John Bullit: 050403: FIXME: Shouldn't have to use styles here.

tathaagato bhaasati“thus-gone” / speaksThe “thus-gone” speaks.
upaasako pucchatilay disciple / asksThe lay disciple asks.
puriso eva.m vadatiperson / thus / speaksThe person speaks thus.
devo amanusso hotigod / non-human / isThe god is a non-human.
eva.m vadamithus / I sayI say this.
khattiyo pakkamatiwarrior / leavesThe warrior leaves.
mahaamatto nisiidatiminister / sits downThe minister sits down. tathaagato hotiascetic / “thus-gone” / isThe ascetic is the Tathagata.
putto upaasako passatison / lay disciple / seesThe son (who is) a lay disciple sees. upasa.mkamatiBrahmin / approachesThe Brahmin approaches.
manusso jiivatihuman / livesThe human lives.
eva.m vadantithus / they sayThey say this.


English into Pali

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The man speakspuriso / vadatipuriso vadati
The ascetic is “thus-gone” / hoti / tathaagato hoti
The priest goes / pakkamati
The god says sodevo / vadati / eva.mdevo eva.m vadati
There is a timehoti / samayosamayo hoti
The son sits downputto / nisiidatiputto nisiidati
The minister is a priestmahaamatto / hoti / braahmanomahaamatto braahmano hoti
The noble approacheskhattiyo / upasa.mkamatikhattiyo upasa.mkamati
The god diesdevo / cavatidevo cavati
You say so (sing.)vadasi / eva.meva.m vadasi
You say so (pl.)vadatha / eva.meva.m vadatha
We say sovadaama / eva.meva.m vadaama


Exercise 2 (pp. 19-20)

Pali into English

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sugato dhamma.m bhaasati“well-gone” / doctrine / speaksThe “well-gone” speaks the doctrine.
upaasako patta.m aaharatilay disciple / bowl / bringsThe lay disciple brings the bowl.
manussaa bhava.m icchantihumans / existence / wish forHumans wish for existence.
gaama.m gacchaamato the village / we goWe go to the village. aagacchatiascetic / comesThe ascetic comes.
tathaagato sugato hoti“thus-gone” / “well-gone” / isThe “thus-gone” is the “well-gone.” purise pucchatiBrahmin / people / asksThe Brahmin asks the people.
devaa cavantigods / dieThe gods die.
vaada.m vadantistatement / they speakThey utter the statement.
puttaa pabbajantisons / go forthThe sons go forth.
satto ti.t.thatibeing / staysThe being stays. attha.m pucchantiascetics / meaning / they askThey ask the ascetics the meaning.


English into Pali

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They go to the ministergacchanti / mahaamatta.mmahaamatta.m gacchanti
The men see the ministerspurisaa / passanti / mahaamattepurisaa mahaamatte passanti
The god, who is not a human being, approaches the “thus-gone”devo amanusso / upasa.mkamati / tathaagata.mdevo amanusso tathaagata.m upasa.mkamati
You ask the philosopher about the doctrinepucchasi / / dhamma.m pucchasi
We ask the philosopher who is “well-gone”pucchaama / / sugata.m pucchaama
The “thus-gone” gives up negligencetathaagato / pajahati / pamaada.mtathaagato pamaada.m pajahati
The lay disciples enter the villageupaasakaa / pavisanti / gaama.mupaasakaa gaama.m pavisanti
he ascetics meditatesama.naa / jhaayantisama.naa jhaayanti
The substance remainskaayo / ti.t.thatikaayo ti.t.thati
He reaches the topphusati / agga.magga.m phusati
We ask the philosopher the meaningpucchaama / / attha.m pucchaama
He gives almsdeti (dadaati) / pi.n.da.mpi.n.da.m deti (dadaati)


Exercise 3 (pp. 22-23)

Pali into English

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bhagavaa dhamma.m desetithe Blessed One / the doctrine / teachesThe Blessed One teaches the doctrine.
raajaana.m va~ncesithe king / you deceiveYou deceive the king.
upaasaka.m braahmana.m dhaaretithe Brahmin / a lay follower / he acceptsHe accepts the Brahmin as a lay follower.
raajaa purise aamantetithe king / the people / addressesThe king addresses the people. brahmaana.m passatithe Brahmin / God (Brahma) / seesThe Brahmin sees God (Brahma).
raajaa khattiyo mahaamatta.m pucchatithe king / a noble / the minister / asksThe king who is a noble asks the minister.
braahma.naa raajaana.m vadantithe Brahmins / (to) the king / speakThe Brahmins speak to the king.
puriso bhaara.m cha.d.detithe man / the load / abandonsThe man abandons the load.
eva.m kathentithus / they relateThus do they relate.
kaala.m paccaya.m pa~n~naapentitime / the cause / they declareThey declare time as the cause.


English into Pali

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The lay disciples salute the fortunate oneupaasakaa / abhivaadenti / bhagavanta.mupaasakaa bhagavanta.m abhivaadenti
He binds the handsbandhati / hatthehatthe bandhati
I experience the resultpa.tisa.mvedemi / vipaaka.mvipaaka.m pa.tisa.mvedemi
The king addresses the priestraajaa / aamanteti / aamanteti
The priest who is minister speaks thus to the fortunate / mahaamatto / vadati / eva.m / mahaamatto bhagavanta.m eva.m vadati
Existence is the conditionbhavo / paccayobhavo paccayo
He remembers the meaningdhaareti / attha.mattha.m dhaareti
The fortunate one dressesbhagavaa / nivaasetibhagavaa nivaaseti
The gods discuss the matterdevaa attha.m mantentidevaa / mantenti / attha.m
The fortunate one asks the kingbhagavaa / pucchati / raajaana.mbhagavaa raajaana.m pucchati
He enters the dwellingpavisati / vihaara.mvihaara.m pavisati
You rebut the argumentnibbe.thesi / vaada.mvaada.m nibbe.thesi
The king takes counselraajaa / mantetiraajaa manteti
He renounces gainpajahati / laabha.mlaabha.m pajahati/td


Exercise 4 (pp. 27-28)

Pali into English

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upaasakaa nisiidi.msulay-followers / sat downThe lay-followers sat down [D.II.85 — xvi.(Mahaaparinibbaana).1.22]
bhutaapubba.m raajaa Disampati naama ahosi. naamain the past / king / Disampati / by name / there was / Renu / by nameAt one time there was a king named Disampati. The prince named
kumaaro putto ahosi. Govindo naama purohitoprince / son / was / Govinda / by name / Brahmin / prime ministerRenu was his son. The prime minister was a Brahmin named
ahosi. Jotipaalo naama maa.navo putto ahosi.was / Jotipala / by name / young Brahmin / son / wasGovinda. The young Brahmin named Jotipala was his son. ca raajaputto Jotipaalo ca maa.navo sahayaa ahesu.m.Renu / and / prince / Jotipala / and / young Brahmin / friends / werePrince Renu and the young Brahmin Jotipala were friends.
atha kho Govindo kaala.m akaasi.then / indeed / Govinda / the Brahmin / time made (died)Then Govinda the Brahmin died.
Raajaa Disampati paridevesiking / Disampati / grievedKing Disampati grieved. [D.II.230-231 — xix.(Mahaagovinda).29]
eva.m tadaa aasithus / then / it wasThis is how it was. [D.I.143 — v.(Kuu.tadanta).21]


English into Pali

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The priest went / pakkaami
The fortunate one entered the villagebhagavaa / paavisi / gaama.mbhagavaa gaama.m paavisi
The son was called Uttaraputto / ahosi / naama / UttaroUttaro naama putto ahosi
The fortunate one addressed Anandabhagavaa / aamantesi / Aananda.mbhagavaa Aananda.m aamantesi
I have taught the doctrinedesesi.m / dhamma.mdhamma.m desesi.m
The nobles approached the princekhattiyaa / upasa.mkami.msu / raajaputta.mkhattiyaa raajaputta.m upasa.mkami.msu
I spoke thusabhaasi.m / eva.meva.m abhaasi.m
The prince went forthraajaputto / pabbajiraajaputto pabbaji


Exercise 5 (pp. 33-34)

Pali into English

<table width=“100%” cellpadding=“5” style=“margin-bottom:1em”> raajaputto raajaana.m Disampati.m etad avoca.Renu / prince / king / Disampati / this / saidPrince Renu said this to King Disampati:
maa kho tva.m deva not / indeed / you / lord / you grieve“Do not grieve, lord.”
atthi deva Jotipaalo naama maa.navo putto ti.there is / lord / Jotipala / by name / young Brahmin / son / (end-quote)There is, lord, a young Brahmin named Jotipala who is his son.“
atha kho raajaa Disampati purisa.m aamantesi.then / indeed / King / Disampati / a man / addressedThen King Disampati addressed a man. [D.II.231 — xix.(Mahaagovinda).29-30]
aha.m ime dhamme desesi.mI / these / doctrines / preachedI preached these doctrines. [D.II.75 — xvi.(Mahaaparinibbaana).1.5]
raajaa khattiyo ta.m purisa.m etad avocaking / noble / that / man / this / he saidThe king who was a noble spoke thus to that man. [D.III.65 — xxvi.(Cakkavatti-Siihanaada).10]
maa upasa.mkamido not / recluse / approachDo not approach the recluse. [D.I.129 — v.(Kuu.tadanta).6]
aha.m purohito ahosi.mI / prime minister / Brahmin /wasI was the Brahmin who was prime minister. [D.I.143 — v.(Kuu.tadanta).21]
aha.m asmi brahmaa issaroI am / God / lordI am the lord God. [D.I.18 — i.(Brahmajaala).2.5]
ida.m avoca bhagavaathis / he said / Blessed OneThe Blessed One said this. [D.II.252 — xix.(Mahaagovinda).62]
te raajaputta.m avocu.mthey / prince / spokeThey spoke to the prince. [D.II.233 — xix.(Mahaagovinda).33]
maa sadda.m akatthado not / noise / makeDon't make a noise. [D.I.179 — ix.(Po.t.thapaada).4]
so nirodha.m phusatihe / cessation / attainsHe attains cessation. [D.I.185 — ix.(Po.t.thapaada).20]
sama.naa a.mharecluses / we areWe are recluses. [D.III.84 — xxvii.(Agga~n~na).9]
na ta.m deva va~nceminot / you / lord / I deceiveI do not deceive you, lord. [D.I.50 — ii.(Saama~n~naphala).10]
eso mahaaraaja bhagavaathis / great king / Blessed OneYour majesty, this is the Blessed One. [D.I.50 — ii.(Saama~n~naphala).11]
maya.m bhagavanta.m upasa.mkamimhaawe / Blessed One / approachedWe approached the Blessed One. [D.II.288 — xxi.(Sakkapa~nha).2.10]
atthi kaayothere is / bodyThere is a body. [D.II.292 — xxii.(Mahaasatipa.t.thaana).2]
upeti pi apeti pihe comes / and / he goes / andHe comes and goes. [D.I.180 — ix.(Po.t.thapaada).6]
evam eta.m braahma.nathus / this / BrahminThis is so, Brahmin. [D.I.124 — iv.(So.nada.n.da).22]


