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viññāṇakkhandha {pi}

Pāḷi; √ viññāṇa + kkhandha
alt. sp.: IPA: ʋɪɲɲɑːɳəkkʰən̪d̪ʰə, Velthuis: vi~n~naa.nakkhandha, readable: vinnyaanakkhandha, simple: vinnanakkhandha
translation ~:
khmer: វិញ្ញាណក្ខន្ធ
thai: วิญฺญาณกฺขนฺธ
sinhal.: විඤ්ඤාණක්ඛන්ධ
burm.: ဝိညာဏက္ခန္ဓ


[dic] viññāṇakkhandha (vinnanakkhandha)

viññāṇakkhandha: an aspect of mind (citta), mostly translated as consciousness, traditional 'knowing' or conscious/discerning at the eye-, ear-, nose-, thonge-, body-, intellect/mind-(base).

ATI Glossary

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Buddhist Dictionary

by late Ven. Nyanalokita Thera:

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Table I

See (viññāṇa-kkhandha): Table I

Table I - Consciousness-States (viññāna-kkhandha)

Table I - Consciousness-States (viññāṇa-kkhandha)
karmic wholesome (kusala) karmic unwholesome (akusala) karmic neutral (avyākata)
(kāmā- vacara)

1. accompanied by joy, associated with knowledge, unprompted
2. accompanied by joy, associated with knowledge, prompted
3. accompanied by joy, dissociated with knowledge, unprompted
4. accompanied by joy, dissociated with knowledge, prompted
5. accompanied by equanimity, associated with knowledge, unprompted
6. accompanied by indifference, associated with knowledge, prompted
7. accompanied by indifference, dissociated with knowledge, unprompted
8. accompanied by indifference, dissociated with knowledge, prompted
Rooted in attachment (lobha):

22. accompanied by joy, associated with wrong view, unprompted
23. accompanied by joy, associated with wrong view, prompted
24. accompanied by joy, dissociated with wrong view, unprompted
25. accompanied by joy, dissociated with wrong view, prompted
26. accompanied by indifference, associated with wrong view, unprompted
27. accompanied by indifference, associated with wrong view, prompted
28. accompanied by indifference, dissociated with wrong view, unprompted
29. accompanied by indifference, dissociated with wrong view, prompted

Rooted in ill-will or aversion (dosa):

30. accompanied by grief, associated with resentment, unprompted
31. accompanied by grief, associated with resentment, prompted

Rooted in delusion (moha):

32. accompanied by indifference, and associated with doubts
33. accompanied by indifference, and associated with agitation
(a) resultant (vipāka)
profitable result (with pleasant object)

34.-38. eye-,ear-,nose-,tongue-, body-consciousness, pleasant
39. mind-element (mano-dhātu) (Receiving)
40. mind-consciousness-element acc. by joy (mano-viññāna-dhātu) (investigating registration)
41. mind-consciousness-element acc. by equanimity (investigating, registration, rebirth linking, life continuum, death)
42.-49. = 1 to 8 (registration, rebirth linking, life continuum, death)

unprofitable result with painful object

50.-54. eye-,ear-,nose-,tongue-, body-consciousness, painful
55. mind-object: (mano-dhātu) (Receiving)
56. mind-consciousness-element (investigating, registration, rebirth linking, life continuum, death)
(b) functional (kiriya)

70. mind-element (5 door Adverting)
71. mind-consciousness-element (5 door Determining; Mind door Adverting)
72. mind consciousness element acc. by joy (Impulsion)

73.-80. = 1 to 8 (Impulsion)
[72-98 only in Arahat ]
fine-material sphere

9. thought-conception, discursive thinking, rapture, joy, concentration
10. discursive thinking, rapture, joy, concentration
11. rapture, joy, concentration
12. joy, concentration (Imp.)
13. equanimity, concentration

58. = 9 to 13 (rebirth linking, life continuum, death, existence)

82. = 9 to 13 (Impulsion)
immaterial sphere

14. sphere of boundless space
15. sphere of boundless consciousness (Impulsion)
16. sphere of nothingness
17. sphere of neither-perception-nor-non-perception

63. = 14 to 17 (rebirth linking, life continuum, death, existence)

87. = 14 to 17 (Impulsion)


18. path moment - stream entry
19. path moment - once return
20. path moment - non return
21. path moment Arahantship

66. fruition moment - stream entry
67. fruition moment - once return
68. fruition moment - non return
69. fruition moment - Arahantship
  • Rebirth linking (patisandhi): 41-49, 56-65, 19 kinds
  • Life continuum (bhavaṅga): 41-49, 56-65, 19 kinds
  • Adverting (āvajjana): 70-71, 2 kinds
  • Sense doors, seeing, etc.: 5 profitable- and 5 unprofitable-result, 10 kind
  • Receiving (sampaṭicchana): 39 and 55, 2 kinds
  • Investigating (santīraṇa): 40-41, 56, 3 kinds
  • Determining (voṭṭhabbana): 71, 1 kind
  • Impulsion (javana): 1-33, 66-69, 72-89, 55 kinds
  • Registration (tad-ārammaṇa): 40-49 and 56, 11 kinds
  • Death (cuti): 41-49, 56-65, 19 kinds

PTS Dictionary

by the Pali Text Society:


Glossary Thanissaro

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Illustrated Glossary of Pāli Terms

by Ven. Varado Maha Thera:

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Glossary various Teacher

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See also

Suttas and Dhammadesanā

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en/dictionary/viññāṇakkhandha.txt · Last modified: 2019/09/24 13:52 by