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Nibbāna Sutta: Parinibbana (1)

Summary: url=index.html#ud.8.01.irel On the nature of Nibbana.

Ud 8.1

PTS: Ud 80

Nibbāna Sutta: Parinibbana (1)

translated from the Pali by

John D. Ireland

Alternate translation: Thanissaro

Thus have I heard. At one time the Lord was staying near Savatthi in the Jeta Wood at Anathapindika's monastery. On that occasion the Lord was instructing, rousing, inspiring, and gladdening the bhikkhus with a Dhamma talk connected with Nibbana, and those bhikkhus, being receptive and attentive and concentrating the whole mind, were intent on listening to Dhamma.

Then, on realizing its significance, the Lord uttered on that occasion this inspired utterance:

There is, bhikkhus, that base where there is no earth, no water, no fire, no air; no base consisting of the infinity of space, no base consisting of the infinity of consciousness, no base consisting of nothingness, no base consisting of neither-perception-nor-non-perception; neither this world nor another world nor both; neither sun nor moon. Here, bhikkhus, I say there is no coming, no going, no staying, no deceasing, no uprising. Not fixed, not movable, it has no support. Just this is the end of suffering.

See also: Ud 8.2; Ud 8.3; Ud 8.4.

en/tipitaka/sut/kn/uda/uda.8.01.irel.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/24 06:10 by Johann