English into Pali

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The wanderer said this to the fortunate oneparibbaajako / avoca / etad / bhagavanta.mparibbaajako bhagavanta.m etad avoca
Those wanderers were silentte / parabbaajakaa / ahesu.m / tu.nhiite parabbaajakaa tu.nhii ahesu.m
I teach the doctrineaha.m / desemi / dhamma.maha.m dhamma.m desemi
I am a priestaha.m / asmi / braahma.noaha.m asmi
This king is a human being, I too am a human beingaya.m / raajaa / manusso / aham / pi / manussoaya.m raajaa manusso, aham pi manusso
I love heraha.m / kaamemi / ta.maha.m ta.m kaamemi
Don't go in (sing.)maa / paavisimaa paavisi
We said to that fortunate onemaya.m / avocu.mha / ta.m / bhagavanta.mmaya.m ta.m bhagavanta.m avocu.mha
Don't grieve (plur.)maa / paridevitthamaa paridevittha
He goes forth (use pronoun)so / pabbajatiso pabbajati
Then (add kho) Mahagovinda the priest towards those nobles approached that wayatha kho / Mahaagovindo / / yena / te / khattiyaa / upasa.mkami / tenaatha kho Mahaagovindo yena te khattiyaa tena upasa.mkami
He said this to those noblesso / avoca / etad / te / khattiyeso te khattiye etad avoca
They ask me the meaningte / pucchanti / ma.m / attha.mte ma.m attha.m pucchanti
He said this to usso / avoca / etad / amheso amhe etad avoca
She said this to mesaa / avoca / etad / ma.msaa ma.m etad avoca
I teach this doctrinedesemi / ima.m / dhamma.mima.m dhamma.m desemi
This is cessation (use ida.m)aya.m / nirodhoaya.m nirodho
You are (emphatically) priests, O Vasetthastumhe / attha / kho / braahma.naa / Vaase.t.thaatumhe kho attha Vaase.t.thaa braahma.naa


Exercise 6 (pp. 38-39)

Pali into English

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ehi tva.m purisa. yena Jotipaalo maa.navo ten' upasa.mkama.go / you / man / towards / Jotipala / young Brahmin / that way / approachYou must go, my man. Approach the young Brahmin Jotipala.
Jotipaala.m maa.nava.m eva.m vadehi … eva.m devaa ti …Jotipala / young Brahmin / thus / say … / yes / lord / (end-quote) …Say this to the young Brahmin Jotipala … “Yes, lord” …
so puriso Jotipaala.m maa.nava.m etad avoca:that / man / Jotipala / young Brahmin / this / saidThat man said this to the young Brahmin Jotipala:
bhava.m atthu bhavanta.m Jotipaala.m maa.nava.m.good fortune / may it be / his honor / Jotipala / young Brahmin“May good fortune be upon his honor the young Brahmin Jotipala.
raajaa Disampatii bhavanata.m Jotipaala.m maa.nava.m aamanteti …king / Disampati / his honor / Jotipala / young Brahmin / callsKing Disampati calls his honor the young Brahmin Jotipala.”
Jotipaalo maa.navo yena raajaa Disampatii ten' upasa.mkami.Jotipala / young Brahmin / towards / King / Disampati / that way / approachedThe young Brahmin Jotipala approached King Disampati.
Jotipaala.m maa.nava.m raajaa Disampatii etad avoca.Jotipala / young Brahmin / King / Disampati / this / saidKing Disampati said this to the young Brahmin Jotipala:
Anusaasatu bhava.m Jotipaalo maa.navo …may he advise / his honor / Jotipala / young Brahmin“May his honor the young Brahmin Jotipala advise.” …
te atthe anusaasati.on those / issues / he advisedHe advised on those issues. [D.I.231-232 (not I.231-232 as per book) — xix.(Mahaagovinda).30-31]
gaccha tva.m Aanandago / you / AnandaYou must go, Ananda. [D.II.104 — xvi.(Mahaaparinibbaana).3.6]
ida.m harathis / takeTake this. [D.I.67 — ii.(Saama~n~naphala).54]
etu bhagavaamay he come / Blessed OneMay the Blessed One come. [D.I.179 — ix.(Po.t.thapaada).5]
aya.m Gotamo aagacchatithis / recluse / Gotama / comesThis recluse Gotama is coming. [D.I.179 — ix.(Po.t.thapaada).4]
nibbe.thehi sace pahosiexplain / if / you canExplain this if you can. [D.III.117 — xxix.(Paasaadika).1]
desetu sugato dhamma.mmay he preach / Blessed One / doctrineMay the Blessed One preach the doctrine. [D.II.38 — xiv.(Mahaapadaana).3.6]
pivattha khaadathaa tidrink / eat / (end-quote)“Drink, eat.” [cf. D.II.147 — xvi.(Mahaaparinibbaana).5.19 and II.170 — xvii.(Mahaasudassana).1.3]
abhikkama mahaaraajago forward / your majestyGo forward, your majesty. [D.I.50 — ii.(Saama~n~naphala).10]
thuupa.m karontimonument / they makeThey make a monument. [D.II.142 — xvi.(Mahaaparinibbaana).5.11]
etha tumhego / youYou must go. [D.I.211 — xi.(Kevaddha).1]


English into Pali

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Let the fortunate one sit downbhagavaa / nisiidatunisiidatu bhagavaa
Bring that!aahara / idamida.m aahara
That man must comeso / puriso / etuetu so puriso
Let the priest not / ti.t.thatuti.t.thatu
He makes an opportunitykaroti / okaasa.mokaasa.m karoti
The king said this: “We must go”raajaa / avoca / etad / maya.m / gacchaama / tiraajaa etad avoca: maya.m gacchaamaa ti
I do not say this world doesn't existna / vadaami / aya.m / loko / na / atthi / tiaya.m loko na n'atthii ti na vadaami
Give that up!pajaha / ta.mta.m pajaha
Let not the honorable Govinda go forthmaa / bhava.m / Govindo / pabbajimaa bhava.m Govindo pabbaji
Study! (plur.)sajjhaaya.m / karothasajjhaaya.m karotha
Ask the fortunate one (about) this subject matterpucchatha / bhagavanta.m / / attha.mbhagavanta.m attha.m pucchatha
This conch makes a noiseaya.m / sa”nkho / karoti / sadda.maya.m sa“nkho sadda.m karoti


Exercise 7 (pp. 43-44)

Pali into English

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iminaa maya.m nimmitaaby him / we / createdWe are created by him. [D.I.18 — i.(Brahmajaala).2.5]
maya.m brahmunaa nimmitaawe / by Brahma / createdWe have been created by Brahma. [D.I.18 — i.(Brahmajaala).2.5]
desito Aananda mayaa dhammopreached / Ananda / by me / doctrineAnanda, the doctrine has been preached by me. [D.II.100 — xvi.(Mahaaparinibbaana).2.25]
iminaa tva.m purisa dhanena jiivaahiby this / you / man / wealth / liveLive on this wealth, my man. [D.III.66 — xxvi.(Cakkavatti-Siihanaada).11]
vimutto tathaagatofreed / TathagataThe Tathagata has been freed. [D.I.29 — i.(Brahmajaala).2.34]
te ca me eva.m pu.t.thaa aamaa ti vadantithey / and / by me / thus / asked / yes / (end-quote) / they sayAnd having been asked thus by me, they say “Yes.” [cf.D.III.28 — xxiv.(Paa.tika).2.14]
ida.m aasana.m pa~n~natta.mthis / seat / preparedThis seat has been prepared. [D.III.39 — xxv.(Udumbarika-Siihanaada).7]
ete manussaa geha.m pavisantithese / men / house / enterThese men enter the house. [D.I.83 — ii.(Saama~n~naphala).96]
niggahiito 'sirefuted / you areYou are refuted. [D.III.117 — xxix.(Paasaadika).1]
kilanto 'smitired / I amI am tired. [~D.II.128 — xvi.(Mahaaparinibbaana).4.22]
daana.m dethaalms / giveGive alms. [D.II.357 — xxiii.(Paayaasi).33]


English into Pali

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They experience happinesste / pa.tisa.mvedenti / sukha.mte sukha.m pa.tisa.mvedenti [cf.D.I.75 — ii.(Saama~n~naphala).79]
The doctrine has been declared by medhammo / pa~n~natto / mayaamayaa dhammo pa~n~natto [D.II.154 — xvi.(Mahaaparinibbaana).6.1]
The wanderer is (hoti) contentedparibbaajako / hoti / santu.t.thoparibbaajako santu.t.tho hoti [cf.D.I.71 — ii.(Saama~n~naphala).66]
Death is miserymarana.m / dukkha.mmarana.m dukkha.m [D.II.305 — xxii.(Mahaasatipa.t.thaana).18]
I have heard thisme / suta.m / eva.meva.m me suta.m [D.I.127 (not I.128 as per book) — v.(Kuu.tadanta).1]
I did the workme / kata.m / kamma.mkamma.m me kata.m [D.III.257 — xxxiii.(Sa”ngiiti).3.1(v)]
He gives a donationdeti / daana.mdaana.m deti [D.III.258 — xxxiii.(Sa“ngiiti).3.1(vi)]
The body is tiredkaayo / kilantokaayo kilanto [D.III.255 — xxxiii.(Sa”ngiiti).3.1(iv)]


Exercise 8 (pp. 50-51)

Pali into English

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aha.m tena samayena raajaa Mahaasudassano ahosi.mI / at that time / king / Mahasudassana / wasAt that time I was the king Mahasudassana. [D.II.196 — xvii.(Mahaasudassana).2.14]
daanena n'atthi pu~n~na.mby giving / not / there is / meritThere is no merit in giving. [D.I.53 — ii.(Saama~n~naphala).17]
te'ha.m upasa.mkamitvaa eva.m vadaamithem / I / having approached / thus / I sayWhen I approach them, I say thus. [D.III.28 — xxiv.(Paa.tika).2.14]
ma.m abhivaadetvaa pakkaamime / having bid farewell / he leftHe bade me farewell and left. [cf. D.I.222 — xi.(Kevaddha).84]
disvaa eva.m avocumhahaving seen / thus / we saidAfter seeing we said thus. [D.III.39-40 — xxv.(Udumbarika-Siihanaada).7]
di.t.thaa bho satta jiivasiexcellent / honorable / being / you liveExcellent, honorable being, you're alive! [D.III.73 — xxvi.(Cakkavatti-Siihanaada).21]
jaya.m vera.m pasavativictory / enmity / generatesVictory generates enmity. [D.III.183 — xxxi.(Sigaalaka).11] brahmunaa mantetiBrahmin / Brahma / consultsThe Brahmin consults Brahma. [D.II.237 — xix.(Mahaagovinda).39]
eva.m bho tithus / sir“Yes, sir.” [D.I.236 — xiii.(Tevijja).7]
handa vata bho gacchaamawell / indeed / sir / let us goWell indeed, sir, let's go. [D.III.16 — xxiv.(Paa.tika).1.19]
kaala.m karonto avocatime / making[1] / he saidDying, he said. [D.III.181 — xxxi.(Sigaalaka).2]
raajaa samaano ida.m labhatiking / being / this / he receivesBeing a king he receives this. [D.III.146 — xxx.(]
jhaana.m jhaayatiabsorption / he meditatesHe meditates on this absorption. [D.II.238 — xix.(Mahaagovinda).41]
maya.m bhagavanta.m sarana.m gacchaama, dhamma~n cawe / (to) Blessed One / (as) refuge / we go / (to) Dhamma / andWe go to the Blessed One for refuge, and to the Dhamma. [D.II.43 — xiv.(Mahaapadaana).3.16]
jiivita.m demilife / I giveI give life. [D.I.148 — v.(Kuu.tadanta).28]
1 kala.m karonto = dying

