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Appamadavagga: Heedfulness



Dhp II PTS: Dhp 21-32

Appamadavagga: Heedfulness

translated from the Pali by

Thanissaro Bhikkhu

Alternate translation: Buddharakkhita | Daw Mya Tin | Ven. Varado

Alternate formats: dhammapada_en.pdf (??pages/0.8MB)


(Cross-reference: 21-24)

Heedfulness: the path to the Deathless. Heedlessness: the path to death. The heedful do not die. The heedless are as if already dead. Knowing this as a true distinction, those wise in heedfulness rejoice in heedfulness, enjoying the range of the noble ones. The enlightened, constantly absorbed in jhana, persevering, firm in their effort: they touch Unbinding, the unexcelled rest from the yoke. Those with initiative, mindful, clean in action, acting with due consideration, heedful, restrained, living the Dhamma: their glory grows.


Through initiative, heedfulness, restraint, & self-control, the wise would make an island no flood can submerge.


They're addicted to heedlessness — dullards, fools — while one who is wise cherishes heedfulness as his highest wealth.


Don't give way to heedlessness or to intimacy with sensual delight — for a heedful person, absorbed in jhana, attains an abundance of ease.


When the wise person drives out heedlessness with heedfulness, having climbed the high tower of discernment, sorrow-free, he observes the sorrowing crowd — as the enlightened man, having scaled a summit, the fools on the ground below.


Heedful among the heedless, wakeful among those asleep, just as a fast horse advances, leaving the weak behind: so the wise.


Through heedfulness, Indra won to lordship over the gods. Heedfulness is praised, heedlessness censured — always.


The monk delighting in heedfulness, seeing danger in heedlessness, advances like a fire, burning fetters great & small. The monk delighting in heedfulness, seeing danger in heedlessness — incapable of falling back — stands right on the verge of Unbinding.

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en/tipitaka/sut/kn/dhp/dhp.02.than.txt · Last modified: 2023/02/06 05:07 by Johann