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4:14 Puggalavaggo - English

Aṅguttara Nikāya

014. Puggalavaggo

1. Saṁyojanasuttaṁ


[014.01] Bhikkhus, these four persons are evident in the world. What four?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person's bonds binding him to the sensual world are not dispelled. His bonds that bring rebirth are not dispelled. His bond to desires are not dispelled.

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person's bonds binding him to the sensual world are dispelled. His bonds that bring rebirth are not dispelled. His bond to desires are not dispelled.

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person's bonds binding him to the sensual world are dispelled. His bonds that bring rebirth are dispelled. His bond to desires are not dispelled.

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person's bonds binding him to the sensual world are dispelled. His bonds that bring rebirth are dispelled. His bond to desires are dispelled.

Bhikkhus, of what kind of person are the bonds binding to the sensual world not dispelled. The bonds that bring rebirth not dispelled and the bond to desires not dispelled?

Bhikkhus, of a once returner, the bonds binding him to the sensual world are not dispelled, the bonds that bring rebirth are not dispelled and the bond to desires are not dispelled.

Bhikkhus, of what kind of person are the bonds binding to the sensual world dispelled, the bonds that bring rebirth not dispelled and the bond to desires not dispelled?

Bhikkhus, of one going up stream to the highest gods, the bonds binding him to the sensual world are dispelled, the bonds that bring rebirth are not dispelled and the bond to desires are not dispelled.

Bhikkhus, of what kind of person are the bonds binding to the sensual world dispelled, the bonds that bring rebirth are dispelled and the bond to desires not dispelled?

Bhikkhus, of one in final birth to extinguish the bonds binding him to the sensual world are dispelled, the bonds that bring rebirth are dispelled and the bond to desires are not dispelled.

Bhikkhus, of what kind of person are the bonds binding to the sensual world dispelled, the bonds that bring rebirth dispelled and the bond to desires dispelled?

Bhikkhus, of a worthy one, the bonds binding to the sensual world are dispelled, the bonds that bring rebirth are dispelled and the bond to desires are dispelled. . Bhikkhus, these four persons are evident in the world.

2. Paṭibhānasuttaṁ


[014.02] Bhikkhus, these four persons are evident in the world. What four?

The one with devoted understanding not released. one with released understanding not devoted, one with devoted and released understanding and the one with neither devoted nor released understanding.

Bhikkhus, these four persons are evident in the world.

3. Ugghaṭitaññūsuttaṁ

Flashing knowledge

[014.03] Bhikkhus, these four persons are evident in the world. What four?

The one with a flashing insight, the one with established knowledge, the one to be led along and the one who is limited to the word.

Bhikkhus, these four persons are evident in the world.

4. Uṭṭhānaphalasuttaṁ

Results of exertion

[014.04] Bhikkhus, these four persons are evident in the world. What four?

The one exerting not relying on attainments at birth, the one living on the attainments at birth not exerting, the one exerting and relying on attainments at birth and the one neither exrting nor relying on attainments at birth.

Bhikkhus, these four persons are evident in the world.

5. Sāvajjasuttaṁ


[014.05] Bhikkhus, these four persons are evident in the world. What four?

The one with faults, one with many faults, the one with few faults and the one who is faultless.

Bhikkhus, which one is with faults?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person is with faulty bodily actions, faulty verbal actions and faulty mental actions. Bhikkhus, such a person is with faults.

Bhikkhus, which one is with many faults?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person is with many faulty bodily actions and a few not faulty bodily actions, many faulty verbal actions and a few not faulty verbal actions, many faulty mental actions and a few not faulty mental actions. Bhikkhus, such a person is with many faults.

Bhikkhus, which one is with few faults?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person is with many non faulty bodily actions and a few faulty bodily actions, many non faulty verbal actions and a few faulty verbal actions many non faulty mental actions and a few faulty mental actions Bhikkhus, such a person is with few faults.

Bhikkhus, which one is faultless?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person is endowed with faultless bodily actions, faultless verbal actions and faultless mental actions. Bhikkhus, such a person is faultless.

Bhikkhus, these four persons are evident in the world. .

6. Paṭhamasīlasuttaṁ

The first on virtues

[014.06] Bhikkhus, these four persons are evident in the world. What four?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person is incomplete in virtues, concentration and wisdom. Another is complete in virtues and incomplete in concentration and wisdom. Yet another is complete in virtues and concentration and incomplete in wisdoom and the other is complete in virtues, concentration and wisdom.

Bhikkhus, these four persons are evident in the world.

7. Dutiyasīlasuttaṁ

The second on virtues

[014.07] Bhikkhus, these four persons are evident in the world. What four?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person neither esteems nor becomes supreme over virtues, concentration or wisdom. Another person esteems and becomes supreme over virtues and does not esteem or become supreme over concentration or wisdom. Another person esteems and becomes supreme over virtues and concentration and does not esteem or become supreme over wisdom. The other esteems and becomes supreme over virtues, concentration and wisdom.

Bhikkhus, these four persons are evident in the world.

8. Nikaṭṭhasuttaṁ


[014.08] Bhikkhus, these four persons are evident in the world. What four?

One with a debased body and not debased mind, one with a not debased body and debased mind, the one with a not debased body and not debased mind and the one with a debased body and debased mind.

Bhikkhus, which one has a debased body and not debased mind?

Here bhikkhus, a certain person dwells in forests and jungle paths and thinks sensual thoughts, angry thoughts and hurting thoughts. This person has a debased body and a not debased mind.

Bhikkhus, which one has a not debased body and debased mind?

Here bhikkhus, a certain person does not dwell in forests and jungle paths and thinks non sensual thoughts, non angry thoughts and non hurting thoughts. This person has a not debased body and debsed mind.

Bhikkhus, which one has a not debased body and a not debased mind?

Here bhikkhus, a certain person does not dwell in forests and jungle paths and thinks sensual thoughts, angry thoughts and hurting thoughts. This person has a not debased body and a not debased mind.

Bhikkhus, which one has a debased body and debased mind?

Here bhikkhus, a certain person dwells in forests and jungle paths and thinks non sensual thoughts, non angry thoughts and non hurting thoughts. This person has a debased body and debsed mind.

Bhikkhus, these four persons are evident in the world.

9. Dhammakathikasuttaṁ

Teachers of the Dhamma

[014.09] These four are teachers. What four?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain teacher says little of the inappropriate, his gathering is not clever to grasp the appropriate or the inappropriate. That kind of teacher suits that gathering. A certain teacher says little of the appropriate, his gathering is clever to grasp the appropriate or the inappropriate. That kind of teacher suits that gathering. A certain teacher says a lot of the inappropriate, his gathering is not clever to grasp the appropriate or the inappropriate. That kind of teacher suits that gathering. A certain teacher says a lot of the appropriate, his gathering is clever to grasp the appropriate or the inappropriate. That kind of teacher suits that gathering.

These four are the teachers.

10. Vādisuttaṁ


[014.10] Bhikkhus, these four are arguments. What four?

Bhikkhus, there is an argument which concludes according to the meaning not the letters.

There is an argument which concludes according to the letters not the meaning. There is an argument which concludes according to the meaning and the letters. There is an argument which concludes neither according to the meaning nor the letters.

Bhikkhus, these four are arguments.

Bhikkhus, it is not possible that an argument could be concluded according to meanings and letters endowed with reasons, conditions, causal relations and intended meaning.

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user/johann/work/uppa/sut/an/04/ · Last modified: 2019/11/23 10:00 by Johann