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They enter by this gatepavisanti / iminaa / dvaarenaiminaa dvaarena pavisanti [D.II.83 — xvi.(Mahaaparinibbaana).1.17]
The king, having greeted the fortunate one, sat downraajaa / abhivaadetvaa / bhagavanta.m / nisiidiraajaa bhagavanta.m abhivaadetvaa nisiidi [D.I.50-1 — ii.(Saama~n~naphala).11]
Having approached (and) greeted the fortunate one, they sat downupasa.mkamitvaa / abhivaadetvaa / bhagavanta.m / nisiidi.msubhagavanta.m upasa.mkamitvaa abhivaadetvaa nisiidi.msu [D.II.84 — xvi.(Mahaaparinibbaana).1.18]
Having approached them I ask these questionsupasa.mkamitvaa / te / pucchaami / ime / pa~nhete upasa.mkamitvaa ime pa~nhe pucchaami [D.I.284 — xxi.(Sakkapa~nha).2.7]
Having dressed, taking a bowl I entered the villagenivaasetvaa / aadaaya / patta.m / aha.m / paavisi.m / gaama.maha.m nivaasetvaa patta.m aadaaya gaama.m paavisi.m [D.III.6 — xxiv.(Paa.tika).1.7]
Gentlemen! Do not say thusbhonto / maa / avocuttha / eva.mmaa bhonto eva.m avocuttha [D.I.122 — iv.(So.nada.n.da).19]
The honorable Jotipala went forthbhava.m / Jotipaalo / pabbajibhava.m Jotipaalo pabbaji [D.II.249 — xix.(Mahaagovinda).58]
(As he is) going he seesgaccha.m / passatigaccha.m passati [cf. D.III.126-7 (passa.m passati)- xxix.(Paasaadika).16]
I do not take counsel with Godaha.m / na / mantemi / brahmunaana'ha.m brahmunaa mantemi [D.II.237 — xix.(Mahaagovinda).39]
He entered the housepaavisi / geha.mgeha.m paavisi [cf. D.II.85 — xvi.(Mahaaparinibbaana).1.22]
He gives a drinkdeti / paana.mpaana.m deti [cf.D.III.258 (daana.m deti) — xxxiii.(Sa“ngiiti).3.4]
I do not get foodaha.m / na / labhaami /' aha.m bhojana.m labhaami [cf.D.III.255-6 — xxxiii.(Sa”ngiiti).3.1(iv)]
He sees the garmentpassati / vattha.mvattha.m passati [cf. D.II.110 — xvi.(Mahaaparinibbaana).3.25]
He is (hoti) satisfied with the resting placeso / hoti / santu.t.tho / senaasanenaso senaasanena santu.t.tho hoti [D.III.225 — xxxiii.(Sa“ngiiti).1.11(ix)]
Living beings experience unhappinessbhuutaa / pa.tisa.mvedenti / dukkha.mbhuutaa dukkha.m pa.tisa.mvedenti [D.I.53 — ii.(Saama~n~naphala).20]
The lay disciples come to the placeupaasakaa / (tena) upasa.mkamanti / yena / padesoupaasakaa yena padeso ten' upasa.mkamanti [cf. D.II.84, 87 — xvi.(Mahaaparinibbaana).1.20,26 and II.198 — xvii.(Mahaasudassana).2.17]


Exercise 9 (pp. 53-54)

Pali into English

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kaayaa haayantibodies / are abandonedBodies are abandoned. [D.II.221 — xix.(Mahaagovinda).2]
aya.m kho saa pa~n~naathis / indeed / that / Brahmin / wisdomIndeed, Brahmin, this is that wisdom. [D.I.124 — iv.(So.nada.n.da).23]
esaa ta.nhaa pahiiyatithis / craving / is abandonedThis craving is abandoned. [D.II.310 — xxii.(Mahaasatipa.t.thaana).20]
bhojana.m diiyatifood / is givenFood is given. [D.II.354 — xxiii.(Paayaasi).32]
sacca.m Nigrodha bhaasitaa te esaa vaacaa (interrogative)is it true / Nigrodha / uttered / by you / this / speechIs it true, Nigrodha, that this speech was uttered by you? [D.III.53 — xxv.(Udumbarika-Siihanaada).21]
sacca.m bhante bhaasitaa me esaa vaacaa (affirmative reply)it is true / lord / uttered / by me / this / speechIt is true, lord, this speech was uttered by me. [D.III.54 — xxv.(Udumbarika-Siihanaada).21]
ida.m vuccati cittan ti vaa vi~n~naa.nan ti vaathis / is called / mind / (end-quote) / consciousness / (end-quote) / orThis is called “mind” or “consciousness.” [D.I.21 — i.(Brahmajaala).2.13]
taa devataa ma.m etad avocu.mthose / deities / me / thus / saidThose deities said this to me. [D.II.51 — xiv.(Mahaapadaana).3.30]
atthi kho bho Ma.nikaa naama vijjaathere is / indeed / sir / Manika / called / scienceIndeed, sir, there is a science called “Manika.” [D.I.214 — xi.(Kevaddha).7]
sa~n~naa ca vedanaa ca niruddhaa hontiperceptions / and / sensations / and / ceased / they arePerceptions and sensations have ceased. [D.III.266 — xxxiii.(Sa”ngiiti).3.2(vi)]
Sujaataa naama bhante upaasikaa kaalakataaSujata / named / Venerable sir / lay devotee (female) / diedVenerable sir, the lay devotee Sujata has died. [D.II.92 (not II.93 as per book) — xvi.(Mahaaparinibbaana).2.6]
eva.m pi kho Sunakkhatto mayaa vuccamaano apakkamithus / and / indeed / Sunakkhatta / by me / being said / withdrewAnd so Sunakkhatta, at my words, withdrew. [D.III.6 — xxiv.(Paa.tika).1.6] Gotamo ima.m parisa.m aagacchatiwanderer / Gotama / (to) this / assembly / comesThe wanderer Gotama comes to this assembly. [cf. D.I.179 — ix.(Po.t.thapaada).4 and D.III.38 — xxv.(Udumbarika-Siihanaada).5]


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These phenomena are abandonedete / dhammaa / pahiiyantiete dhammaa pahiiyanti [D.I.195 — ix.(Po.t.thapaada).40]
Goats are killedajaa / ha~n~nantiajaa ha~n~nanti [D.II.352 (aje.lakaa ha~n~nanti) — xxiii.(Paayaasi).31]
The priest is / dissati [cf.D.III.81 — xxvii.4
Ignorance is given upavijjaa / pahiiyatiavijjaa pahiiyati [D.II.215 — xviii.(Janavasabha).25]
He is called an asceticso / vuccati / sama.noso vuccati [D.I.167 — viii.(Mahaasiihanaada).15]
This is called miseryida.m / vuccati / dukkha.mida.m vuccati dukkha.m [D.II.307 — xxii.(Mahaasatipa.t.thaana).18]
Taking a garland they went to the hallaadaaya / maala.m / (tena) upasa.mkamimsu / yena / salaamaala.m aadaaya yena salaa ten' upasa.mkamimsu [cf. D.II.265 — xxi.(Sakkapa~nha).1.4]


Exercise 10 (pp. 59-60)

Pali into English

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na cira.m tathaagatassa parinibbaana.m bhavissatinot / a long time / of the Tathagata / the passing away / will beThe passing away of the Tathagata will not be long. [D.II.114 — xvi.(Mahaaparinibbaana).3.37]
imassa jayo bhavissatifor this one / victory / there will beThere will be victory for this one. [D.I.10 — i.(Brahmajaala).1.23]
braahma.naa brahmuno puttaaBrahmins / of Brahma / sonsThe Brahmins are sons of Brahma. [D.III.81 — xxvii.(Agga~n~na).3]
dukkhass' anta.m karissantiof suffering / end / they will makeThey will make an end of suffering. [D.I.54 — ii.(Saama~n~naphala).20]
aaropito te vaadodisproved / of you / the statementYour statement has been disproved. [D.I.8 — i.(Brahmajaala).1.18]
aya.m imassa bhaasitassa atthothis / of this / speech / the meaningThis is the meaning of this speech. [D.I.137 — v.(Kuu.tadanta).13]
maa me purato a.t.thaasido not / of me / in front / standDo not stand in front of me. [D.II.139 — xvi.(Mahaaparinibbaana).5.4]
so ma.m pa~nhena, aha.m veyyaakara.nena sobhissaamihe / me / by the question / I / with an explanation / I will make clearBy him questioning me, and my explaining, I will make it clear. [D.I.105 — iii.(Amba.t.tha).2.10]
tena kho pana samayena Aanando bhagavato pi.t.thito .thito hoti bhagavanta.m viijamaanoat that / indeed / but / time / Ananda / the Blessed One / behind / standing / is / the Blessed One / fanningBut at that time Ananda was standing behind the Blessed One fanning him. [D.II.73 — xvi.(Mahaaparinibbaana).1.4]
kamma.m kho pana me karontassa kaayo kilamissatiaction / indeed / but / of me / of doing / the body / will tireMoreover, while doing this action my body will tire. [D.III.255 — xxxiii.(Sa“ngiiti).3.1.(iv)]
tassa ratanaani bhavantihis / gems / they areThey are his gems. [D.II.16 — xiv.(Mahaapadaana).1.31]


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These people will have sonsimesa.m / manussaana.m / bhavissanti / puttaaimesa.m manussaana.m puttaa bhavissanti [D.III.71 — xxvi.(Cakkavatti-Siihanaada).19]
I am his slaveaha.m / amhi / tassa / daasoaha.m tassa daaso amhi [D.I.60 — ii.(Saama~n~naphala).35]
There will be dangerbhavissati / bhaya.mbhaya.m bhavissati [D.I.69 — ii.(Saama~n~naphala).60]
He will teach the doctrinedesessati / dhamma.mdhamma.m desessati (desissati) [D.III.76 — xxvi.(Cakkavatti-Siihanaada).25]
I will be an asceticbhavissaami / bhavissaami [D.III.95 — xxvii.(Agga~n~na).26]
The priest has a sonbraahma.nassa / atthi / puttoatthi braahma.nassa putto [D.II.231 — xix.(Mahaagovinda).29]
They wrap the king's body in a garmentve.thenti / ra~n~no / sariira.m / vatthenara~n~no sariira.m vatthena ve.thenti [D.II.141 — xvi.(Mahaaparinibbaana).5.11]
This is the pagoda of that fortunate oneaya.m / hoti / thuupo / imassa / bhagavatoaya.m imassa bhagavato thuupo hoti [~D.II.142 — xvi.(Mahaaparinibbaana).5.11]
We deserve a share of the relics of the fortunate onemaya.m / arahaama / bhaaga.m / sariiraana.m / bhagavatomaya.m bhagavato sariiraana.m bhaaga.m arahaama [D.II.164-165.xvi.6.24]


