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Gantabbavāro: The List of (Cases in which One) May Go



Mv II 37 PTS: Mv II 35.5 | CS:


The List of (Cases in which One) May Go(1)


Ven. Khematto Bhikkhu

Alternate translations/layout: Ven. Thanissaro | 'line by line' Pāḷi - English

(Mv.II.35.5) “Monks, on the day of the Uposatha, one may go from a residence with monks to a residence with monks, where the monks are of the same affiliation, and one knows, ‘I can arrive within the day.’

“Monks, on the day of the Uposatha, one may go from a residence with monks to a non-residence with monks …

“to a residence or non-residence with monks, where the monks are of the same affiliation, and one knows, ‘I can arrive within the day.’

“Monks, on the day of the Uposatha, one may go from a non-residence with monks to a residence with monks …

“to a non-residence with monks …

“to a residence or non-residence with monks, where the monks are of the same affiliation, and one knows, ‘I can arrive within the day.’

“Monks, on the day of the Uposatha, one may go from a residence or non-residence with monks to a residence with monks …

“to a non-residence with monks …

“to a residence or non-residence with monks, where the monks are of the same affiliation, and one knows, ‘I can arrive within the day.’


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en/tipitaka/vin/mv/mv02/mv.02.37.khem.txt · Last modified: 2022/03/24 13:49 by Johann