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Ogha Sutta: Floods (1)

Ogha Sutta

Summary: Many discourses speak of “crossing over the flood.” This discourse lists the floods that should be crossed over, and how it should be done. [TB.

SN 45.171 PTS: S v 59 CDB ii 1563

Ogha Sutta: Floods (1)

translated from the Pali by

Thanissaro Bhikkhu

At Savatthi. “Monks, there are these four floods. Which four? The flood of sensuality, the flood of becoming, the flood of views, & the flood of ignorance. These are the four floods.

“Now, this noble eightfold path is to be developed for direct knowledge of, comprehension of, the total ending of, & the abandoning of these four floods. Which noble eightfold path? There is the case where a monk develops right view dependent on seclusion, dependent on dispassion, dependent on cessation, resulting in letting go. He develops right resolve… right speech… right action… right livelihood… right effort… right mindfulness… right concentration dependent on seclusion, dependent on dispassion, dependent on cessation, resulting in letting go. This noble eightfold path is to be developed for direct knowledge of, for comprehension of, for the total ending of, & for the abandoning of these four floods.”

See also: SN 1.1; AN 4.10; Sn 5.

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en/tipitaka/sut/sn/sn45/sn45.171.than.txt · Last modified: 2019/10/30 13:27 by Johann