Exercise 11 (pp. 66-67)

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na kho aha.m aavuso addasa.mnot / indeed / I / friend / sawIndeed, friend, I did not see. [D.I.130 — xvi.(Mahaaparinibbaana).4.26]
aya.m tathaagatassa pacchimaa vaacaathis / of the Tathagata / last / sayingThis is the last utterance of the Tathagata. [D.II.156 — xvi.(Mahaaparinibbaana).6.7]
paamujja.m bhavissati, sukho ca vihaarojoy / will be / happiness / and / abidingThere will be joy and a happy abiding. [D.I.196 — ix.(Po.t.thapaada).40]
addasaa kho bhagavaa taa devataayohe saw / indeed / the Blessed One / those / deitiesTruly the Blessed One saw those deities. [D.II.87 — xvi.(Mahaaparinibbaana).1.27]
iminaa kho eva.m bho pariyaayena Jotipaalassa maa.navassa Mahaagovindo ti sama~n~naa udapaadiby this / indeed / thus / sir / course / of Jotipala / young Brahmin / Mahagovinda / [end-quote] / agreed name / aroseThus, in this way Mahagovinda (“Great Steward”) arose as the agreed name of the young Brahmin Jotipala. [D.II.232 — xix.(Mahaagovinda).31]
sassato lokoeternal / worldThe world is eternal. [D.I.187 — ix.(Po.t.thapaada).25]
so gacchati disa.mhe / goes / southern / directionHe is going in the southern direction. [D.I.222 — xi.(Kevaddha).85]
kusalan ti pi na bhavissati, kuto pana kusalassa kaarakogood / [end-quote] / also / not / will be / whence / but / of good / doerThere is not even the concept “good,” let alone a doer of good. [D.III.71 — xxvi.(Cakkavatti-Siihanaada).19]
aha.m kho magga.m agamaasi.mI / indeed / path / wentIndeed I went on that path. [D.III.255 — xxxiii.(Sa”ngiiti).3.1(iv)]
kalyaana.m vuccati braahma.nabeautifully / it is said / brahminBeautifully said, Brahmin. [D.I.110 — iii.(Amba.t.tha).2.22]
atha kho raajaa Mahaasudassano vaamena hatthena bhi“nkaara.m gahetvaa dakkhi.nena hatthena cakkaratana.m abbhukkirithen / indeed / king / Mahasudassana / with the left / hand / ceremonial water vessel / having taken / with the right / hand / wheel-gem / sprinkledThen King Mahasudassana took the ceremonial water vessel in his left hand and sprinkled the wheel-gem with his right hand. [D.II.172 — xvii.(Mahaasudassana).1.8]
ida.m kusala.mthis / goodThis is good. [D.II.222 — xix.(Mahaagovinda).7]
aya.m Jambudiipo iddho c'eva bhavissati phiito cathis / India / powerful / and / surely / will be / prosperous / andThus this India will surely be powerful and prosperous. [~D.III.75 — xxvi.(Cakkavatti-Siihanaada).23]
micchaa pa.ti panno tva.m asi, aha.m asmi sammaa pa.tipannowrongly / practicing / you / are / I / am / rightly / practicingYou are practicing incorrectly, I am practicing correctly. [D.III.117 — xxix.(Paasaadika).1]
so tato cuto idhu,upapannohe / from there / fallen / here, rebornHe has fallen from there and was reborn here. [D.I.81 — ii.(Saama~n~naphala).93]
addasaa paribbaajako bhagavanta.m aagacchanta.msaw / the wanderer / the Blessed One / comingThe wanderer saw the Blessed One coming. [D.I.179 — ix.(Po.t.thapaada).4]
sa~n~naa uppajjanti pi nirujjhanti piperceptions / arise / and / cease / andPerceptions arise and pass away. [D.I.180 — ix.(Po.t.thapaada).6]
bhagavato aabaadho uppajjito the Blessed One / illness / aroseIllness arose in the Blessed One. [D.II.127 — xvi.(Mahaaparinibbaana).4.20]
sa.mvara.m aapajjatirestraint / he acquiresHe practices restraint. [D.I.85 — ii.(Saama~n~naphala).100]
aha.m kho kamma.m akaasi.m. kamma.m kho pana me karontassa kaayo kilanto, handa,aha.m nipajjaamiI / indeed / work / did / work / indeed / but / of me / of the doing / body / tired / then, I / lie downI worked. But truly while doing this work my body tired, so I am lying down. [D.III.255 — xxxiii.(Sa”ngiiti).3.1.(iv)]
ima.m maya.m addasaama idha upapanna.mthis / we / we saw / here / arisenWe saw this arisen here. [D.I.18 — i.(Brahmajaala).2.5]


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The universe is infiniteloko / anantoananto loko [D.I.188 — ix.(Po.t.thapaada).25]
This is not easyida.m / na / sukara.mna ida.m sukara.m [D.I.63 — ii.(Saama~n~naphala).41]
I followed the roadaha.m / pa.tipajji.m / magga.maha.m magga.m pa.tipajji.m [D.III.255 — xxxiii.(Sa“ngiiti).3.1.(iv)]
The king saw the boyraajaa / addasaa / kumaara.mraajaa kumaara.m addasaa [D.II.16 — xiv.(Mahaapadaana).1.31]
The city was prosperousnagara.m / ahosi / phiita.mnagara.m phiita.m ahosi [cf. D.II.146 — xvi.(Mahaaparinibbaana).5.18, I.211 — xi.(Kevaddha).1]
He is fixed, permanent, eternalso / dhuvo / nicco / sassatoso dhuvo nicco sassato [D.I.18 — i.(Brahmajaala).2.6]
We saw the fortunate onemaya.m / addasaama / bhagavanta.mmaya.m bhagavanta.m addasaama [D.III.39 — xxv.(Udumbarika-Siihanaada).7]
The speech is agreeablevaacaa / kantaavaacaa kantaa [D.III.173 — xxx.(]
My life was given by him, his life was given by memama / jiivita.m / dinna.m / tena / tassa / jiivita.m / dinna.m / mayaamama jiivita.m tena dinna.m, tassa jiivita.m mayaa dinna.m [cf. D.I.148 — v.(Kuu.tadanta).28]
See! Ananda — They are past, ended, changedpassa / Aananda / te / atiitaa / niruddhaa / pari.nataapass' Aananda te atiitaa niruddhaa pari.nataa [D.II.198 — xvii.(Mahaasudassana).2.16]
He has much goldtassa / hoti / pahuuta.m / suvanna.mtassa pahuuta.m hoti [cf. D.II.351 — xxiii.(Paayaasi).29 and III.163 — xxx.(]


Exercise 12 (pp. 75-76)

Passage for Reading

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Bhuutapubba.m a~n~nataro sa”nkhadhamo sa“nkha.m aadaaya paccantima.m janapada.m the past / a certain / conchblower / conch / having taken / neighboring / country / wentIn the past, a certain conchblower took his conch and went to a neighboring country.
so yen' a~n~nataro gaamo ten' upasa”nkami.he / towards / a certain / village / there / he approachedThere he approached a particular village,
upasa“nkamitvaa sa”nkha.m upalaasitvaahaving approached / conch / having soundedand drawing near, he sounded his conch,
sa“nkha.m nikkhipitvaa nisiidi.conch / having put down / he sat downput it on the ground and then sat down.
atha kho tesa.m paccantajanaana.m manussaana.m etad ahosi:then / indeed / to those / foreign / people / this / occurredThen those foreign people thought to themselves:
kissa nu kho eso saddo eva.m rajaniiyo eva.m kamaniiyo eva.m madaniiyoof what / is it / indeed / this / sound / thus / exciting / thus / lovely / thus / intoxicating“Indeed, what is this sound that is so exciting, so lovely, and so intoxicating?”
sannipatitvaa ta.m sa”nkhadhama.m etad avocu.m:having assembled / that / conchblower / this / they saidThey assembled and then said to that conchblower:
ambho kissa nu kho eso saddo eva.m rajaniiyo eva.m kamaniiyo eva.m madaniiyo ti.hey you! / of what / is it / indeed / this / sound / thus / exciting / thus / lovely thus / lovely / (end-quote)“Hey you! What is this sound that is so exciting, so lovely, and so intoxicating?”
eso kho, bho, sa“nkho naama yass' eso saddo eva.m rajaniiyo eva.m kamaniiyo eva.m madaniiyo ti.this / indeed / sir / conch / named / of which / this / sound / thus / exciting / thus / lovely / thus / intoxicating / (end-quote)“This, friends, the sound of which is so exciting, so lovely, and so intoxicating, is called a conch.” [D.II.337 — xxiii.(Paayaasi).19]


Pali into English

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yen' ajja Gotamo dvaarena nikkhamissati ta.m Gotamadvaara.m naama bhavissatiby which / today / wanderer / Gotama / by the gate / he will leave / that / Gotama gate / named / it will beThe gate through which the wanderer Gotama will leave today will be called the Gotama Gate. [D.II.89 — xvi.(Mahaaparinibbaana).1.32]
vatthaani pi 'ssa na yathaa a~n~nesa.mclothes / and / of him / not / as / of othersAnd his clothes are not like those of others. [D.II.28 — xiv.(Mahaapadaana).2.14]
imassa ko atthoof this / what / meaningWhat is the meaning of this? [D.III.285 — xxxiv.(Dasuttara).2.1(i)]
maya.m ya.m icchissaama ta.m karissaamawe / which / we will want / that / we will doWe will do what we want. [D.II.162 — xvi.(Mahaaparinibbaana).6.20]
kissa nu kho me ida.m kammassa phala.m, kissa kammassa vipaakoof what / is it / indeed / my / this / of the action / fruit / of what / of the action / resultOf what action of mine is this the fruit, of what action the result? [D.II.185 — xvii.(Mahaasudassana).2.1]
ta.m ki.m ma~n~nanti bhonto devaathis / what / they think / honorable / godsWhat do the honorable gods think of this? [D.II.216 — xviii.(Janavasabha).26]
n' atthi paro lokonot / there is / other / worldThere is no other world. [D.I.55 — ii.(Saama~n~naphala).23]
ko 'si tva.m aavusowho / you are / you / friendWho are you, friend? [D.II.356 — xxiii.(Paayaasi).33]
ki.m kusala.m ki.m akusala.mwhat / wholesome / what / unwholesomeWhat is wholesome, what is unwholesome? [D.III.61 — xxvi.(Cakkavatti-Siihanaada).5]
ke tumhewho / you (pl.)Who are you? [D.III.84 — xxvii.(Agga~n~na).9]
raajaa samaano ki.m labhatiking / being / what / he receivesBeing king what does he receive? [D.III.146 — xxx.(]
iminaa me upasamena Udaayibhaddo kumaaro samannaagato hotuwith this / my / with calm / Udaayibhadda / prince / endowed / may he beMay my Prince Udayibhadda be endowed with this calm. [D.I.50 — ii.(Saama~n~naphala).12]
puccha mahaaraaja yad aaka”nkhasiask / great king / what / you wishAsk what you wish, your majesty. [D.I.51 — ii.(Saama~n~naphala).13]
karoti te bhagavaa okaasa.mhe makes / for you / Blessed One / opportunityThe Blessed One gives you permission. [D.II.150 — xvi.(Mahaaparinibbaana).5.25]
ya.m kho 'ssa na kkhamati ta.m pajahatiwhich / indeed / to him / not / it pleases / that / he abandonsTruly he abandons that which does not please him. [D.III.43 — xxv.(Udumbarika-Siihanaada).10]


