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5:9 Theravaggo - English

Aṅguttara Nikāya

009. Theravaggo


1. Rajanīyasuttaṁ Exciting things

[009.01] Bhikkhus, endowed with five things the elder bhikkhu becomes unpleasant, disagreeable, undeveloped and not honoured by co-associates in the holy life. What five?

He becomes excited for things that excite. Offending for things that arouse offensiveness. Becomes deluded for deluding things. Becomes hateful for things that cause hatefulness and intoxicated for things that cause intoxication. Bhikkhus, endowed with these five things the elder bhikkhu becomes unpleasant, disagreeable and undeveloped and not honoured by the co-associates in the holy life.

Bhikkhus, endowed with five things the elder bhikkhu becomes pleasant, agreeable, developed and honoured by co-associates in the holy life. What five?

He is not excited for things that excite. Does not get offended for things that arouse offensiveness. Not deluded for deluding things. Not hateful for things that cause hatefulness and not intoxicated for things that cause intoxication. Bhikkhus, endowed with these five things the elder bhikkhu becomes pleasant, agreeable and developed and honoured by the co-associates in the holy life.

2. Vītarāgasuttaṁ

Free from greed

[009.02] Bhikkhus, endowed with five things the elder bhikkhu becomes unpleasant, disagreeable, undeveloped and not honoured by co-associates in the holy life. What five?

He has not dispelled greed, has not dispelled hatred, has not dispelled delusion, is concealing and unmerciful. Bhikkhus, endowed with these five things the elder bhikkhu becomes unpleasant, disagreeable and undeveloped and not honoured by the co-associates in the holy life.

Bhikkhus, endowed with five things the elder bhikkhu becomes pleasant, agreeable, developed and honoured by co-associates in the holy life. What five?

He has dispelled greed, dispelled hatred, dispelled delusion, is open and merciful Bhikkhus, endowed with these five things the elder bhikkhu becomes pleasant, agreeable and developed and honoured by the co-associates in the holy life.

3. Kuhakasuttaṁ


[009.03] Bhikkhus, endowed with five things the elder bhikkhu becomes unpleasant, disagreeable, undeveloped and not honoured by co-associates in the holy life. What five?

He is a deceitful one, a mutter, a fortune teller, one who performs jugglery and one who desires gain upon gain. Bhikkhus, endowed with five things the elder bhikkhu becomes unpleasant, disagreeable, undeveloped and not honoured by co-associates in the holy life.

Bhikkhus, endowed with five things the elder bhikkhu becomes pleasant, agreeable, developed and honoured by co-associates in the holy life. What five?

He is not deceitful, not a mutter, not a fortune teller, does not perform jugglery and he does not desire gain upon gain. Bhikkhus, endowed with these five things the elder bhikkhu becomes pleasant, agreeable, developed and honoured by co-associates in the holy life.

4. Assaddhasuttaṁ

Without faith

[009.04] Bhikkhus, endowed with five things the elder bhikkhu becomes unpleasant, disagreeable, undeveloped and not honoured by co-associates in the holy life. What five?

He is without faith, without shame, without remorse, lazy and not wise. Bhikkhus, endowed with these five things the elder bhikkhu becomes unpleasant, disagreeable, undeveloped and not honoured by co-associates in the holy life.

Bhikkhus, endowed with five things the elder bhikkhu becomes pleasant, agreeable, developed and honoured by co-associates in the holy life. What five?

He is with faith, with shame, with remorse, with aroused effort is wise. Bhikkhus, endowed with these five things the elder bhikkhu becomes pleasant, agreeable, developed and honoured by co-associates in the holy life.

5. Akkhamasuttaṁ


[009.05] Bhikkhus, endowed with five things the elder bhikkhu becomes unpleasant, disagreeable, undeveloped and not honoured by co-associates in the holy life. What five?

