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Pañcābādhavatthu: Discussion of the Five Diseases



Mv I 26 PTS: Mv I 39 | CS:


Discussion of the Five Diseases(1)


Ven. Khematto Bhikkhu

Alternate translations/layout: Ven. Thanissaro | 'line by line' Pāḷi - English

(Mv.I.39.1) [101] Now at that time five diseases were widespread among the Magadhans: leprosy, boils, eczema, tuberculosis, and epilepsy.

People afflicted with the five diseases went to (the doctor) Jīvaka Komārabhacca(2) and said, “It would be good, teacher, if you would treat us.”

“Masters, I have many duties. I am very busy.

“I have to tend to King Bimbisāra of Magadha, as well as his harem, and the Saṅgha headed by the Buddha. I cannot treat you.”

“All our property will be yours, teacher, and we will be your slaves. It would be good, teacher, if you would treat us.”

“Masters, I have many duties. I am very busy. I have to tend to King Bimbisāra of Magadha, as well as his harem, and the Saṅgha headed by the Buddha. I cannot treat you.”

(Mv.I.39.2) Then it occurred to these people, “These Sakyan-son monks are of pleasant virtue and conduct.

“Having eaten fine meals, they lie down in beds sheltered from the wind(3)

“What if we were to go forth among the Sakyan-son monks?

“There the monks would tend to us and Jīvaka Komārabhacca would treat us.”

So, going to the monks, they requested the Going-forth. The monks gave them the Going-forth, they gave them Acceptance. The monks tended to them and Jīvaka Komārabhacca treated them.

(Mv.I.39.3) Now at that time the monks — tending to many sick monks — were continually begging, continually hinting,

“Give a meal for the sick. Give a meal for those tending to the sick. Give medicine for the sick.”

Jīvaka Komārabhacca — tending to many sick monks — neglected one of his duties to the king.

(Mv.I.39.4) Then a certain man afflicted with (one of) the five diseases went to Jīvaka Komārabhacca and, on arrival, said, “It would be good, teacher, if you would treat me.”

“Master, I have many duties. I am very busy. I have to tend to King Bimbisāra of Magadha, as well as his harem, and the Saṅgha headed by the Buddha. I cannot treat you.”

“All my property will be yours, teacher, and I will be your slave. It would be good, teacher, if you would treat me.”

“Master, I have many duties. I am very busy. I have to tend to King Bimbisāra of Magadha, as well as his harem, and the Saṅgha headed by the Buddha. I cannot treat you.”

(Mv.I.39.5) Then it occurred to him, “These Sakyan-son monks are of pleasant virtue and conduct. Having eaten fine meals, they lie down in beds sheltered from the wind.

“What if I were to go forth among the Sakyan-son monks? There the monks would tend to me and Jīvaka Komārabhacca would treat me. When I am well I will disrobe.”

So, going to the monks, he requested the Going-forth. The monks gave him the Going-forth; they gave him Acceptance. The monks tended to him and Jīvaka Komārabhacca treated him. When he was well he disrobed.

Then Jīvaka Komārabhacca saw the man (after he had) disrobed. On seeing him, he addressed him, “Master, weren’t you gone forth among the monks?”

“Yes, teacher.”

“But why, master, did you do such a thing?”

Then the man told the matter to Jīvaka Komārabhacca.

(Mv.I.39.6) Jīvaka Komārabhacca criticized and complained and spread it about, “How can the revered ones give the Going-forth to a person afflicted with the five diseases?”

Then Jīvaka Komārabhacca went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, having bowed down to him, sat to one side. As he was sitting there, he said to the Blessed One,

“Lord, it would be good if the masters wouldn’t give the Going-forth to one who is afflicted with (any of) the five diseases.”

(Mv.I.39.7) Then the Blessed One instructed, urged, roused, & encouraged Jīvaka Komārabhacca with a Dhamma talk.

Having been instructed, urged, roused, & encouraged by the Blessed One with a Dhamma talk, he got up from his seat, bowed down to him, circumambulated him, keeping him to his right, and left.

Then the Blessed One, having given a Dhamma talk with regard to this cause, to this incident, addressed the monks:

“Monks, one who is afflicted with (any of) the five diseases should not be given the Going-forth.

“Whoever should give it: an offense of wrong doing.”


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