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He gave to meadaasi / mamamama adaasi [D.III.258 (adaasi me) — xxxiii.(Sa“ngiiti).3.1(vi)]
Prince Udayibhadda (is) dear to mekumaaro / Udaayibhaddo / piyo / meUdaayibhaddo kumaaro me piyo [D.I.50 — ii.(Saama~n~naphala).12]
The fortunate one, taking a bowl, entered the village for almsbhagavaa / aadaaya / patta.m / paavisi / gama.m / pi.n.daayabhagavaa patta.m aadaaya gama.m pi.n.daaya paavisi [cf.D.I.178 — ix.(Po.t.thapaada).2 and D.II.85 — xvi.(Mahaaparinibbaana).1.22]
He teaches the doctrine for “extinction”deseti / dhamma.m / nibbaanaayanibbaanaaya dhamma.m deseti [cf.D.III.55 — xxv.(Udumbarika-Siihanaada).21]
He eats what he likesbhu~njati / (ta.m) ya.m / khamatiya.m khamati ta.m bhu~njati [D.III.43 — xxv.(Udumbarika-Siihanaada).10]
Then (atha) the gate by which the fortunate one left was named Gotama Gateatha / (kho) / dvaarena / yena / bhagavaa / nikkhami / (ta.m) / ahosi / naama / Gotamadvaara.matha kho yena dvaarena bhagavaa nikkhami ta.m Gotamadvaara.m naama ahosi [D.II.89 — xvi.(Mahaaparinibbaana).1.32]
What do you think, then, great king?ki.m / ma~n~nasi / ta.m / mahaaraajata.m ki.m ma~n~nasi mahaaraaja [D.I.60 — ii.(Saama~n~naphala).35]
We have come here to see the honorable Gotamamaya.m / upasa.mkantaa / idha / dassanaaya / bhavanta.m / Gotama.mmaya.m bhavanta.m Gotama.m dassanaaya idh' upasa.mkantaa [D.I.89 — iii.(Amba.t.tha).1.7]
Did you hear a noise, sir? I didn't hear a noise, sir!ki.m / assosi / sadda.m / bho / aha.m / na / assosi.m / sadda.m / bhoki.m bho sadda.m assosi. na bho aha.m sadda.m assosi.m [D.II.130 — xvi.(Mahaaparinibbaana).4.27]
We do not see his soul leavingmaya.m / na / passaama / assa / jiiva.m / nikkhamanta.mna maya.m assa jiiva.m nikkhamanta.m passaama [D.II.333 — xxiii.(Paayaasi).14]


Exercise 13 (pp. 84-85)

Passage for Reading

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Te ta.m sa”nkha.m uttaana.m nipaatesu.m: vadehi, bho sa“nkha, vadehi, bho sa”nkhaa 'ti.they / this / conch / lying down / they put down / speak / sir / conch / speak / sir / conch / (end-quote)They laid the conch down on its back: “Speak, sir conch, speak!”.
n' eva so sa“nkho saddam akaasi.not / even / this / conch / sound / madeBut the conch made no sound at all.
te ta.m sa”nkha.m passena nipaatesu.m … uddha.m .thapesu.m …they / this / conch / on its side / they put down / … / up / they made standThey laid the conch on its side … they stood it up …
da.n.dena aako.tesu.m … sandhuni.msu:with a stick / they struck / … / they shookthey struck it with a stick … they shook it:
vadehi, bho sa“nkha, vadehi, bho sa”nkhaa 'ti.speak / sir / conch / speak / sir / conch / (end-quote)“Speak, sir conch, speak!”
n' eva so sa“nkho saddam akaasi.not / even / this / conch / sound / madeBut the conch made no sound.
atha kho tassa sa”nkhadhamassa etad ahosi:then / indeed / to this / conch blower / this / occurredThen the conch blower thought to himself:
yaava baalaa ime paccantajaa what extent / fools / these / foreign / people“What fools these foreign people are!
katha.m hi naama ayoniso sa”nkha,sadda.m gavesissantii ti.why / indeed / then / unmethodically / conch, sound / they look for / (end-quote)Why do they look for the conch sound so unmethodically?“
tesa.m pekkhamaanaana.m sa”nkha.m gahetvaa tikkhattu.m sa“nkha.m upalaasitvaa sa”nkha.m aadaaya pakkaami.of these / looking on / conch / having picked up / three times / conch / having played / conch / having taken / he departedWhile they were looking on, he picked up the conch, blew it three times, took the conch, and departed. [D.II.337-8 (not II.357-8 as per book) — xxiii.(Paayaasi).19]


Pali into English

<table width=“100%” cellpadding=“5”> mante vacesiBrahmin / mantras / recitedThe Brahmin recited the mantras. [D.II.236 — xix.(Mahaagovinda).37]
so ta.m citta.m bhaavetihe / that / thought / developsHe develops that thought. [D.III.259 — xxxiii.(Sa“ngiiti).3.1(vii)]
na ta.m deva paccatthikaana.m deminot / you / Lord / to enemies / I giveLord, I do not give you up to your enemies. [D.I.50 — ii.(Saama~n~naphala).10]
aya.m dukkha-samudayothis / of suffering-originThis is the origin of suffering. [D.I.84 — ii.(Saama~n~naphala).98]
raajaa kumaarassa paasaade kaaraapesiking / for the prince / palaces / he has builtThe king has palaces built for the prince. [D.II.21 — xiv.(Mahaapadaana).1.38]
so iminaa ca ariyena siila-kkhandhena sammanaagato iminaa ariyena indriya-sa.mvarena sammanaagato . . . vivitta.m senaasana.m bhajati: ara~n~na.m, rukkhamuula.m, pabbata.m . . . abbhokaasa.m palaala-pu~nja.mhe / with this / and / noble / of virtue-mass / endowed / with this / noble / of faculty-restraint / endowed / . . . / isolated / resting place / he resorts to / forest / foot of a tree / mountain / . . . / open air / of straw-heapEndowed with this noble mass of virtue and with restraint of the faculties … he resorts to an isolated resting place: a forest, the foot of a tree, a mountain … a heap of straw in the open air. [D.I.71 — ii.(Saama~n~naphala).67]
idha tathaagatena anuttara.m dhamma-cakka.m pavattita.mhere / by the Buddha / unsurpassed / of Damma-wheel / set in motionHere the unsurpassed wheel of Dhamma has been set in motion by the Buddha. [D.II.140 — xvi.(Mahaaparinibbaana).5.8]
ida.m paniita.mthis / excellentThis is excellent. [D.II.223 — xix.(Mahaagovinda).7]
ye maala.m aaropessanti, tesa.m ta.m bhavissati sukhaayathose who / garland / they will put on top of / for them / this / will be / for happinessWhoever will lay on a garland will reap happiness. [D.II.161 — xvi.(Mahaaparinibbaana).6.17]
tva.m pana samma Jiivaka ki.m tu.nhiyou / but / dear / Jivaka / why / silentBut, dear Jivaka, why are you silent? [D.I.49 — ii.(Saama~n~naphala).8]
kacci ma.m samma Jiivaka na paccatthikaana.m desiperhaps? / me / dear / Jivaka / not / to enemies / you giveAre you not, my dear Jivaka, giving me up to my enemies? [D.I.50 — ii.(Saama~n~naphala).10]


English into Pali

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This is the cessation of unhappinessaya.m / dukkha-nirodhoaya.m dukkhanirodho [D.I.84 — ii.(Saama~n~naphala).98]
(It is) now the time for extinction of the fortunate onedaani / parinibbaana-kaalo / bhagavatoparinibbaanakaalo daani bhagavato [D.II.112 — xvi.(Mahaaparinibbaana).3.34]
Cunda the son of a smith, having had delicious dishes prepared, had the time announced to the fortunate one: ”(It is) time, sir, the meal is ready.“Cundo / kammaara-putto / pa.niita.m / khaadaniya.m / pa.tiyaadaapetvaa / kaala.m / aarocaapesi / bhagavato / kaalo / bhante / bhatta.m / ni.t.thita.m / (ti)Cundo kammaaraputto pa.niita.m khaadaniya.m pa.tiyaadaapetvaa bhagavato kaala.m aarocaapesi: kaalo bhante ni.t.thita.m bhattan ti [D.II.127 — xvi.(Mahaaparinibbaana).4.17]
The lion, king of the beasts, went outsiiho / miga,raajaa / nikkhamisiiho migaraajaa nikkhami [D.III.23 — xxiv.(Paa.tika).2.6]
There are other profound, delightful, doctrines which the “thus-gone” makes knownatthi / a~n~ne / gambhiiraa / pa.niitaa / dhammaa / ye / tathaagato / pavedetiatthi a~n~ne dhammaa gambhiiraa pa.niitaa ye tathaagato pavedeti [D.I.12 — i.(Brahmajaala).1.28]
He develops that thoughtbhaaveti / ta.m / citta.mta.m citta.m bhaaveti [D.III.259 — xxiii.(Paayaasi).3.1(vii)]
The king, having had the priests invited, said this: “Let the priests see the boy”raajaa / / aamantaapetvaa / avoca / etad / braahma.naa / passantu / kumaara.m / (ti)raajaa aamantaapetvaa etad avoca: braahma.naa kumaara.m passantuu ti [D.II.16 — xiv.(Mahaapadaana).1.31]
The king, having made the boy sit down, instructs (him)raajaa / kumaara.m / nisiidaapetvaa / anusaasatiraajaa kumaara.m nisiidaapetvaa anusaasati [D.II.20-21 — xiv.(Mahaapadaana).1.37]
The priest had a new house built to the east of the / nava.m / geha.m / kaaraapesi / puratthimena / nagarassa puratthimena nava.m geha.m kaaraapesi [D.II.239 — xix.(Mahaagovinda).43]
Recite the prayers! (plural)vaacetha / mantemante vaacetha [D.II.238 — xix.(Mahaagovinda).41]
I set free the goatsaha.m / mu~ncaapemi / ajeaha.m aje mu~ncaapemi [D.I.147-148 — v.(Kuu.tadanta).28]