. He is intolerant to forms, to sounds, smells, tastes and touches. Bhikkhus, endowed with these five things the elder bhikkhu becomes unpleasant, disagreeable, undeveloped and not honoured by co-associates in the holy life.

Bhikkhus, endowed with five things the elder bhikkhu becomes pleasant, agreeable, developed and honoured by co-associates in the holy life. What five?

He is tolerant to forms, sounds, smells, tastes and touches. Bhikkhus, endowed with these five things the elder bhikkhu becomes pleasant, agreeable, developed and honoured by co-associates in the holy life.

6. Paṭhisambhidāpattasuttaṁ

Discriminating knowledge

[009.06] Bhikkhus, endowed with five things the elder bhikkhu becomes pleasant, agreeable, developed and honoured by co-associates in the holy life. What five?

He understands the logical analysis of meanings. He understands the logical analysis of the Teaching. He understands the logical analysis of the roots of words. He gains the confidence of speech and becomes endowed with the ability to do and organize all things small and large for the co-associates in the holy life. Bhikkhus, endowed with these five things the elder bhikkhu becomes pleasant, agreeable, developed and honoured by co-associates in the holy life.

7. Sīlavantasuttaṁ

The virtuous

[009.07] Bhikkhus, endowed with five things the elder bhikkhu becomes pleasant, agreeable, developed and honoured by co-associates in the holy life. What five?

He becomes virtuous restrained in the higher code of rules. Seeing fear in the slightest fault develops the right behaviour. Becomes learned, bearing and treasuring what he has heard. Of that Teaching good at the beginning, middle and end and explains the complete and pure holy life, he becomes learned, bearing it in mind and experiencing it, sees with penetrating insight. He becomes one endowed with good polite words to explain the meanings. Of the four higher states of the mind, the pleasant abidings he becomes a gainer for nothing, a quick gainer. Having destroyed desires, and releasing the mind and released through wisdom, having realized here and now he abides. Bhikkhus, endowed with these five things the elder bhikkhu becomes pleasant, agreeable, developed and honoured by co-associates in the holy life.

8. Therasuttaṁ

The elder

[009.08] Bhikkhus, endowed with five things the elder bhikkhu falls to the method of unsuitability for many, for the ill luck and unpleasantness of many gods and men. What five?

The thera has a long standing, gone forth long since, is well-known and famous. Has a large following of householders and those gone forth. Is a gainer of robes, morsel food, dwellings and requisites when ill. He is learned, treasures what he has learned of the Teaching that is good at the beginning, middle and end, full of meaning in words and letters that state the complete and pure holy life. He bears that Teaching, practises it verbally and mentally touches it but does not penetratingly see it; he is one of wrong view, one of perverted view. He pulls out many from right view and establishes them in wrong view. The elder of long standing, gone forth long since, thus comes to an imitation of right view. The well-known famous bhikkhu with a following of householders and those gone forth, the gainer of robes, morsel food dwellings and requisites when ill, thus comes to an imitation of right view. Bhikkhus, endowed with these five things the elder bhikkhu falls to the method of unsuitability for many, for the ill luck and unpleasantness of many gods and men.

Again, bhikkhus, endowed with five things the elder bhikkhu falls to the method of suitability for many, for the good luck and pleasantness of many gods and men. What five?

The thera has a long standing, gone forth long since, is well-known and famous. Has a large following of householders and those gone forth. Is a gainer of robes, morsel food, dwellings and requisites when ill. He is learned, treasures what he has learned of the Teaching that is good at the beginning, middle and end, full of meanings in words and letters that state the complete and pure holy life. He bears that Teaching, practises it verbally and mentally touches it and penetratingly see it; he is one of right view, not of perverted view. He pulls out many from wrong view and establishes them in right view. The elder of long standing, gone forth long since, thus comes to right view. The well-known famous bhikkhu with a following of householders and those gone forth, the gainer of robes, morsel food dwellings and requisites when ill, thus comes to right view. Bhikkhus, endowed with these five things the elder bhikkhu falls to the method of suitability for many, for the good luck and pleasantness of many gods and men.