Exercise 14 (pp. 94-95)

Passage for Reading

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bhuutapubba.m a~n~nataro janapado the past / a certain / district / emigratedIn the past the people of a certain district emigrated.
atha kho sahaayako sahaayaka.m aamantesi: aayaama samma.then / indeed / friend / friend / addressed / let us go / my dearThen one friend said to another: “Let's go, my dear.
yena so janapado ten' upasa.mkamissaama.towards / that / district / there / let us approachLet's go to that district.
app eva naam' ettha ki~nci dhana.m adhigaccheyyaamaa ti.perhaps / thus / indeed / in this case / whatever / wealth / we could acquire / (end-quote)Perhaps we could acquire some riches in this case.”
eva.m sammaa'ti kho sahaayako sahaayakassa paccassosi.yes / my dear / (end-quote) / friend / to the friend / assented“Yes, my dear,” assented this friend to the other.
te yena so janapado yen' a~n~natara.m gaama-pada.m ten' upasa”nkami.msu.they / towards / district / towards / a certain / village-street / there / they approachedThey went to a certain village street in this district.
Tatth' addasa.msu pahuuta.m cha.d.dita.m.there / they saw / much / hemp / abandonedThere they saw a large amount of abandoned hemp.
disvaa sahaayako sahaayaka.m aamantesi:having seen / friend / friend / addressedWhen they saw this, one friend said to the other:
ida.m kho samma pahuuta.m cha.d.dita.m.this / indeed / my dear / much / hemp / abandoned“Indeed, my dear, this is a large amount of abandoned hemp.
tena hi samma tva~n ca bandha, aha~n ca / my dear / you / and / hemp-load / bind / I / and / hemp-load / bindNow bind a load of hemp, my dear, and I will bind another.
ubho aadaaya gamissaamaa ti.both / hemp-load / taking / we will go / (end-quote)And taking both loads of hemp, we will go.”
eva.m sammaa ti kho sahaayako sahaayakassa pa.tissutvaa bandhi.yes / my dear / (end-quote) / friend / to the friend / having replied / hemp-load / he bound“Yes, my dear,” the friend replied to the other and he bound a load of hemp. [D.II.349-350 — xxiii.(Paayaasi).29]


Pali into English

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puccheyyaam' aha.m bhante ka~n cid eva desa.mI would ask / I / reverend sir / which / ever / thus / topicI would ask you, reverend sir, about any topic whatever. [D.I.51 — ii.(Saama~n~naphala).13]
devaa tamhaa kaayaa cavantigods / from that / body (place) / fallGods fall from that place. [D.I.20 — i.(Brahmajaala).2.10]
upaadaana-paccayaa bhavofrom the clinging-condition / becomingWith clinging as condition there is becoming. [D.II.56 — xv.2]
yan nuuna maya.m kusala.m kareyyaamawhat / is it not / we / good / would doWhat if we were to do good? [D.III.73 — xxvi.(Cakkavatti-Siihanaada).21]
na hi bhagavaa eva.m vadeyyanot / indeed / Blessed One / thus / would sayThe blessed would surely not say such a thing. [D.III.249 — xxxiii.(Sa“ngiiti).2.2(xvii)]
na daan' ime imamhaa aabaadhaa vu.t.thahissantinot / now / these / from this / illness / they would ariseThese ones will not now recover from this illness. [D.II.320 — xxiii.(Paayaasi).6]
te kaalena kaala.m upsa.mkamitvaa paripuccheyyaasithem / by time / time / having approached / you should ask adviceFrom time to time you should approach them and ask advice. [D.III.61 — xxvi.(Cakkavatti-Siihanaada).5]
tassa evam assa: aha.m kho pubbe daaso ahosi.m. so 'mhi etarahi tamhaa daasavyaa muttoof him / thus / it might be / I / indeed / before / slave / I was / I (emphatic) / am / at present / from that / slavery / freedHe might think: “Before I was a slave, but now I am freed from that slavery.” [D.I.72 — ii.(Saama~n~naphala).72]
yattha pan' aavuso sabbaso vedayita.m n' atthi, api nu kho tattha “asmii” ti siyaawhere / but / friend / completely / sensation / not / there is / perhaps / is it / indeed / in that case / I am / (end-quote) / it might beBut, friend, where there is no feeling at all, would there be in that case the thought “I am”? [D.II.67 — xv.(Mahaanidaana).30]
khii.naa me aasavaadestroyed / for me / taintsThe taints are destroyed in me. [D.III.283 — xxxiv.(Dasuttara).1.8(x)]
na ma.m ko ci aasanena pi nimantesinot / to me / who / ever / with a seat / ever / invitedAnd no one even offered me a seat. [D.I.91 — iii.(Amba.t.tha).1.13]
aayantu bhontomay they approach / sirsApproach, sirs! [D.II.233 — xix.(Mahaagovinda).32]
idha vaa vaa kusala.m dhamma.m / recluse / or / brahmin / or / good / mental state / he might acquire /Here a recluse or brahmin might acquire some good mental state,
kusala.m dhamma.m adhigantvaa na parassa aaroceyya.good / mental state / having acquired / not / to another / he should inform /and having acquired that good mental state, he should not inform another.
ki.m hi paro parassa karissati.what / indeed / one / to another / he will do /For indeed what can one person do for another?
seyyathaa pi naama bandhana.m chinditvaajust as / and / then / old / fetter / having cut /Just as if, then, having cut one fetter,
a~n~na.m nava.m bandhana.m kareyya.another / new / fetter / he would makehe would create a new one. [D.I.224 — xii.(Lohicca).2]


English into Pali

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I got up from my seat and leftaha.m / u.t.thaaya / aasanaa / pakkaami.maha.m u.t.thaay' aasanaa pakkaami.m [D.I.53 — ii.(Saama~n~naphala).18]
If the philosopher Gotama should come to this assembly we will ask him this questionsace / / Gotamo / aagaccheyya / ima.m / parisa.m / puccheyyaama / ta.m / ima.m / pa~nha.msace Gotamo ima.m parisa.m aagaccheyya ta.m ima.m pa~nha.m puccheyyaama [D.III.40 — xxv.(Udumbarika-Siihanaada).7]
What should we do?ki.m / kareyyaamaki.m kareyyaama [D.III.73 — xxvi.(Cakkavatti-Siihanaada).21]
I should do meritorious actionsaha.m / kareyya.m / pu~n~naaniaha.m pu~n~naani kareyya.m [D.I.60 — ii.(Saama~n~naphala).35]
Sensation is caused by contactvedanaa / phassa,paccayaaphassapaccayaa vedanaa [D.II.56 — xv.(Mahaanidaana).2]
You should explain it as it pleases you(tathaa) / vyaakareyyaasi / ta.m / yaathaa / khameyya / teyaathaa te khameyya tathaa ta.m vyaakareyyaasi [D.I.60 — ii.(Saama~n~naphala).34]
We would invite him to sit downmaya.m / nimanteyyaama / ta.m / aasanenamaya.m ta.m aasanena nimanteyyaama [D.I.60-61 (not I.60 as per book) — ii.(Saama~n~naphala).36]
There will be an eclipse of the moonbhavissati / canda-(g)gaahocandaggaaho bhavissati [D.I.10 — i.(Brahmajaala).1.24]
There is nothing heren'atthi / ki~nci / etthan'atthi ki~nci ettha [D.II.331 — xxiii.(Paayaasi).13]
The priests would banish the priest from the citybraahma.naa / pabbaajeyyu.m / / nagaraabraahma.naa nagaraa pabbaajeyyu.m [D.I.98 — iii.(Amba.t.tha).1.26]


Exercise 15 (pp. 99-100)

Passage for Reading

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te ubho aadaaya yen' a~n~natara.m gaama-pada.m ten' upasa.mkami.msu.they / both / hemp-load / having taken / towards / a certain / village-street / there / they approachedBoth bearing their loads of hemp, they approached another village street.
tatth' addasa.msu pahuuta.m cha.d.dita.m.there / they saw / much / hemp-thread / abandonedThere they saw a large amount of abandoned hemp thread.
disvaa sahaayako sahaayaka.m aamantesi:having seen / friend / friend / addressedHaving seen this, one friend said to the other:
yassa kho samma atthaaya iccheyyaama, ida.m pahuuta.m cha.d.dita.m.for which / indeed / my dear / purpose / we would want / hemp / this / much / hemp-thread / abandoned“My dear, this large amount of abandoned hemp thread is just what we want hemp for.”
tena hi samma tva~n ca cha.d.dehi, aha~n ca / my dear / you / and / hemp-load / abandon / I / and / hemp-load / abandonNow abandon your load of hemp, my dear, and I will abandon mine.
ubho aadaaya gamissaamaa ti.both / hemp-thread-load / taking / we will go / (end-quote)And both taking a load of hemp thread, we will go.”
aya.m kho me samma duur-aabhato ca su-sannaddho ca.this / indeed / of me / my dear / hemp-load / difficult-carried / and / well-tied up / and“This load of hemp of mine has been difficult to carry and is well tied-up.
ala.m me; tva.m pajaanaahii ti.sufficient / for me / you / understand / (end-quote)That's good enough for me; you understand.”
atha kho so sahaayako cha.d.detvaa aadiyi.then / indeed / his / friend / hemp, load / having abandoned / hemp-thread-load / tookThen his companion abandoned his load of hemp and took a load of hemp thread. [D.II.350 — xxiii.(Paayaasi).29]


Pali into English

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tena hi su.naahinow / brahmin / listenNow then Brahmin listen. [D.I.124 — iv.(So.nada.n.da).23]
na tva.m ima.m dhamma-vinaya.m aajaanaasi. aha.m ima.m dhamma-vinaya.m aajaanaami.not / you / this / doctrine-discipline / you understand / I / this / doctrine-discipline / I understandYou do not understand this doctrine and discipline, whereas I do understand it. [D.III.117 — xxix.(Paasaadika).1]
idha tathaagato jaatohere / tathagatha / bornHere the Tathagatha was born. [D.II.140 — xvi.(Mahaaparinibbaana).5.8]
ko ima.m dhamma.m khippa.m eva aajaanissatiwho / this / doctrine / quickly / even / will understandWho would understand this doctrine so quickly? [D.II.40 — xiv.(Mahaapadaana).3.8]
ekacco daana.m deti sama.nassa vaa braahma.nassa vaa anna.m paana.m vattha.m yaana.m maalaa-gandha-vilepana.m seyyaavasatha-padiipeyya.msomeone / charity / gives / to a recluse / or / to a brahmin / or / food / drink / clothing / carriage / garlands-scent-ointment / bed-room-lampSomeone gives to a recluse or Brahmin food, drink, clothing, transportation, garlands, perfume, ointment, a bed, a room, or lamps. [D.III.259 — xxxiii.(Sa“ngiiti).3.1(vii)]
ko nu kho pana bho jaanaati. madaniiyaa kaamaa.who / is it / indeed / but / sir / knows / intoxicating / sense pleasuresBut who knows, sir? Sense pleasures are intoxicating. [D.II.234 — xix.(Mahaagovinda).34]
jaanaahi yadi vaa ta.m bhavanta.m Gotama.m tathaa santa.m yeva saddo abbhuggato, yadi vaa no tathaaknow you / whether / or / this / honorable / Gotama / true / existing / surely / sound / disseminated / whether / or / not / trueFind out whether or not it is true that this honorable Gotama is just as reported. [D.I.88 — iii.(Amba.t.tha).1.5]
tassa eva.m jaanato eva.m passato kaam-aasavaa pi citta.m vimuccati bhav-aasavaa pi citta.m vimuccati avijj-aasavaa pi citta.m vimuccatiof him / thus / of one knowing / thus / of one seeing / sense desire-taint / and / mind / is freed / becoming-taint / and / mind / is freed / ignorance-taint / and / mind / is freedThe mind of one who thus knows and sees is freed from the taints of sense desire, becoming, and ignorance. [D.I.84 — ii.(Saama~n~naphala).97]
ya.m ki~n ci samudaya-dhamma.m, sabban ta.m nirodha-dhamma.mwhich / whatever / arising nature / all / that / cessation-natureWhatever is of the nature to arise, is of the nature to cease. [D.II.41 — xiv.(Mahaapadaana).3.11]
n' atthi jaatassa amarana.mnot / there is / for one born / not deathThere is no immortality for anyone born. [D.II.246 — xix.(Mahaagovinda).51]


English into Pali

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What I know, you know; what you know, I knowya.m / aha.m / jaanaami / tva.m / (ta.m) jaanaasi / ya.m / tva.m / jaanaasi / aha.m / (ta.m) jaanaamiyam aha.m jaanaami ta.m tva.m jaanaasi, ya.m tva.m jaanaasi tam aha.m jaanaami [D.I.88 — iii.(Amba.t.tha).1.3]
I learn the saying of the fortunate oneaajaanaami / bhaasita.m / bhagavatobhagavato bhaasita.m aajaanaami [D.I.184 — ix.(Po.t.thapaada).18]
He will grasp what I explain (fut.) quickly(ta.m) aajaanissati / ya.m / vyaakarissaami / khippa.mya.m vyaakarissaami ta.m khippa.m aajaanissati [D.II.150 — xvi.(Mahaaparinibbaana).5.25]
After some time he hears the excellent doctrineaparena / samayena / so / su.naati / pa.niita.m / dhamma.mso aparena samayena pa.niita.m dhamma.m su.naati [D.II.214 — xviii.(Janavasabha).23]
The fortunate one, taking robe-and-bowl, entered Raajagaha for almsbhagavaa / aadaaya / patta-ciivara.m / paavisi / Raajagaha.m / pi.n.daayabhagavaa pattaciivara.m aadaaya Raajagaha.m pi.n.daaya paavisi [D.III.180 — xxx1.2]
Stop! Aananda, don't grieveala.m / Aananda / ma / parideviala.m Aananda ma paridevi [D.II.144 — xvi.(Mahaaparinibbaana).5.14]
He understands that (use direct speech) these beings (are) endowed with bad-conduct-of-the-bodypajaanaati / ime / sattaa / sammannaagataa / kaaya-du-ccaritena / tiime sattaa kaayaduccaritena sammannaagataa ti pajaanaati [D.I.82 — ii.(Saama~n~naphala).95]
Not-memorizing that speech, I leftanuga.nhanto / ta.m / vaaca.m / pakkaami.mta.m vaaca.m anuga.nhanto pakkaami.m [D.I.53 — ii.(Saama~n~naphala).18]
Why (is) this unexplained by the philosopher Gotama?kasmaa (pana) / eta.m / avyaakata.m / sama.nena / Gotamenakasmaa pan' eta.m sama.nena Gotamena avyaakata.m [D.I.188 — ix.(Po.t.thapaada).28]
You (plur.) have gone forth from house to homelessnesstumhe / pabbajitaa / agaarasmaa / anagaariya.mtumhe agaarasmaa anagaariya.m pabbajitaa [D.III.84 — xxvii.(Agga~n~na).9]


Exercise 16 (pp. 111-113)

Passages for Reading

Passage 1

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te yen' a~n~natara.m gaama-pada.m ten' upasa.mkami.msu.they / towards / a certain / village street / there / they approachedThey approached another village street.
tatth' addasa.msu pahuuta.m khoma.m cha.d.dita.m.there / they saw / much / flax / abandonedThere they saw a large amount of abandoned flax.
disvaa …pe… pahuuta.m khoma-sutta.m cha.d.dita.m.having seen / etc. / much / flax thread / abandonedWhen they saw this …etc. … a large amount of abandoned flax thread.
disvaa …pe… pahuuta.m cha.d.dita.m.having seen / etc. / much / gold / abandonedWhen they saw this …etc. … a large amount of abandoned gold.
disvaa sahaayako sahaayaka.m aamantesi:having seen / friend / friend / addressedWhen they saw this, one friend said to the other:
yassa kho samma atthaaya iccheyyaama vaa saa.nasutta.m vaa … siisa.m vaa sajjhu.m vaa, ida.m pahuuta.m cha.d.dita.m.for which / indeed / my dear / purpose / we would want / hemp / or / hemp, thread / or / … / lead / or / silver / or / this / much / gold / abandoned“My dear, this large amount of abandoned gold is the very reason that we want hemp, or hemp thread, or … lead, or silver.
tena hi, samma tva~n ca cha.d.dehi,now / my dear / you / and / hemp load / abandonNow abandon your load of hemp, my dear,
aha~n ca sajjhu-bhaara.m, cha.d.dessaami,I / and / silver load / abandonand I will abandon my load of silver,
ubho aadaaya gamissaamaa ti.both / gold load / taking / we will go / (end-quote)And both taking a load of gold, we will go.”
aya.m kho me samma duur-aabhato ca su-sannaddho ca.this / indeed / of me / my dear / hemp load / difficult carried / and / well tied up / and“This load of hemp of mine has been difficult to carry and is well tied-up.
ala.m me; tva.m pajaanaahii ti.sufficient / for me / you / understand / (end-quote)That's good enough for me; you understand.” [D.II.350-351 — xxiii.(Paayaasi).29]


Passage 2

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bhuutapubba.m a~n~nataro suukara-posako puriso sakamhaa gaamaa a~n~na.m gaama.m the past / a certain / pig-raiser / man / from own / village / other / village / he wentOnce, a certain man who raised pigs went from his own village to another.
tatth' addasaa pahuuta.m sukkha-guutha.m cha.d.dita.m.there / he saw / much / dry-dung / abandonedThere he saw a large amount of abandoned dried dung.
disvaan' assa etad ahosi:having seen / to him / thus / it wasWhen he saw this, he thought to himself:
aya.m me bahuko sukkha-guutho cha.d.dito, mama~n ca suukara-bhatta.m.this / for me / much / dry-dung / abandoned / my / and / pig-food“This is a lot of abandoned dried dung for me, and this is food for my pigs.
ya.n nuunaa-ha.m ito sukkha-guutha.m hareyyan ti.which / is it not I / from here / dry dung / I should take / (end-quote)Why shouldn't I take this dried dung from here?”
so uttaraa-sa”nga.m pattharitvaa pahuuta.m sukkha-guutha.m aaharitvaahe / outer-robe / having spread / much / dry-dung / having takenHe spread out his cloak, took a load of dried dung,
bha.n.dika.m bandhitvaa siise ubbaahetvaa, a bundle / having bound / on the head / having lifted up / he leftbound it up in a bundle, lifted it up onto his head, and left.
tassa antaraa magge mahaa akaala-megho paavassi.of him / whilst / on the way / great / untimely-cloud / rained heavilyWhilst on his way, a large unseasonable raincloud drenched him.
so uggharanta.m paggharanta.m yaava agga-nakhaa guuthena makkhito guutha-bhaara.m aadaaya agamaasi.he / oozing / dripping / as far as / tip-toenails / with dung / smeared / dung-load / taking / he wentBearing his load of dung, which was oozing and dripping down to the tips of his toenails, he went on his way smeared with dung.
tam ena.m manussaa disvaa evam aaha.msu:then / him / people / having seen / thus / they saidThen people, on seeing him, said thus:
kacci no tva.m ummatto, kacci viceto.aren't you? / not / you / I say! / mad / aren't you? / daft“I say! You must be mad, you must be daft?
katha.m hi naama uggharanta.m paggharanta.m yaava agganakhaa guuthena makkhito guutha-bhaara.m harissasii ti.why / for / indeed / oozing / dripping / as far as / tip, toe nails / with dung / smeared / dung load / you will carry / (end-quote)How could you, smeared with dung, carry a load of dung, oozing and dripping down to the tips of your toenails?”
tumhe kho ettha ummattaa tumhe vicetaayou / indeed / here / I say! / mad / you / daft“In this case, I say that you are mad, you are daft,
tathaa hi pana me suukara-bhattan ti.since / though / but / for me / pig-food / (end-quote)since for me this is pig food.” [D.II.347-348 — xxiii.(Paayaasi).25]


Pali into English

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Bhagavaa Raajagahe viharatiBlessed One / at Rajagaha / was livingThe Blessed One was living at Rajagaha. [D.I.47 — ii.(Saama~n~naphala).1]
ime candima-suriyaa parasmi.m loke na imasmi.mthese / moon-sun / in other / in the world / not / in thisThis sun and moon are in the other world, not in this world. [D.II.319 — xxiii.(Paayaasi).5]
kismi.m vivaadoon what / quarrelWhat is the quarrel about? [D.I.237 — xiii.(Tevijja).9]
eva.m vutte a~n~nataro raaj-aamacco raajaana.m etad avocathus / on it said / a certain / king minister / the king / this / he saidAfter this was said, a certain king's minister said this to the king. [D.I.47 — ii.(Saama~n~naphala).2]
na daani tena cira.m jiivitabba.m bhavissatinot / now / by this / for a long time / to be lived / he will beNow he does not have long to live. [D.II.22 — xiv.(Mahaapadaana).2.2]
so bhotaa ra~n~na vippa.tisaaro na kara.niiyothis / by honorable / by the king / regret / not / ought to be doneThis honorable king should not show such regret. [D.I.138 — v.(Kuu.tadanta).15]
na kho pan' eta.m Po.t.thapaada eva.m da.t.thabba.mnot / indeed / but / this / Potthapada / thus / to be consideredBut, Potthapada, this surely should not be considered this way. [D.I.196 — ix.(Po.t.thapaada).40]
ki~n cid eva kara.niiya.m uppajjiwhat / ever / thus / to be done / aroseSome business or other came up. [D.II.340 — xxiii.(Paayaasi).21]
ida.m sevitabba.m, ida.m na sevitabba.mthis / to be practiced / this / not / to be practicedThis is to be practiced, and this is not to be practiced. [D.II.223 — xix.(Mahaagovinda).7]