9. Paṭhamasekhasuttaṁ

First on a trainer

[009.09] Bhikkhus, five things conduce to the decrease of the trainer. What five?

Fondness for, activity, talk, sleep, company and not reflecting how the mind was released. Bhikkhus, these five things conduce to the decrease of the trainer.

Bhikkhus, five things conduce to the increase of the trainer. What five?

Is not fond of, activity, talking, sleep, company and is reflective as to how the mind was released. Bhikkhus, these five things conduce to the increase of the trainer.

10. Dutiyasekhasuttaṁ

Second on a trainer

[009.10] Bhikkhus, these five things conduce to the decrease of the trainer bhikkhu. What five?

Here, bhikkhus, the trainer bhikkhu has much to do, is settled about the many duties he has to do. Neglects seclusions and does not apply himself to internal appeasement. Bhikkhus, this is the first thing that conduces to the decrease of the trainer bhikkhu.

Again, bhikkhus, the trainer bhikkhu spends the day doing innumerāble duties. Neglects seclusions and does not apply himself to internal appeasement. Bhikkhus, this is the second thing that conduces to the decrease of the trainer bhikkhu.

Again, bhikkhus, the trainer bhikkhu lives with many associations with householders and those gone forth in order of arrival. Neglects seclusions and does not apply himself to internal appeasement. Bhikkhus, this is the third thing that conduces to the decrease of the trainer bhikkhu.

Again, bhikkhus, the trainer bhikkhu enters the village too early and leaves the village late. Neglects seclusions and does not apply himself to internal appeasement. Bhikkhus, this is the fourth thing that conduces to the decrease of the trainer bhikkhu.

Again, bhikkhus, the trainer bhikkhu does not become a gainer for nothing a quick and easy gainer of the revelations of the higher life such as wanting little, satisfaction, seclusions, no associations, arousing effort, talk on virtues, concentration, wisdom, release and knowledge and vision of release. He neglects seclusions and does not apply himself to internal appeasement. Bhikkhus, this is the fifth thing that conduces to the decrease of the trainer bhikkhu. Bhikkhus, these five things conduce to the decrease of the trainer bhikkhu.

Bhikkhus, these five things conduce to the increase of the trainer bhikkhu. What five?

Here, bhikkhus, the trainer bhikkhu has not much to do, is not settled on many duties he has to do. Does not neglect seclusions and applies himself to internal appeasement. Bhikkhus, this is the first thing that conduces to the increase of the trainer bhikkhu.

Again, bhikkhus, the trainer bhikkhu does not spend the day doing innumerāble duties. He does not neglect seclusions and applies himself to internal appeasement. Bhikkhus, this is the second thing that conduces to the increase of the trainer bhikkhu.

Again, bhikkhus, the trainer bhikkhu does not live with many associations with householders and those gone forth in order of arrival. Does not neglect seclusions and applies himself to internal appeasement. Bhikkhus, this is the third thing that conduces to the increase of the trainer bhikkhu.

Again, bhikkhus, the trainer bhikkhu does not enter the village too early and leave the village late. He does not neglect seclusions and applies himself to internal appeasement. Bhikkhus, this is the fourth thing that conduces to the increase of the trainer bhikkhu.

Again, bhikkhus, the trainer bhikkhu becomes a gainer for nothing a quick and easy gainer of the revelations of the higher life such as wanting little, satisfaction, seclusions, not hving many associations, arousing effort, talk on virtues, concentration, wisdom, release and knowledge and vision of release. He does not neglect seclusions and applies himself to internal appeasement. Bhikkhus, this is the fifth thing that conduces to the increase of the trainer bhikkhu. Bhikkhus, these five things conduce to the increase of the trainer bhikkhu.

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user/johann/work/uppa/sut/an/05/ · Last modified: 2019/11/23 11:20 by Johann