English into Pali

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If now I were to ask the philosopher Gotama a question,ce / va kho pana / aha.m / puccheyya.m / / Gotama.m / pa~nha.maha.m ce va kho pana Gotama.m pa~nha.m puccheyya.m,
if in that connection the philosopher Gotama were to say to me thus:ce / tattha / / Gotamo / vadeyya / ma.m / eva.mtattha ce Gotamo ma.m eva.m vadeyya:
“Priest, this question, now, should not be asked thus, / eso / pa~nho / ca / na / pucchitabbo / eva.mna c' eso pa~nho eva.m pucchitabbo,
but thus, priest, this question should be asked,”naama / eva.m / / eso / pa~nho / pucchitabbo / (iti)eva.m naam' eso pa~nho pucchitabbo ti
this assembly would despise me for that:aya.m / parisaa / paribhaveyya / ma.m / tenatena ma.m aya.m parisaa paribhaveyya:
“The priest Sonadanda is a fool, unintelligent, / / baalo / avyattobaalo avyatto
he could not ask the philosopher Gotama a question consequently.”asakkhi / na / pucchitu.m / / Gotama.m / pa~nha.m / yoniso / (ti)naasakkhi Gotama.m yoniso pa~nha.m pucchitun ti.
If now the philosopher Gotama were to ask me a question,ce / va kho pana / / Gotamo / puccheyya / ma.m / ce va kho pana Gotamo pa~nha.m puccheyya,
and I were not to satisfy his mind with my explanation of his question,ca / aha.m / na / aaraadheyya.m / citta.m / veyyaakara.nena / tassa / pa~nhassatassa caaha.m pa~nhassa veyyaakara.nena citta.m na aaraadheyya.m,
if in that connection the philosopher Gotama were to say to me thus:ce / tattha / / Gotamo / vadeyya / ma.m / eva.mtattha ce Gotamo ma.m eva.m vadeyya:
“Priest, this question, now, should not be explained thus, / eso / pa~nho / ca / na / pucchitabbo / eva.mna c' eso pa~nho eva.m pucchitabbo,
but thus, priest, this question should be explained,”naama / eva.m / / eso / pa~nho / vyaakaatabbo / (iti)eva.m naam' eso pa~nho vyaakaatabbo ti
this assembly would despise me for that:aya.m / parisaa / paribhaveyya / ma.m / tenatena ma.m aya.m parisaa paribhaveyya:
“The priest Sonadanda is a fool, unintelligent, / / baalo / avyattobaalo avyatto
he couldn't satisfy his mind with his explanation of the philosopher Gotama's question.”asakkhi / na / aaraadhetu.m / citta.m / veyyaakara.nena / sama.nassa / Gotamassa / pa~nhassa / (ti)naasakkhi sama.nassa Gotamassa pa~nhassa veyyaakara.nena citta.m aaraadhetun ti. [D.I.117-118 (not I.118 as per book) — iv.(So.nada.n.da).8]


Exercise 17 (pp. 120-121)

Passage for Reading

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bhuutapubba.m mahaa saka.ta-sattho saka.ta-sahassa.m puratthimaa janapadaa pacchima.m janapada.m the past / great / cart caravan / cart thousand / eastern / district / western / district / wentOnce a large caravan of a thousand carts was traveling from the east to the west.
so yena yena gacchati khippa.m eva pariyaadiyati / wherever / it goes / quickly / just / it exhausts / grass-firewood water / green-colorWherever it went, it quickly exhausted the grass, firewood, water, and green stuff.
tasmi.m kho pana satthe dve satthavaahaa ahesu.m;in that / indeed / but / caravans / two / caravan-leader / there wereNow in that caravan there were two caravan-leaders;
eko pa~ncanna.m sakata-sataana.m, eko pa~ncanna.m / five / cart-hundred / one / five / cart-hundredeach one consisting of five hundred carts.
atha kho tesa.m sattha-vaahaana.m etad ahosi:then / indeed / of these / of the caravan-leaders / thus / it wasThen the following thought occurred to these caravan-leaders:
aya.m kho mahaa saka.ta-sattho saka.ta-sahassa.m.this / indeed / great / cart-caravan / cart-thousand“This cart caravan is indeed large with a thousand carts.
te maya.m yena yena gacchaama khippam eva pariyaadiyati / we / wherever / we go / quickly / just / it exhausts / grass-firewood-water / green-colorWherever we go, the caravan quickly exhausts the grass, firewood, water, and green stuff.
yan nuuna maya.m ima.m sattha.m dvidhaa vibhajeyyaama ekato pa~nca saka.ta-sataani.which / is it not / we / this / caravan / in two / we should divide / each / five / cart hundredWhy don't we divide this caravan into two, each with five hundred carts?” [D.II.342-3 — xxiii.(Paayaasi).23]


Pali into English

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tena hi su.naahi, bhaasissaaminow then / Brahmin / listen / I will speakNow then, Brahmin, listen and I will speak. [D.I.124 — iv.(So.nada.n.da).23]
diigha.m assasaamilong / I breathe inI am breathing in a long breath. [D.II.291 — xxii.(Mahaasatipa.t.thaana).2]
maa ekena dve agamitthado not / by one (way) / two / goDo not both go the same way. [D.II.45 — xiv.(Mahaapadaana).3.22]
disvaa va maya.m ta.m bhagavanta.m Gotama.m gamissaamahaving seen / just / we / this / Blessed One / Gotama / we will goAfter we have seen the Blessed One Gotama, we will leave. [D.I.151 — vi.2]
devaa sabhaaya.m sannisinnaa hontigods / in the assembly hall / seated together / they areThe gods are seated together in the assembly hall. [D.II.225 — xix.(Mahaagovinda).14]
santaan' eva nu kho saddaani naassosi, udaahu asantaaniexisting / just / is it not / indeed / sounds / not he heard / or / not existingAre there any sounds he did not hear, or are there not? [D.I.152 — vi.5]
aham pana agaarasmaa anagaariya.m pabbajissaamiI / but / from home / to homelessness / I will go forthBut I will go forth from home to homelessness. [D.III.64 — xxvi.(Cakkavatti-Siihanaada).8 ]
katame pa~ncawhat / fiveWhat are the five? [D.II.85 — xvi.(Mahaaparinibbaana).1.23]
kaamesu micchaa na caritabbaain the passions / misconduct / not / should be practicedSexual misconduct should not be practiced. [D.III.62 — xxvi.(Cakkavatti-Siihanaada).6]
ya.m sukho bhava.m ta.m sukhaa maya.m, ya.m dukko bhava.m ta.m dukkhaa maya.mif / happy / your honor / then / happy / we / if / unhappy / your honor / then / unhappy / weIf your honor is happy, then we are happy; if your honor is unhappy, then we are unhappy. [D.II.233 — xix.(Mahaagovinda).33]


English into Pali

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Priests declare (one) endowed with these five characteristics a priest.braahma.naa / pa~n~naapenti / samannaagata.m / pa~ncahi / a“ngehi / pa~ncahi a”ngehi samannaagata.m pa~n~naapenti. [D.I.120 — iv.(So.nada.n.da).13]
Of these five characteristics let us except class, for what will class effect?imesa.m / pa~ncanna.m / a“ngaana.m / .thapayaama / / hi / ki.m / / karissatiimesa.m pa~ncanna.m a”ngaana.m .thapayaama, ki.m hi karissati? [D.I.120 — iv.(So.nada.n.da).14]
“Don't you bother, let the priest Sonadanda discuss with me.”ti.t.thatha / tu.mhe / / / mantetu / saddhi.m / mayaa / ititi.t.thatha tu.mhe, mayaa saddhi.m mantetuuti. [D.I.122 — iv.(So.nada.n.da).18]
When it had been spoken thus the priest Sonadanda said this to the fortunate one: “Let the honorable Gotama not trouble, let the honorable Gotama be silent, I by myself will make a reply to them according to the doctrine.”vutte / eva.m / / / avoca / etad / Bhagavanta.m / bhava.m / Gotamo / ti.t.thatu / bhava.m / Gotamo / hotu / tu.nhii / aham / eva / karissaami / pa.tivacana.m / tesa.m / dhammena / itieva.m vutte Bhagavanta.m etad avoca: ti.t.thatu bhava.m Gotamo, tu.nhii bhava.m Gotamo hotu, aham eva tesa.m dhammena pa.tivacana.m karissaamii ti.
Then the priest Sonadanda said this to those priests: “Sirs! Do not speak thus: 'His honor Sonadanda surely disparages class, disparages prayers, certainly his honor Sonadanda is going over to the argument of the philosopher Gotama himself,' I do not, sir, disparage either class or prayers.”attha kho / / / avoca / etad / te / / bhavanto / maa / avacuttha / eva.m / bhava.m / / eva / apavadati / / apavadati / mante / eka.msena / bhava.m / / anupakkhandati / vaada.m / sama.nassa / Gotamassa / eva / iti / aha.m / na / bho / apavadaami / vaa / / vaa / mante / itiattha kho te etad avoca: maa bhavanto eva.m avacuttha: apavadat' eva bhava.m apavadati mante eka.msena bhava.m sama.nass' eva Gotamassa vaada.m anupakkhandatii ti. N'aaha.m bho apavadaami vaa mante vaa ti. [D.I.122-123 — iv.(So.nada.n.da).19]
At that very time a young priest called Angaka, a nephew of the priest Sonadanda, was sitting in that assembly.tena / kho / samayena / pana / maa.navo / naama / A“ngako / bhaagineyyo / braahma.nassa / So.nada.n.dassa / hoti / nisinno / tassa.m / paarisaaya.mtena kho pana samayena So.nada.n.dassa braahma.nassa bhaagineyyo A”ngako naama maa.navo tassa.m paarisaaya.m nisinno hoti. [D.I.123 — iv.(So.nada.n.da).20]
Do you see, sirs, this young priest Angaka, our nephew? Yes, sir.passanti (nu) / bhonto / ima.m / maa.navaka.m / A“ngaka.m / amhaaka.m / bhaagineyya.m / (iti) / eva.m / bho / (iti)passanti nu bhonto ima.m A”ngaka.m maa.navaka.m amhaaka.m bhaagineyyan ti. eva.m bho ti. [D.I.123 — iv.(So.nada.n.da).20]
Where (there is) virtue, there (there is) wisdom, where wisdom, virtue.yattha / siila.m / tattha / pa~n~naa / yattha / pa~n~naa / tattha / siila.myattha siila.m tattha pa~n~naa yattha pa~n~naa tattha siila.m. [D.I.124 — iv.(So.nada.n.da).21]
It is reported that in the world the supreme is of-virtue-and-wisdom.akkhaayati / lokasmi.m / agga.m / siila-pa~n~naana.m / iti.siila-pa~n~naana.m lokasmi.m agga.m akkhaayatiiti. [D.I.124 — iv.(So.nada.n.da).21]


Exercises 1-17 | Ex. 18 | Ex. 19 | Ex. 20 | Ex. 21

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